光明网卫生频道的专家专栏作者刘实先生,是美国国家环保局研究员,美籍华裔科学家,在美国从事微生物学家和生命科学的开拓性研究的,给我们发来一封题为《关于进行公开的转基因作物安全测试的公开呼吁(An open appeal for performing public safety tests on GM crops)》。全文如下:
An open appeal for performing public safety tests on GM crops
最近一篇社论描述从介绍法国转基因(GM)玉米(GMM)研究中观察到的“毒姿势”(《自然》489:474,2012),由此提出了一个如何看待转基因作物(GMCs)真正安全性的问题。虽然法国科学家对转基因作物(GMCs)的第一个老鼠生命全程测试不尽完美,但对于那些只做短期测试就下安全结论的研究来讲它仍然是一个有价值的进步。因此,对长期安全研究的苛刻批评( 《自然》489:484,2012年;《科学》 )与对用短期安全性测试来影响转基因作物(GMCs)长期作用看法的轻易接受已形成了鲜明的对比。
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by Martin Enserink on 21 September 2012, 2:28 PM|
A study released on Wednesday purporting to show that genetically modified (GM) corn can cause tumors and death in rats was panned by many scientists. But that does not mean it won't have political impact—especially in France, where the study was carried out and where it has garnered massive media attention.
Yesterday, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault announced that the High Council for Biotechnology (HCB) and the Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety have been asked to look into the study, headed by Gilles-Eric Séralini of the University of Caen and published by Food and Chemical Toxicology this week. If the results are confirmed, Ayrault said at a meeting in Dijon, agriculture minister Stéphane Le Foll would defend France's right within the European Union to ban GM crops. Three committees in France's National Assembly will invite Séralini for hearings, Le Figaro reported yesterday.
The European Commission has asked the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma, Italy, to look into the study as well. In California, meanwhile, supporters of a proposed law to make labeling of GM food mandatory have seized on the study to bolster their case. The proposition is on the ballot for the November elections in the United States.
In the paper, Séralini reports that rats fed Monsanto's herbicide-resistant maize variety NK603 for 2 years—which is close to their maximum life span—died earlier than rats on a non-GM maize diet. They developed tumors more frequently and suffered from hormone imbalances, according to the study. Critics have pounced on the study, which they say has serious statistical and other problems.
But those criticisms have received relatively little attention in France, in part because of the team's media strategy. The researchers provided some French journalists with advance access to the paper, but, in an unusual move, barred them from showing it to other scientists and asking for comment. As a result, few critical notes were sounded until the next day. The weekly magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, which had been granted exclusive access to the research team, produced a huge package on the study in Thursday's issue, announced on an alarming cover that said: "Yes, GMOs are poison!"
"This is a terrible situation for genetically modified organisms in France," says Marc Fellous, a geneticist at the Université Paris 7 and a former president of the commission that preceded HCB. "All this publicity has a very negative impact. People don't trust the experts anymore." Séralini was not available for comment today.
The media storm seems set to increase. Next week, Séralini has a book coming out about his work, entitled Tous cobayes? (Are we all guinea pigs?). His study also features prominently in a film of the same title by director Jean-Paul Jaud.
EFSA, in a short statement on its Web site, confirmed that it "will consider the paper's relevance" in the context of its "ongoing" monitoring of GM safety concerns, but did not say how it would evaluate the study specifically. The agency is no stranger to Séralini's work: In 2007, it investigated a paper of his that challenged the statistical analyses underlying EFSA's approval of Monsanto's maize variety MON 863. That time, EFSA concluded that certain assumptions underlying Séralini's statistics "led to misleading results" and that his paper did "not present a sound scientific justification" to question the GM crop's safety.
Shamed Not including the controls in the graphs for comparison is one of the cheapest tricks (and frankly unscientific), not to mention the small number of controls. Who reviewed the paper? I'm not a fan of GM foods, but this study is a shame to science.
balancingact Poor science that is controversial captures the hearts of most people much more than the truth. People really want to point fingers at Monsanto (or Bayer with the neonicitinoids) - and are willing to state things for facts that they really know nothing about (see Maje). For me, I am cautious on both sides. Everyone understands that these multinationals have a primary objective of making $$ but on the same level Seralini has a history of bias. Therefore, as Shi points out, it is imperative that independent studies are conducted.
Shi V. Liu I am surprised this is the FIRST whole lifespan study on any GMO. Why such simple but really necessary test was not done before? I encourage those doubting the validity of this study perform some independent studies to see if the conclusions of this study will hold up.
NeedMoreFacts I read that Séralini found the same either when the GM corn was fed or when animals were given Roundup-laced water. So, it's the pesticide causing the harm, not the corn.
Dr Colossus The study pointed out that there are many profiles of the plants which are not compared but could affect the metabolism of things which eat it. These could be primary metabolites like fats, sugars, amino acids, secondary metabolites, flavones, etc, or even things like microRNAs.
Rémi J. ALL other studies were made over 3 months only. Do you really think it is enough?? Nobody can certify GMOs do not make any harm. And since there are plenty of alternatives, I don't want to eat that crap food. And I am happy that in Europe, we don't allow whatever substance just because it is a high profit area.
HunterST2 Monsanto is more powerful than many small countries. It takes real bravery to go up against them. They are ruthless in claiming large chunks of genomes as their own private property. They don't hesitate to obliterate by lawsuit anyone who stands in their way. Bravo the French!
marthaseymour As if all the scientists funded by agribusiness in general and Monsanto in particular aren't biased, far more biased than the brave environmentalists willing to go against this business-government monolith. How could this frankenfood possibly be good for us? it is only good for big corporate profits. We are poisoning the environment and our children, and it makes no sense whatever to ASSUME it's all perfectly harmless just because Monsanto and those on its payroll insists it is.
Maje The roundup poison is inside the plant. Genetically modified with the poison Roundup. Not hard to figure out (责任编辑:泉水) |