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时间:2005-04-28 18:12来源:ION 作者:bioguider

内容是有关果蝇学习.其中蘑菇体的作用是最重要的. 主要工作是他的博士后郭建增完成.其工作曾经在去年六月的GORDON会议上被评为五佳之一.


 Principal Investigator

Aike Guo, Ph.D.

Rm 310, ION Building
Institute of Neuroscience
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai 200031
Email: akguo@@ion.ac.cn

Prof. Aike Guo is the Associate Director of ION and a Senior Investigator and Head of the Laboratory of Learning and Memory. He also serves as the Principal Scientist for the ION Program Project "Brain Development and Plastisity" sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2000-2005). He became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003. Dr. Guo's current research interest is to understand the molecular, cellular, and integrative mechanisms underlying learning, memory and cognition-like behaviour,e.g., decision-making and selective attention in Drosophila.

 Guest Investigator: Chun-Fang Wu, University of Iowa

 Staff & Students:click here

Research Interests  

 Learning and memory are the biological basis of cognition and individuality. By combining experimental approaches in genetics, neurobiology, and behavior studies, we are investigating the molecular, cellular, and integrative mechanisms underlying leaning and memory, as well as cognition-like behaviour in Drosophila. In particular, we hope to identify the neural circuits underlying multimodel sensory learning and memory, and circuits that mediate complex cognitive functions, such as decision-making and selective attention.

Ongoing Projects  
Studies of Drosophila Choice Behavior. A choice in behavior is frequently required when an organism is confronted with alternatives. A choice in acquiring or avoiding one or more alternatives may be based on the desire, goal or preference of the organism. Recently, we have explored a simple choice behavior of Drosophila which faced competing visual cues in a flight simulator. Individual flies were conditioned to choose a flight path in accordance to the color and shape cues in a flight simulator and tested with contradictory cues following the conditioning. We found that wild type flies can make a discrete and firm choice in their flight orientation between two competing alternatives as the relative salience of color and shape cues gradually changes. Interestingly, this choice behavior is defective in Drosophila mutants with miniature mushroom bodies (MBs) or when MBs were selectively damaged. Further studies of neural mechanisms mediating this choice behavior are in progress. Understanding of the neural mechanism of this simple form of cognitive behavior in Drosophila may help to elucidate the neuronal basis of more complex cognitive functions.

Other Research Projects. Besides studying the choice behavior, we are also interested in the neural mechanisms underlying selective visual attention in Drosophila, and in the role of circadian rhythm in modulating the learning and short-term memory in¡¡ Drosophila. We are also studying the role of Drosophila amyloid precursor-like protein in regulating the neuronal morphology and function, with an aim to identifiy molecular and cellular basis of cognitive disfunctions. We are also developing a behavior paradigm for studying nociception-like behavior in Drosophila. For studies at the molecular, cellular and circuit levels, a combination of genetic approaches, e.g., GAL4-UAS expression and dsRNA disruption, electrophysiological recording, and calcium imaging are used. A variety of behavior paradigms, e.g., visual operant conditioning and odor-aversion learning, are used to identify behavior alterations that are amenable for further dissection by molecular and cellular approaches.

Ye, Y., Xi, W., Peng, Y., Wang, Y., and Guo, A. (2004) Long-term but not short-term blockade of dopamine release in Drosophila impairs orientation during flight in a visual attention paradigm. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20, 1001-1007

Tang, S., and Guo, A. (2001) Choice behavior of Drosophila facing contradictory visual cues. Science, 294: 1543-1547

Wu, Z., Gong, Z., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (2000) An emergent mechanism of selective visual attention in Drosophila. Biol.Cybern., 82(1): 61-68

Yu, D., Feng, C., and Guo A. (1999) Altered Outward K Currents in Drosophila Larval Neurons of memory Mutants rutabaga and amnesiac. J. Neurobio., 40(2): 158-171

Xia, S., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (1999) Temporary amnesia induced by cold-anasthesia and hypoxia in Drosophila. Physiology & Behavior, 65/4-5: P617-623

Xia, S., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (1998) Multiple-phase model of memory consolidation confirmed by behavioral and pharmacological analyses of operant conditioning in Drosophila. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 60(4): 809-816

Liu, L., Wang, X., Xia, S., Feng, C., and Guo, A. (1998) Conditioned Visual flight Orientation in Drosophila melanogaster Abolished by Benzaldehyde. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 60(4): 809-816

Guo, A., and Goetz, K.(1997) Association of visual objects and olfactory cues in Drosophila. Learning & Memory, 4(2): 192-205

Xia, S., Liu, L., Feng,C., and Guo, A. (1997) Memory condolidation in Drosophila operant visual lerning. Learning & Memory, 4(2): 205-219

Xia, S., Liu, L., Feng,C., and Guo A. (1997) Drug disruption of Short-term memory in Drosophila melanogaster. Pharmacol, Biochemi. & Behav., 58(3): 727-735

Guo, A., Liu, L., Xia, S., Feng, C., Wolf, R., and Heisenberg, M (1996) Conditioned visual flight orientation in Drosophila : Dependence on Age, Practices and Diet. Learning & Memory., 3: 49-59

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