Kimball's Biology 描述: John W. Kimball是哈佛大学免疫学教授.本书是以他的名字命名的一本经典教材。该教材分成16张分别介绍了生物行为(Behavior);生物化学;肿瘤;细胞生物学;化学;生物多样性;DNA&RNA ;生态学;胚胎发育;进化;普通科学;遗传学;免疫学;分子;生理学;植物生物学。虽然本书为了保持知识的更新,有一个"Backgroud to biology news",这个栏目专门介绍世界上有关生物学界发生的一些新闻然后将这些新闻中所涉及的知识点引证到书中相关章节进行解释,十分实用。
Grouped by category:
Browsing this list may reveal, more easily than searching through the index/glossary, topics you wish to examine.
- Ames Test for mutagens
- Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides and their therapeutic potential
- Antisense RNA
- Base Pairing: in DNA and RNA
- DNA chips
- DNA recombination in meiosis
- DNA Repair
- DNA Replication
- DNA sequencing by the dideoxy method
- DNA vaccines
- The Double Helix: of DNA
- Endoreplication
- Expressed Sequence Tags
- Gene Expression in Prokaryotes
- Gene Therapy: methods and prospects and recent advances
- Genetic recombination in bacteria
- The Genetic Code
- Genome Sizes
- Harlequin chromosomes
- The Hershey-Chase Experiments
- The Human Genome Projects
- Imprinted Genes
- Insulators between genes
- The Meselson-Stahl Experiment
- Molecular polymorphisms
- Mutations: causes and significance
- Mutations: testing for mutagenic chemicals in bacteria and in mice
- Nucleotides
- Operons
- Palindromes
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Polyploidy
- Promoters
- Radiation and its effect on DNA
- Recombinant DNA and Gene Cloning
- Restriction Enzymes: the tools upon which molecular biology and biotechnology depend
- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs): and their use in medical diagnosis and law enforcement
- Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene cluster
- Ribozymes
- RNA editing
- Steroid Response Elements: how steroid hormones regulate gene expression
- Telomeres
- Testing for mutagens in mice
- Aging
- Birth Control
- Blood
- Blood Clotting
- Blood Groups
- Bone
- Breathing (respiratory system): [Human] [in frogs, lizards, and birds] [Insect]
- Circulatory system of humans: anatomy and physiology
- Circulatory systems of fish, frog, lizard, squid
- Can Humans Be Cloned?
- Drugs: how psychoactive drugs affect the brain
- Electric organs and electroreceptors
- Extraembryonic membranes and the physiology of the placenta
- Hearing
- Heart, control of
- Heat, cold, and pain receptors
- Heat, transport of
- The Human Gastrointestinal Tract
- Hormones (human)
- Inflammation
- Insect hormones
- Kidney physiology: [ human ] [other vertebrates]
- Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)
- The Lymphatic System
- Mechanoreceptors (touch, pressure, stretch, proprioception)
- Metabolism (with links to specific examples)
- Muscles: skeletal, cardiac, smooth
- Muscles: testing the sliding-filament hypothesis
- Neurons and other "excitable cells"
- Nervous System, central: the brain and spinal cord.
- Nervous System, peripheral
- Nitric Oxide (NO): its physiological functions
- Nutrition
- Olfaction: The Sense of Smell
- Pain
- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Pheromones
- Prenatal screening
- RDAs: Recommended dietary allowances
- Sexual Reproduction
- Synapses
- Taste, sense of
- Urea cycle
- Vision, in humans; in arthropods
- Vision: processing visual information