Cogent 2000
Cogent 2000 is a MATLAB Toolbox for presenting stimuli and recording responses with precise timing. Cogent 2000 incorporates Cogent Graphics and provides additional utilities for the manipulation of sound, keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial port, parallel port, subject responses and physiological monitoring hardware. For fMRI experiments, Cogent 2000 can be configured to receive synchronisation pulses from a scanner allowing experimental timing to be tightly coupled with image acquisition.
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Here you can view some movies illustrating some of the visual and auditory presentation capabilities of Cogent. The sample scripts demonstrate how easily these experiments can be programmed. These movies are not actual experiments but simple illustrations of the type of stimuli that could be used in a psychophysical or neuroimaging environment. The subject responses can be measured and logged and the timing of the Cogent scripts can be controlled from within the script or by external hardware (e.g. by an MRI scanner).
Click on the small image to view the movie. Be warned that the movie files are quite large (up to 2Mb) and may take some time to download.