膜片钳技术(patch clamp)

- Instruments For ElectrophysiologyProducts include microelectrode, voltage and current clamp amplifiers, perfusion chambers, perfusion heating systems, perfusion steppers, glass capillary tubing and microelectrode holders. www.biotechproducts.com
- Patch Clamp ResourcesDiscover an introduction to the patch clamp method of single channel recording. Features solutions, software and links. electrophys2.ucsf.edu
- The Patch ClampPatch Clamp Making Single Cell Pipets To measure what's happening in or on a single, living cell, scientists use a technique called the patch clamp which requires an extremely fine pipet held tightly against the cell membrane. www.cellsalive.com
- HEKA Elektronik - patch clamp amplifiers, potentiostats, galvanostats and more ...
HEKA Elektronik Electrophysiology & Electrochemistry; data acquisition, patch clamp amplifier, potentiostat, galvanostat, manufacturer of the EPC 9, EPC 8, and EPC 7 www.heka.com
- Die Patch-Clamp TechnikDie Patch-Clamp Technik Einleitung Auswertung Mebjekte Einleitung Biologische Membranen, z.B. das Plasmalemma (Zellaunmembran) oder der Tonoplast (Vakuole, von Membran umgeben), enthalten neben Lipiden und anderen Proteinen auch spezielle。
- Tips for beginners of patch clamp'); //--> TIPS FOR PATCH CLAMP Entering the bath Forming a gigaseal Preparation 1. Entering the bath a. Strongly recommend to suck off some bath solution (to get rid of dust and contamminant) b. Apply a small positive pressure.(10cmH2O)http://members.xoom.com
- Deutsches Museum Bonn: Exponate: patch-clamp-apparatus
Home Exponate Elementares Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann Max-Planck-Institute for biophysical Chemistry (Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer Institute), Gtingen In all tissues and organs, cells must exchange signals. http://www.deutsches-museum-bonn.de
- Click here to buy Electrical Properties of Cells : Patch Clamp for Biologists (The Language of Science) at Amazon.comShop at Amazon.com where you will find a huge selection of books at great prices. Shop here for Electrical Properties of Cells : Patch Clamp for Biologists (The Language of Science) and find more books by Louis J. Defelice. http://www.amazon.com
- The Cairn Optopatch Optical Headstage Patch Clamp / Microelectrode Amplifier
The Cairn Optopatch patch clamp. Includes NEW Optical feedback headstage, Membrane capacitance measurement and True current clamp / fast microelectrode amplifier. http://www.cairnweb.com
- LCMS Patch-Clamp MovieElectrophysiology: Patch-Clamp Movie by Dr. Andrea Fleig. http://lcms.biomed.hawaii.edu
- The Scientist - Patch Clamp CompaniesJan. 21, 1991 - http://www.the-scientist.com
- Chapter 9: Analysis of Patch Clamp RecordsChapter 9: Analysis of patch clamp records 9.1 Direction of Current Flow Current is defined as the flow of positive charges down a voltage gradient (electrons move in the opposite direction). The direction of currents flowing through ion channe. http://web.ukonline.co.uk
- Patch Clamp TechniquePatch Clamp Technique Investigators have used the patch clamp technique for many years to understand the flow of ions across a membrane. The flow of ions is truly an incredible physiologic phenomenon. Many biological processes occur. http://www2.uic.edu
- neurowww.cwru.edu
Neurobiology LaboratoryBIOL/NEUR 376/476Hillel Chiel and Roy RitzmannIntroduction to the basic laboratory techniques of neurobiology. Students will be exposed to intracellular and extracellular recording techniques, forms of synap neurowww.cwru.edu
- physiology.cup.cam.ac.uk
Journal of Physiology (1997), 504.P, 59P A simple device for dislodging air bubbles from back-filled patch pipettes H.R. Matthews Physiological Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EG The glass pipettes used for patch- physiology.cup.cam.ac.uk
- Calibrated Suction/Pressure Source
The Threaded Syringe provides a calibrated, replicable source of steady positive or negative pressure that is compatible with any patch clamp or suction electrode. www.a-msystems.com
- Glass & Holders
Glass and micropipette holders www.wpiinc.com
- Common Ground Student Resource Directory 2000
UVa Health System Common Ground Resource Directory 2000 www.med.virginia.edu
- Pulse Control Software
Pulse Control Igor XOPs for Patch Clamp Data Acquisition and Capacitance Measurements Current Version: 4.6 Release Date: 26 Oct, 1995 Current beta Version: 4.7b6 Release Date: 7 May, 1996 Current alpha Version: 5.0a1 Release Date: 24 Sep, 199 chroma.med.miami.edu
- MEDLINE Database, 1987 to date Document Reader
Detection of gene expression in single neurons by patch-clamp and single-cell reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Chiang LW Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University Medical Center, CA 94305-5401, USA. chiang@mpi.com J Chromato www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Welcome to the LSU Neuroscience - Center of Excellence
Leo T. Happel, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Neurosurgery Neurology. Sodium channels in human neuromas. Associate Professor of Physiology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery, LSU Health Sciences Center. Ph.D., LSU Medical Center, 1970. Membrane electrophys www.neuroscience.lsuhsc.edu
- LabPatch
LabPatch, an acquisition and analysis program for patch-clamp electrophysiology by Tim Robinson, Lars Thomsen, and Jan D. Huizinga This software is described in detail in: American Journal of Physiology - Cell 2000 47: C1055. Published May 2000 www-fhs.mcmaster.ca
- Electrophysiology
Electrophysiology Back to previous level Electric Conductivity [1 more specific term/s, 0 more link/s] Search PUBMED for Electric Conductivity: All ReviewEvoked Potentials [7 more specific term/s, 0 more link/s] Search PUBMED for Evoked Pote www.ohsu.edu
- Specialise Instruments - Bio-Medical Systems
BIO-MEDICAL LIFE SCIENCE RESOURCES LIMITED, UK. CCD based, fast, ultra high resolution single, dual or multiple wavelength ratio imaging system.Real time quantitative ratio imaging system Insitu FISH imaging system Time lapse fluorescence, www.specialiseinstruments.com
- Metal Interactions with Voltage- and Receptor-activated Ion Channels
Metal Interactions with Voltage- and Receptor-activated Ion Channels ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov
- Techniques
Preparations Techniques Preparations Primary cultures of astrocytes HEK 293 cell lines that are permanently transfected with various Kv channel subunits Hippocampal and cortical slices (150 microm) from normal rats Pial vessel disruption model appli duke.usask.ca
- The Physiological SocietySpring 2000 Magazine
Physiology Online Magazine www.physoc.org
- UKT und Med. Fakult鋞 - Sektion Physiologische Akustik und Kommunikation
HOME Forschungsprojekte Lehre Sonstiges e-mail an webmaster hier last update 25.05.00 FORSCHUNGSektion Physiologische Akustik und KommunikationZellul鋜e Grundlagen afferent-efferenter Interaktionen im H鰎nerv www.uni-tuebingen.de
- Office of Public Affairs at Yale - News Release
YALE News Release CONTACT: Jacqueline Weaver 203-432-8555 #115 For Immediate Release: October 30, 2000 Yale Licenses Technology for Screening Pharmaceuticals That Act on Ion Channels and Transporters Ion Channel Activity Important in Migraine, Epi www.yale.edu
- Hirsch Advanced Clamping Systems
The Hirsch Advanced Clamping Systems let you embroider on items that in the past were impossible to hoop! Now you can embroider on almost everything - from gloves, belts, stockings, luggage, handbags, pockets, mattresses, wallets and more! www.hirschintl.com
- www.wam.umd.edu
In patch-clamp technique a giga-ohm seal is created with a pipet, this allows for very sensitive measurements to be taken. A mild suction is then applied and different ways of pulling the membrane can yield different www.wam.umd.edu
- R閟ultat MSN pour - clamp
- MSN Search est un moteur de recherche Internet.
- Resultados de MSN Search para: clamp
MSN Search es un motor de b鷖queda en Internet. search.latam.msn.com
- Univ. Maryland, Dept. Anatomy and Neurobiology, Medicine, Trese Leinders-Zufall
Faculty page of Trese Leinders-Zufall, Assistant Professor in Anatomy and Neurobiology. neurobiology.umaryland.edu
- www.wfubmc.edu
Jian Mu, M.D. Research Assistant Professor, Physiology/Pharmacology Nanjing Medical University, M.D. (1959) In Vitro Electrophysiology of Drug Abuse In vitro recording of cultured neurons, particularly the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, allows ex www.wfubmc.edu
- FT - FEB - Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garten -- Botanik I (Allgemeine Botanik und Zellbiologie)
Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garten Botanik I (Allgemeine Botanik und Zellbiologie) Prof.燚r.燤anfred H.燱eisenseel Forschungsschwerpunkte Bioelektrizit鋞, Biomembranen Erforschung der Rolle endogener elektrischer Str鰉e bei Differenzierung, www.uni-karlsruhe.de
- Neuroscience Links
Neuroscience Links SFN Membership Directory Yahoo! Health:Medicine:Neurosciences Brain Images/Atlas LearningGuide for the Human Brain Rat Atlas ImageDatabase Java Man (human brain anatomy browser) TheWhol sensor.bcm.tmc.edu
- Liss
Email-Anfrage Autorin Birgit Liss Titel Differentielle Expression von Kaliumkan鋖en in Substantia nigra Neuronen der Maus (Mus musculus L.) - Eine kombinierte Patch-Clamp- und Einzelzell-PCR-Studie an Hirnschnitten Katalog-Nr. 75 Fachgebiet Biolog www.dissertation.de
- PubMed medline query
Other Formats: Links: Order this document J Neurosci 1996 May 1;16(9):3009-18 Whole-cell patch-clamp recording reveals subthreshold sound-evoked postsynaptic currents in the inferior colliculus of awake bats. Covey E, Kauer JA, Casseday JH Departmen www.cns.nyu.edu
- NSERC Concourse - Carrefour du CRSNG
Title: Ph.D. student or postdoctoral fellow: patch clamp electrophysiology Location: St. Joseph's Hospital (McMaster University), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Description: Patch-clamp electrophysiological studies of freshly dissociated smooth muscle www.nserc.ca
- Bio-Logic: Physiology and neuroscience instruments
Home Digitaldata recorders Physiology& neuroscience RapidKinetics & Spectroscopy Electrochemistry Contactus | Search Physiology and neuroscience instruments Home | NewsSolution changers | A www.bio-logic.fr
TAC Products Sales Contact Home: Products: TACPerform single-channel analysis of patch clamp recordings. Kinetic analysis of recordings from single ion channelsEvent idealization through threshold detectionReads common electrophys www.bruxton.com
- Intracel Electrophysiogy
Intracel Electophysiology Equipment Click onto your application for information about products for: Patch Clamp workstation Microelectrode recording and voltage clamp workstation Intracel Tel 01763 262680 Fax 01763 262676 To Home Page Feedback Fo www.intracel.co.uk
- CAPRES A/S - next generation electrical probing
CAPRES A/S Copenhagen Applied Research Home稰roducts稢orporate稪obs稢ontact Thursday October 04th, 2001 ? Login   Welcome to Capres A/S Capres provides high-quality systems for accurate electrical characterization of materials on the micro- www.capres.com
- CNRS-SDV : Glossaire/Lettre P
CNRS,sciences de la vie, page glossaire,lettre P www.cnrs.fr
- SynoSoft Program Development's Homepage
SynoSoft Program Development Programs for science, research and teachingDr. Andreas W. Henkel Email: andreas.henkel@psych.imed.uni.-erlangen.de Main subject: SynoSoft provides programs for patch clamp capacitance recording an www.synosoft.de
- tom-e
Newsfrom Editor: G鰎elKristina N鋝lund Previous articles Effectsof hypoxia on membrane potential Hypoxia is the most common causeof brain disease. Patch-clamp analysis of CA1 pyramidal cellsshows th www.ki.se
- Forschungsschwerpunkt Suchtforschung - TPL2
Histologie/Elektrophysiologie der Pigmentepithel/Netzhautinteraktion/patch-clamp Analyse von Ionenstr鰉en in retinalen Ganglienzellen E. Guenther, G. Pinzon-Duarte, K. Kohler, H. Schwahn 1) Histologie: Um die Wirkung von Alkohol auf die Entstehung www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de
- Institut f黵 Physiologie Medizinische Fakult鋞 der RWTH Aachen
Dezernat 4.0 - BTW Die Webseiten werden unterst黷zt von: Vorangehende Einrichtung | N鋍hste Einrichtung | Fachbereich 10 | Inhaltsverzeichnis Fachbereich 10: Medizinische Fakult鋞 Institut f黵 Physiologie Medizinische Fakult鋞 der RWTH Aachen Pauwe www.rwth-aachen.de
- Mind 'Scapes: Neural Network
Scientific Inquiry and the Examination of Pseudoscience bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
- idp.med.ufl.edu
GMS 6071: Neurobiological Techniques Director: Peter Anderson Synopsis: This course will be an intensive one week block run at the Whitney lab (Marineland), and will most easily be performed by students who are willing to stay at Whitney lab accomod idp.med.ufl.edu
- Infrared D.I.C. Microscope
> Infrared D.I.C. Microscope What is it?: "The Infrared microscope will be a great help for patch clamping on thick brain slice (600-700 micrometers). Under the IR microscope, we are able to do patch clamp on the neurons we can see in thick slice www.lifesci.ucla.edu