[编者按] 我们刚收到在欧洲工作的医学博士祝国光老师来稿,提供以英国桑德兰大学药化名誉教授马尔科姆•胡珀(Prof Malcolm Hooper)为代表的22位全球知名教授签署的公开谴责转基因黄金大米(Golden Rice )在人体身上进行临床试验的不道德行为,尽管这封公开信是在2009年2月发表的,但是它可以让中国公众从另一个角度了解欧美国家的一些严谨科学家,在转基因主粮安全性问题上的立场与观点。
[译者的话] 近日,收到欧洲、美国和加拿大的几位同事来信,告知关于美国和中国有人在中国做转基因黄金大米人体试验一事,及中国的李连达院士力挺该试验的长篇讲话,希望我能做点什么。
这封信是2009年2月发表的,当时我刚好代表欧洲中医协会到中国揭露李连达院士课题组近20篇论文造假案。李连达造假案曾轰动整个欧洲学术界。历史真会开玩笑,我没有想到的是时至2012年,这位大名鼎鼎的造假院士还在打着中国工程院院士和中国中医科学院首席研究员(注意这是现职,不是退休职位)的旗号招摇撞骗,为这项严重违反科学伦理、违背纽伦堡法典、并且违反中国政府规定的黄金大米在儿童身上进行临床试验大唱赞歌。经过在2009年之后这几年同李院士的多次涉及科学基本原则问题讨论与交手,自己对李连达其人己经比较了解。这次原本对转基因问题和营养科学毫无研究的李院士迫不及待地跳出以院士身份为转基因黄金大米试验站台,其原因和动机值得公众高度质疑,特别是要弄清李连达院士与黄金大米违法人体试验案是否有关联、有什么关联,它们很可能就是揭开整个转基因黄金大米试验内幕的关键。 这封2009年发表的公开信,恰恰是从科学的角度,批驳了类似李连达院士这样不遵守科学原则、不遵守各国法制,却公开力挺转基因黄金大米试验的人口中所谓理由。它给中国的科学界必须提高法“治”水平提供了又一个鲜活案例!
祝国光 ********************************************************
罗伯特•罗素 教授,
Professor Emeritus, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Tufts University School of Medicine
711 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111-1524
电子邮件:rob.russell @ tufts.edu
1. Project NCT 00680355.(10) Bioavailability of Golden Rice Carotenoids in Humans.
2. Project NCT 00082420. Retinol Equivalence of Plant Carotenoids in Children.
3. Project NCT 00680212. Vitamin A Equivalence of Plant Carotenoids in Children.
我们想提醒你,在临床试验网站和其他公开的文献中,对你们实验中所用的金大米的品种(GR2)描述的生物学和生物化学特性是不足的,是远远不够做出预临床评价的。它是一种没有经过时间考验被证明是独特的,均匀的和稳定的转基因产品。并且从来没有在世界任何地方通过法规/审批程序。现在大量的证据表明,转基因作物/食品有非常容易疏忽和不可预测的多效性作用,用转基因食品喂养动物,能够导致对健康产生有害的影响(有关综述请见Pusztai and Bardocz , 2006; Schubert, 2008; Dona and Arvanitoyannis, 2009)。我们尤其关心的是,这种设计产生过量β-胡萝卜素的大米,从未做过动物试验。 而大量的医学文献显示,β-胡萝卜素可以转化成类维生素A化合物,后者是有毒的,并且会导致出生缺陷。
可以肯定地说,这些缺乏安全信息的试验在欧盟范围内是不会被批准的,这凸显美国农业部和FDA监管体系在转基因食品方面的缺陷,即在没有过硬的实验数据之前,总是假设转基因作物/食品“通常认为是安全的 ”。
1. Pusztai A. and Bardocz S. (2006) GMO in animal nutrition: potential benefits and risks. In: Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals, eds. R. Mosenthin, J. Zentek and T. Zebrowska, Elsevier Limited, pp. 513-540.
2. Schubert D.R. (2008) The problem with nutritionally enhanced plants. J Med Food. 11: 601-605.
3. Dona A. and Arvanitoyannis I.S. (2009) Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr., 49: 164–175.
Prof Malcolm Hooper, Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Sunderland SUNDERLAND , SR2 3SD , UK .
Prof David Schubert Salk Institute for Biological Studies 10010 N. Torrey Pines Road, La. Jolla, CA 92037 USA
Professor Brian Goodwin Schumacher College, Dartington Hall Estate, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EA
Dr Michael Antoniou Head: Nuclear Biology Group King's College London School of Medicine Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics 8th Floor, Tower Wing Guy's Hospital Great Maze Pond London SE1 9RT, UK
Dr Vandana Shiva Ph D Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology 105 Rajpur Road Dehra Dun, India
Stanley W.B. Ewen M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D., F.R.C.Path. Consultant Pathologist (Locum) Department of Pathology, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD UK
Dr Mira Shiva MD Initiative for Health and Equity A 60 Hauz Khas New Delhi, 110016 India
Dr Brian John (Past Lecturer in Geography, University of Durham) Member, Independent Science Panel Trefelin Cilgwyn Newport, Pembrokeshire SA42 0QN
Dr Phil Davies Director, Institute of Health and Environmental Research, PO Box 155 Kensington Park, South Australia, 5068
Dr Irina Ermakova Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS (IHNA) Russian Academy of Sciences Butlerov str., 5a, Moscow 117463, Russia
Dr Judy Carman BSc (Hons) PhD MPH MPHAA Epidemiologist and Biochemist Director Institute of Health and Environmental Research PO Box 155 Kensington Park, South Australia, 5068
Prof E R Orskov IFRU Macaulay Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Professor Leda Raptis, Ph.D. Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Dept. of Pathology Botterell Hall, Room 713 Queen's University Kingston, Ontario Canada, K7L 3N6
Dr Eva Novotny Associate, Institute of Science in Society, Member Independent Science Panel, 25 Brownlow Road, Cambridge, CB4 3NG
Professor Peter T Saunders Professor of Applied Mahematics Department of Mathematics King's College London Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Dr E. Ann Clark, Associate Professor Department of Plant Agriculture University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
Professor Carlo Leifert Res Dev Prof of Ecological Agriculture Newcastle University School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (SAFRD) Nafferton Farm Stocksfield Northumberland, NE43 7XD, UK
Dr Mae-Wan Ho Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 51885, London, NW2 9DH, UK.
Professor Ralph C. Martin, Ph.D., P.Ag., Founding Director, Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada Department of Plant and Animal Sciences Nova Scotia Agricultural College Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5E3
Prof. Joe Cummins Prof. Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario, 738 Wilkins Street, London, Ontario , Canada N6C4z9
Prof David Suzuki Professor Emeritus Zoology Dept. University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada
Joan Knox Food Service Manager -Advocate for Children University of Guelph Child Care and Learning Centre University of Guelph. 50 Stone Road East . Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada
Copies: 副本:
Tufts Medical Center and TUHS Institutional Review Board -- Jennifer A. Graf, BA IRB Administrative and Operations Manager jgraf@tuftsmedicalcenter.org
Dr David Chelmow Chair, Tufts University Institutional Review Board dchelmow@tuftsmedicalcenter.org
Dr Leslie Curtis NIDDK Office of Communications and Public Liaison lesliecurtis@mail.nih.gov
Dr Guangwen Tang Golden Rice Project researcher guangwen.tang@Tufts.edu
Scientists Protest Unethical Clinical Trials of GM Golden Rice
Professor Robert Russell,
Professor Emeritus, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Tufts University School of Medicine
711 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111-1524
Email: rob.russell@tufts.edu
Dear Professor Russell,
We are writing to express our shock and unequivocal denunciation of the experiments being conducted by your colleagues which involve the feeding of genetically modified Golden Rice to human subjects (adults and children.) We are all senior scientists / academics with a professional interest in the health and environmental effects of GMOs. We refer to three trials described on the US Clinical Trials web site:
1. Project NCT 00680355.(10) Bioavailability of Golden Rice Carotenoids in Humans.
2. Project NCT 00082420. Retinol Equivalence of Plant Carotenoids in Children.
3. Project NCT 00680212. Vitamin A Equivalence of Plant Carotenoids in Children.
We wish to remind you that the variety of Golden Rice used in these experiments (GR2) is inadequately described in terms of biological and biochemical characterisation on the Clinical Trials web site and indeed anywhere else in the publicly available literature, and has woefully inadequate pre-clinical evaluation. It is a genetically modified product which has not been shown to be distinctive, uniform and stable over time. It has never been through a regulatory /approvals process anywhere in the world. There is now a large body of evidence that shows that GM crop/food production is highly prone to inadvertent and unpredictable pleiotropic effects, which can result in health damaging effects when GM food products are fed to animals (for reviews see Pusztai and Bardocz , 2006; Schubert, 2008; Dona and Arvanitoyannis, 2009). More specifically, our greatest concern is that this rice, which is engineered to overproduce beta carotene, has never been tested in animals, and there is an extensive medical literature showing that retinoids that can be derived from beta carotene are both toxic and cause birth defects.
In these circumstances the use of human subjects (including children who are already suffering illness as a result of Vitamin A deficiency) for GM feeding experiments is completely unacceptable. The three Projects listed breach the Nuremberg Code / medical ethics code on a number of counts, and we urge you to call them to a halt immediately. They should not be resumed unless and until the researchers can demonstrate that a full range of laboratory and animal feeding trials have been completed and published for the Golden Rice strain being used, and unless and until appropriate regulatory bodies have had an opportunity to come to a view on the health and safety issues about which we are very concerned.
We can assure you that such trials would not have been approved within the European Union in the absence of safety information, which highlights yet again the flaw of the USDA and FDA regulatory system in considering GM crops/foods as hypothetically “generally recognised as safe – GRAS” in the absence of hard experimental data. (责任编辑:泉水) |