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Electron Microscopy Protocols--Kristen M.&nbs

时间:2006-02-25 20:11来源:Kristen M. Harris lab 作者:bioguider 点击: 738次

Electron Microscopy Protocols

Part A: Tissue Preparation

  • LTP Physiology Protocol
  • Vibroslicer VT 1000S
  • Slice Dissection and Vibratoming in Agarose
  • Stoelting Tissue Chopper
  • Microwave Processing Protocol
    a.    Standard Epon
    b.    Epon/Spurrs
    c.    Standard Epon with enhanced ribosomal 
  • Routine Embedding of Tissue
  • Re-embedding Tissue
  • Tissue Embedding for Photography
  • Tissue Preparation Safety Protocols
    a.    Protocol for Neutralizing the Aldehydes in our
           Fixative Waste

    b.    Protocol for Disposing of Osmium Tetroxide
           Contaminated Plastic Containers (solid osmium
           tetroxide contaminated waste)
    1. Part B: Microtomy

      1. Glass Knife Making
      2. Coating Grids
      3. Denton Vacuum Carbon Evaporator
      4. Photography of Epon Blocks using the Nikon Light Microscope
      5. Hand Trimming Epon Blocks
      6. Thick Sectioning
      7. Thin Sectioning
      8. Monitoring for Radioactivity
      9. Staining Grids
      10. Uranyl Acetate Recipe
      11. Lead Citrate Recipe
      12. Serial Sectioning
      13. Ridge Pyramid Trimming for Serial Sectioning
      14. Loading Serial Sections into Gimbols or Hex Rings

      Part C: Electron Microscopy

      1. Loading/Unloading Hex Rings into Gatan Rotational Holder
      2. Loading/Unloading Gatan Rotational Holder into JEOL 2010
      3. Loading/Unloading Gimbols into Rotational Holder
      4. Loading/Unloading Rotational Holder into JEOL 1200 EX
      5. Alignment Protocol for JEOL 1230
      6. Photographing across the Depth of a Thin Section
      7. Photographing Serial Sections
      8. Unloading/Loading Film into the Electron Microscope
      9. Developing Electron Microscope Film
      10. Routine Scanning of EM Negatives Using Microtek Artix Scan 1800f Scanner
      11. Scanning EM Negatives Using Polaroid SprintScan 45
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