Electrophysiology - The Patch Clamp Technique (Assmann Lab, Pennsylvania State University
Patch Clamp Technique (direct electrical measurement of ion channel currents while simultaneously controlling the cell’s membrane potential)
Patch Clamp Technique - Introducing patch clamp technique through flash movie
Whole Cell Patch Clamp Technique (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
High-resolution scanning patch-clamp: new insights into cell function (The FASEB Journal)
Patch Clamp Measurements Applied to Neurons
Ion-selective microelectrode, sharp electrode, whole-cell clamp and gramicidin perforated-patch recordings (K. Lamsa, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)
Combined patch clamp recording and mRNA expression profiling in individual neurons (Douglas Coulter's Lab, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
A Novel Method for Characterizing Synaptic Noise in Cortical Neurons (Alain Destexhe, et al. Neurocomputing)
The Microdialysis Technique – The Principle (Microdialysis.se)
Introduction to Microdialysis Technique (University of Groningen)
Microdialysis - Neurotransmitter Measurement (Emory University)
Simultaneous Determination of Caffeine From Blood, Brain and Muscle Using Microdialysis in an Awake Rat and Effect of Caffeine on Rat Activity
Neurochemical: microdialysis and postmortem measures of dopamine and norepinephrine release using HPLC-EC
A microdialysis method for the recovery of IL-1beta, IL-6 and nerve growth factor from human brain in vivo
Microdialysis methods for measuring human metabolism
Microdialysis techniques in the study of brain and skeletal muscle
Microsensor and microdialysis technology. Advanced techniques in the management of severe head injury
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Brain Slice Electrophysiology Materials and Methods Animals C57Bl/6 male mice are...
膜片钳技术(patch clamp) Instruments For Electrophysiology Products include...