1% Sodium Borohydrite Solution in 0.1M PB: To prepare 100 ml, Sodium borohydrite -------------- 1 g 0.1M PB ---------------------------- 100 ml Stir to dissolve. Blocking Buffer (1% BSA, 3% NGS, 0.04% Triton in PBS): To prepare 100 ml, Triton X-100 ----------------------- 0.04 ml BSA ---------------------------------- 1 g Normal goat serum -------------- 3 ml PBS ---------------------------------- 100 ml Stir to dissolve. Washing Buffer (0.8% BSA, 0.1% Fish Gelatin in PBS). To prepare 100 ml, BSA ---------------------------------- 0.8 g Fish gelatin ------------------------ 0.1 ml PBS --------------------------------- 100 ml Secondary Antibody:
1nm gold conjugated secondary antibody from Amersham. Dilute the antibody 1:50 in washing buffer. Silver Enhancement Solution:
Kit from Amersham and prepare solution according to the instruction provided. Embed-812: Embed-812 Kit from EMS containing Embed-812, DDSA, NMA, and DMP-30. Make Embed-812 according to instruction provided with the kit. 1:1 Mixture of Embed-812 & Propylene Oxide: To prepare 20 ml, Embed-812 ------------------------- 10 ml Propylene oxide ------------------- 10 ml |