15. Post-fixation2: fix sections with 1% OsO4 in 0.1M PB for 1 hour. 16. Rinse in 0.1M PB for 3x5min. 17. Dehydration: dehydrate in 50%, 70% and 95% ethanol for 10 minutes each. 18. 100% ethanol 2x15 min. 19. Propylene oxide 2x15 min. 20. Incubate sections in 1:1 mixture of Embed-812 & propylene oxide for overnight. 21. Transfer sections to straight Embed-812 for 2 hours. 22. Embedding: flat-embedding, and bake in 62 C oven for 48 hours. 23. Sectioning: choose the region of interest, cut off and glue on blank flat-end beam capsule using super glue. Bake to dry for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Trim and cut ultrathin sections at 60-90 nm. 24. Contrast Staining: stain sections with uranyl acetate for 15 minutes and lead citrate for 5 minutes. 27. Observation. Solutions and Reagents: 0.2M Phosphate Buffer (0.2M PB): To prepare 1 liter, Na2HPO4, -------------------- 21.8 g NaH2PO4 --------------------- 6.4 g Distilled water ------------- 1000 ml Mix to dissolve and adjust pH to 7.4 0.1M Phosphate Buffer (0.1M PB): To prepare 1 liter, 0.2M PB --------------------- 500 ml Distilled water -------------- 500 ml |