由日本京都大学和上海复旦大学共同举办的主题为“现代医学中的前沿生物科学”研讨会,希望邀请学校的相关老师、研究生参加,为大家提供共同学习与交流的机会。 会议时间:2008年10月9日--11日 主 办 单 位 :京都大学
赞 助 单 位:京都大学财团
合 作 单 位:大学院医学研究科全球COE项目
地址:中国复旦大学上海医学院 上海市医学院路138号明道楼报告厅1楼
特别邀请 :中川 诚人 Molecular Mechanism for Generation of Antibody Memory 京都大学iPS细胞研究中心?山中伸弥(YAMANAKA Shinya)教授研究组 长冈 仁 Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cell by Sox2, Oct4, Klf4, and c-Myc Transcription Factors and their Family Genes 京都大学大学院医学研究科寄附讲座(免疫遗传子医学讲座)?本庶佑(HONJO Tasuku)教授研究组
*Opening Remarks by The President of Kyoto University
*(Scheduled Speakers and Topics)
*I. Animal Models for Human Diseases Shuh Narumiya (Allergy and inflammation) Reiko Shinkura (Immunology and genetics) Yo-ichi Nabeshima (Senescence and metabolism) Nagahiro Minato (Immunology and cancer) Shimon Sakaguchi (Autoimmunity and immune regulation) Shigekazu Nagata (Apoptosis and diseases) Makoto Taketo (Cancer and genetics) Takashi Nagasawa (Hematology and stem cells) Yunzeng Zou (Cardiology)
*II. Molecular Mechanisms in Infection Masao Mitsuyama (Mycobacteria and host defense) Yoshio Koyanagi (Molecular biology of HIV) Takashi Fujita (Viral infection and host defence)
*III. Frontier Regenerative Medicine Masato Nakagawa (iPS cells and regenerative medicine) Takashi Shinohara (Reproduction and stem cells) Ryoichiro Kageyama (Neuronal stem cells) Qi-Qun Tang (Adipocyte differentiation)
*IV. Trends in Diagnosis and Translational Research Hidenao Fukuyama (Functional brain imaging) Fumihiko Matsuda (Genetic epidemiology) Masanori Fukushima (Systems for translational research) Ping Zheng (Neurosteroids) Zhi-Li Huang (Sleep and genetics)
(责任编辑:泉水) |