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就地址问题答《科学》记者Dennis Normile问

时间:2011-08-15 17:21来源:科学网 作者:饶毅

此事因为台湾“国科会”于2011年1月发布的规定而重新复杂化,它坚持台湾科学家的地址必须是Taipei, Taiwan 或 Taiwan ROC。“国科会”(以及有些台湾科学家)的理由是用其他地址可能矮化台湾或不尊重台湾科学家。 
当论文将“Taipei, Taiwan”与 “Beijing, China”并列时,就把Taiwan和China同等,而不是其一部分。  
正如我致李的信所言,坚持必须写ROC而不能简化成为China不太合理,特别是在PRC可以简称China的时候。我们在大陆方面可以将地址中“People's Republic”省略,表明我们对于合作的良好愿望。台湾方面的同等步骤应该是在他们地址中省略“Republic of”,保持“China”。 
如果李或其科学委员会不能更改今年早些时候发布的规定,那么有两个问题:1)可以怀疑他们不喜欢被认为是中国的一部分,虽然他们的政府还号称是the Republicof China的政府;  2) 大陆华人科学家很难在这样的论文上作为共同作者,explicitly或implicitly endorse台湾不是中国一部分。  
       This issue is newly complicated by the Taiwan NSC which issued a rule in January 2011 insisting that the address for Taiwan scientists has to be either Taipei, Taiwan or Taiwan ROC. The reason given by the NSC (and by
some Taiwan scientists) is that using other addresses will belittle Taiwan or disrespect Taiwan scientists.
       On the mainland side, the major concern is about Taiwan independence,while we certainly respect Taiwan scientists (some would argue that mainland scientists respect Taiwan scientists more than mainland scientists).
     When a paper lists "Taipei, Taiwan" together with "Beijing, China", it equates Taiwan with China, not as a part of it.
     As I have stated in my letter to Lee, it is unreasonable to insist ROC has to be ROC and can not be simplified as China, when PRC can be simplified as China. We, on the mainland side, has dropped "People's Republic" in our address, which shows good intentions towards collaboration. The equivalent step on the Taiwan side should be to drop "Republic of" and keep "China" in their address.
     If Lee or his Science Council can not change the rule issued earlier this year, it creates two problems: 1) one suspects that they do not like to be known as a part of China even though their government still claims to be that of the Republic of China;  2) it is extremely difficult for mainland Chinese scientists to co-author papers plicitly or implicitly endorsing a Taiwan that is not a part of China.
     There is also a problem of intellectual honesty. If the government in Taiwan has dropped China from ROC, then Lee and his council can at least claim that he is doing what his government is doing. Now, so far, his own government has not disallowed C in ROC. He and his council have gone too far ahead of their government to disallow the use of China in the address.
     For the international community, you can ask whether most Canadian scientists will agree if Montreal scientists exclude Canada from their addresses, or US scientists would agree if Alaska scientists exclude USA from their dress.
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