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Milestones in Neuroscience Research(4)

时间:2005-04-03 18:07来源:本站原创 作者:bioguider

John Hughlings Jackson
Image courtesy of the National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Collection

Charles Darwin

Hermann von Helmholtz

Jean-Martin Charcot

Claude Bernard
Images courtesy of the Blocker History of Medicine Collections, Moody Medical Library, Univ. Texas Med. Branch, Galveston

Camillo Golgi
Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.





1900 - 1950

1900 - Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams
1900 - Charles Scott Sherrington states that cerebellum is head ganglion of the proprioceptive system
1900 - M. Lewandowsky coins the term "blood-brain barrier" (Bluthirnschranke) [ref: Aschner and Kerper, Mol. Biol. and Tox. of Metals, 2000]
1902 - Julius Bernstein proposes membrane theory for cells
1902 - Physiologist Ida Hyde is the first woman elected to the American Physiological Society
1903 - Ivan Pavlov coins the term conditioned reflex
1903 - Alfred Walter Campbell studies cytoarchitecture of anthropoid cerebral cortex
1904 - Procaine is synthesized
1905 - Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon have their first intelligence test
1905 - John Newport Langley coins the phrase "parasympathetic nervous system"
1906 - Alois Alzheimer describes presenile degeneration
1906 - Golgi and Cajal-Nobel Prize-Structure of the Nervous System
1906 - Sir Charles Scott Sherrington publishes The Integrative Action of the Nervous system that describes the synapse and motor cortex
1907 - Ross Granville Harrison describes tissue culture methods
1907 - John Newport Langley introduces the concept of receptor molecules
1908 - Vladimir Bekhterew describes the superior nucleus of the vestibular nerve (Bekhterew's nucleus)
1908 - Victor Alexander Haden Horsley and Robert Henry Clarke design stereotaxic instrument
1908 - Willem Einthoven makes string galvanometer recordings from the vagus nerve
1909 - Harvey Cushing is first to electrically stimulate human sensory cortex
1909 - Korbinian Brodmann describes 52 discrete cortical areas
1909 - Karl Jaspers publishes "General Mental Illness"
1910 - Emil Kraepelin names Alzheimer's disease
1911 - Allvar Gullstrand-Nobel Prize-Optics of the eye
1911 - Eugen Bleuler coins the term schizophrenia
1911 - George Barger and Henry Dale discover norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
1913 - Santiago Ramon y Cajal develops gold chloride-mercury stain to show astrocytes
1913 - Edwin Ellen Goldmann finds blood brain barrier impermeable to large molecules
1913 - Edgar Douglas Adrian publishes work on all-or-none principle in nerve
1913 - Walter Samuel Hunter devises delayed-response test
1914 - Robert Barany-Nobel Prize-Vestibular apparatus
1914 - Henry H. Dale isolates acetylcholine
1915 - J.G. Dusser De Barenne describes activity of brain after strychnine application
1915 - Aspirin becomes available without a prescription
1916 - Richard Henneberg coins the term cataplexy
1916 - George Guillain, Jean Alexander Barre and Andre Strohl describe an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barre Syndrome)
1918 - Walter E. Dandy introduces the ventriculography
1919 - Cecile Vogt describes over 200 cortical areas
1919 - Walter E. Dandy introduces the air encephalography
1919 - Gordon Morgan Holmes localizes vision to striate area
1919 - Pio del Rio Hortega divides neuroglia into microglia and oligodendroglia
1920 - Society of Neurological Surgeons is founded
1920 - Henry Head publishes "Studies in Neurology"
1920 - Stephen Walter Ranson demonstrates connections between the hypothalamus and pituitary
1921 - Otto Loewi publishes work on Vagusstoff
1921 - Hermann Rorschach develops the inkblot test
1921 - John Augustus Larsen and Leonard Keeler develop the polygraph
1921 - del Rio Hortega describes microglia
1922 - Army Medical Library established (was the Library of the Surgeon General's Office)
1924 - Charles Scott Sherrington discovers the stretch reflex
1925 - C. von Economo and G.N. Koskinas revise Brodmann's cortical nomenclature of the cerebral cortex
1926 - Percival Bailey and Harvey Cushing publish paper describing more the 2,000 neuroepithelial neoplasms
1927 - Chester William Darrow studies galvanic skin reflex in US
1928 - Philip Bard suggests the neural mechanism of rage is in the diencephalon
1928 - Walter Rudolph Hess reports "affective responses" to hypothalamic stimulation
1928 - John Fulton publishes his observations (made in 1926 and 1928) of the sounds of blood flowing over the human visual cortex
1929 - Hans Berger publishes his findings about the first human electroencephalogram
1929 - Karl Lashley defines "equipotentiality" and "mass action"
1927 - J. Wagner-Jauregg - Nobel Prize-Malaria to treat dementia paralyses
1928 - Edgar Douglas Adrian publishes The Basis of Sensation
1929 - Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser publish work on the correlation of nerve fiber size and function
1929 - Walter B. Cannon coins the term homeostasis
1930 - John Carew Eccles shows central inhibition of flexor reflexes
1931 - Ulf Svante von Euler and J.H. Gaddum discover substance P
1932 - Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska invent the electron microscope
1932 - Jan Friedrich Tonnies develops multichannel ink-writing EEG machine
1932 - Edgar Douglas Adrian and Charles S. Sherrington share Nobel Prize for work on the function of neurons
1932 - Jan Friedrich Toennies and Brian Matthews design the differential amplifier
1932 - Smith, Kline and French introduce the first amphetamine, Benzedrine
1933 - Ralph Waldo Gerard describes first experimental evoked potentials
1934 - S. Howard Bartley performs studies on cortical visual evoked potentials in rabbits
1935 - Dexedrine (an amphetamine) introduced to treat narcolepsy
1935 - Frederic Bremer uses cerveau isole preparation to study sleep
1936 - Egas Moniz publishes work on the first human frontal lobotomy
1936 - Henry Hallett Dale and Otto Loewi share Nobel Prize for work on the chemical transmission between nerves
1936 - Walter Freeman performs first lobotomy in the United States
1937 - James Papez publishes work on limbic circuit
1936 - Massachusetts General Hospital has first EEG laboratory
1937 - Heinrich Kluver and Paul Bucy publish work on bilateral temporal lobectomies
1937 - James W. Papez develops "visceral theory" of emotion
1937 - John Zachary Young suggests that the squid giant axon can be used to understand nerve cells
1938 - Isador Rabi coins term "magnetic resonance"
1938 - B.F. Skinner publishes "The Behavior of Organisms" that describes operant conditioning
1938 - Albert Hofmann synthesizes LSD
1938 - Ugo Cerletti and Lucino Bini treat human patients with electroshock
1938 - Franz Kallmann publishes "The Genetics of Schizophrenia"
1939 - Carl Pfaffman describes directionally sensitive cat mechanoreceptors
1939 - Nathaniel Kleitman publishes Sleep and Wakefulness
1942 - Stephen Kuffler develops the single nerve-muscle fiber preparation
1943 - John Raymond Brobeck describes hypothalamic hyperphasia
1944 - Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser share Nobel Prize for work on the functions of single nerve fiber
1946 - Theodor Rasmussen describes the olivocochlear bundle (bundle of Rasmussen)
1946 - President Truman signs the National Mental Health Act
1947 - The American EEG Society is founded
1948 - The World Health Organization is founded
1949 - Kenneth Cole develops the voltage clamp
1949 - A.C.A.F. Egas Moniz-Nobel Prize-Leucotomy to treat certain psychoses
1949 - Walter Rudolph Hess receives Nobel Prize for work on the "Interbrain"
1949 - Horace Winchell Magoun defines the reticular activating system
1949 - John Cade discovers that lithium is an effective treatment for bipolar depression
1949 - Giuseppi Moruzzi and Horace Winchell Magoun publish Brain Stem Reticular Formation and Activation of the EEG
1949 - National Institute of Mental Health was formally established
1949 - Donald Olding Hebb publishes The Organization of Behavior: A Neuropsychological Theory
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