For the econometric analysis of time series data Microfit is an unrivalled package.
With its extensive choice of data analysis options, this program is a versatile aid to all
those interested in the evaluation and design of advanced univariate and multivariate time series
Microfit is an interactive, menu-driven program with a host of facilities for estimating and
testing equations, forecasting, data processing, file management, and graphic display.
Version 4.1 builds on the success of its predecessors, but is now much more powerful and easier
than ever to use in both its new Windows format and its original DOS environment.
It is the perfect resource for business, banking, teaching, and research.
Microfit's manual, Working with Microfit 4.1,
serves as an interactive tool in the teaching of time series econometrics.
It contains detailed reviews of the underlying econometric and computing methods,
together with 76 tutorial lessons using more than 25 different data sets from economics
and finance.