2009 国际软件工程会议 (WCSE 2009) 2009年5月19日至21日 福建 厦门 WCSE 2009 会议将为全球软件工程研究人员和实际工作者提供公布新发现和探讨新方法的平台。 WCSE 2009 论文集将由IEEE Computer Society CPS出版,论文集中全部论文将被 EI Compendex, ISTP, 和 IEEE Xplore检索 。 会议领域包括(但不限于)Software metrics; Software tools and development environments; Software policy and ethics; Programming languages; Internet and information systems development; Software requirements; Software architecture and design; Software components and reuse; Software testing and analysis; Human-Computer Interaction; Software processes and workflows; Software dependability, safety, privacy and reliability; Reverse engineering and maintenance; Program comprehension and visualization,等等。 重要日期: 投稿截止: 2008年11月15日 (会议仅收英文投稿) 除了发表和宣读论文,会议也将提供展示与会议相关的产品和设备的场所。 厦门风景秀丽,四季如春,“城在海上,海在城中”,是中国著名的海滨旅游城市和国际游船观光口岸。在环境保护、园林绿化、文明卫生方面走在全国前列,被公认为中国最适宜生活的城市之一。名胜风景点包括鼓浪屿(“海上花园”,国家级重点风景区),胡里山炮台(2000大世界吉尼斯记录大全: 拥有当今世界最大和最小的两门古炮), 南普陀寺等。 请在线投稿.如果您需要询问,请用电子邮件: wcse <AT> world-research-institutes.org (上面的邮箱地址中的"<AT>" 请用 "@" 代替). 2009 World Congress on Software Engineering (WCSE 2009) May 19-21, 2009 Xiamen, China WCSE 2009 is an international forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in software engineering. WCSE 2009 conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and all papers in the proceedings will be included in EI Compendex, ISTP, and IEEE Xplore. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Software metrics; Software tools and development environments; Software policy and ethics; Programming languages; Internet and information systems development; Software requirements; Software architecture and design; Software components and reuse; Software testing and analysis; Human-Computer Interaction; Software processes and workflows; Software dependability, safety, privacy and reliability; Reverse engineering and maintenance; Program comprehension and visualization, etc.. Important Dates: Paper Submission Deadline: November 15, 2008 With a pleasant subtropical climate and "sea in the city", Xiamen is known as one of the most beautiful and liveable cities in China. Famous attractions include Gulangyu Island (credited as a "garden on the sea", "architecture exhibition of ten thousand nations", "hometown of music" and "island of piano"), Hulishan Fortress (Guinness World Records), and South Putuo Temple. In addition to research papers, the conference also encourages companies and institutions to showcase their modern products and equipment in the conference area. Please email your inquiries to wcse <AT> world-research-institutes.org (with "<AT>" replaced by "@"). (责任编辑:泉水) |