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时间:2007-06-29 21:53来源:神经所 作者:admin

Aike Guo, Ph.D.

Rm 310, ION Building
Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai 200031
Email: akguo@ ion.ac.cn
Phone: 86-21-5492 1785

1979年获慕尼黑大学自然科学博士, 1988年任中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员,

他曾主持国家基金委重大项目《神经网络理论模型及应用方法研究》, (1990.07-1993.06),并先后主持两项国家自然科学基金委信息科学部重点项目《主动视觉及其计算神经科学基础》和《视觉信息的群体动态时空编码和选择性注意机制》。国家重点基础研究发展规划(973) <脑发育和可塑性的基础研究> (G2000077800)( 2000.4至2005.3) , 首席科学家。


1. 确立了果蝇在视觉模式和嗅觉信息之间的联想式操作条件化学习与记忆;
2. 确立了果蝇视觉联想记忆的短、中、长时程和抗麻醉记忆的四个不同的时间动力学阶段, 发现视觉长时程记忆的形成及巩固与蛋白质合成的关系;
3. 果蝇视觉注意的研究,证明了果蝇脑也有类似注意状态及该状态的涌现机制。新近的实验证明果蝇脑蘑菇体参与注意过程的反差增益调控;
4. 开创了果蝇的面对两难的抉择研究,通过设计“颜色/图形”双视觉线索的两难抉择范式,发现了果蝇在面对两难视觉线索时,具有基于先前的记忆和经历,权衡利弊趋利避害之抉择能力。为理解抉择脑过程的基因、细胞、回路机制、计算原则提供了更为简单的模式生物和新范式。
5. 果蝇类淀粉样前体蛋白(APPL)对神经元形态,兴奋性及学习/记忆功能的调控作用;
6. 果蝇脑内多巴胺系统与视觉注意关系的研究,发现长时程多巴胺剥夺会损害视觉注意.

1. 发展果蝇面对两难抉择的新范式,从基因遗传操作,形态学,神经生物学,定量行为学等多层次多学科交叉的研究两难抉择的分子、细胞、回路,建立果蝇抉择的神经计算模型.相信果蝇在自然选择过程中所形成的问题求解策略,可能对认识脑-智力关系有提示作用.
2. 果蝇跨通道(视觉和嗅觉)记忆协同和记忆传递机制的研究:
人类的跨通道(视觉和嗅觉)的感知和注意已成为脑-认知研究的一个新热点.我们的研究发现果蝇的跨通道的协同记忆(视觉和嗅觉)(memory synergism),跨通道的外原注意(exogenous attention)和果蝇跨通道的记忆传递(memory transfer);其记忆信息协同和传递的时间窗口和脑过程正在探索中.
3. 果蝇的日节律基因对学习/记忆的调控;
4. 果蝇抗伤害感受的行为范式及神经机制研究;
5. 某些人类的重要的神经退行性疾病的果蝇模式动物研究,目前集中在PD疾病.


1. Zhang, K., Guo, J., Peng, Y., Xi, W., and Guo, A. (2007) Dopamine-Mushroom Body Circuit Regulates Saliency-Based Decision-Making in Drosophila. Science 316: 1901-1904.
2.Peng, Y., Xi, W., Zhang, W., Zhang, K., and Guo, A. (2007) Experience Improves Feature Extraction in Drosophila. J. Neurosci. 27: 5139-5145.
3. Xu, S., Cang, C., Liu, X., Peng, Y., Ye, Y., Zhao, Z., and Guo, A. (2006) Thermal nociception in adult Drosophila: behavioral characterization and the role of the painless gene. Genes Brain Behav. 5(8): 602-613.
4. Guo, J., and Guo, A. (2005) Crossmodal Interactions Between Olfactory and Visual Learning in Drosophila. Science 309: 307-310.
5. Zhou, X., Yuan, C., and Guo, A. (2005) Drosophila Olfactory Response Rhythms Require Clock Genes but Not Pigment Dispersing Factor or Lateral Neurons. J. Biol. Rhythm. 20: 237-244.
6. Ye, Y., Xi, W., Peng, Y., Wang, Y., and Guo, A. (2004) Long-term but not short-term blockade of dopamine release in Drosophila impairs orientation during flight in a visual attention paradigm. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20: 1001-1007.
7. Tang, S., and Guo, A. (2001) Choice behavior of Drosophila facing contradictory visual cues. Science, 294: 1543-1547.
8. Wu, Z., Gong, Z., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (2000) An emergent mechanism of selective visual attention in Drosophila. Biol.Cybern., 82: 61-68.
9. Yu, D., Feng, C., and Guo A. (1999) Altered Outward K Currents in Drosophila Larval Neurons of memory Mutants rutabaga and amnesiac. J. Neurobio., 40: 158-171.
10.Xia, S., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (1999) Temporary amnesia induced by cold-anasthesia and hypoxia in Drosophila. Physiology & Behavior, 65/4-5: P617-623.
11. Xia, S., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (1998) Multiple-phase model of memory consolidation confirmed by behavioral and pharmacological analyses of operant conditioning in Drosophila. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 60: 809-816.
12. Liu, L., Wang, X., Xia, S., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (1998) Conditioned Visual flight Orientation in Drosophila melanogaster Abolished by Benzaldehyde. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 61: 349-355.
13. Guo, A., and Goetz, K.(1997) Association of visual objects and olfactory cues in Drosophila. Learning & Memory, 4: 192-205.
14. Xia, S., Liu, L., Feng,C., and Guo, A. (1997) Memory condolidation in Drosophila operant visual lerning. Learning & Memory, 4: 205-219.
15.Xia, S., Liu, L., Feng,C., and Guo A. (1997) Drug disruption of Short-term memory in Drosophila melanogaster. Pharmacol, Biochemi. & Behav., 58: 727-735.
16. Guo, A., Liu, L., Xia, S., Feng, C., Wolf, R., and Heisenberg, M (1996) Conditioned visual flight orientation in Drosophila: Dependence on Age, Practices and Diet. Learning & Memory., 3: 49-59.

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