
黄佐石(Josh Huang)教授简介

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Z. Josh Huang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Beckman 220
One Bungtown Road
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724

Phone: (516) 367-8388
Fax: (516) 367-6805
Email: huangj@cshl.org


Education and Employment 
Position                                   Year        Institution
Associate Professor               2004.12 – present                 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Assistant Professor               2000.1 –  2004                      Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Postdoctoral fellow                   1994.12 -1999.12                 Dept. of Biology, Massachusetts Inst. Tech.
PhD                                           1989.9  - 1994.8                   Dept.  of Biology, Brandeis University.
MS                                            1986.7 - 1988.12                   Dept. of Zoology. Arizona State University.
 BS                                             1981.9 - 1985.7                     FuDan University, Shanghai, P.R. China 
Professional Training
1994 – 1999 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Biology and Center for Learning and Memory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Mentor: Susumu Tonegawa.
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of neuronal plasticity in mice.

1989 - 1994:      Ph.D student, Department of Biology, Brandeis University.
Mentor: Michael Rosbash.
Molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics of circadian rhythms in fruitflies.

1986 - 1988    M.S. student, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, and the Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, Seattle.
Neurophysiology of swimming behavior in mollusc and ultrastructural study of molluscan muscle.

1985-1985     Undergraduate thesis with Dr. ZhenTong Mei,  Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Science.
Extracellular recording from the prefrontal cortex of the Rhesus Monkey during working memory task.

1990              “Advanced Drosophila  Genetics" summer course, Cold Spring Harbor laboratory.
1997 “Structure, function, and development of the visual system" course, CSHL
1998                            “Imaging structure and function in the nervous system" summer course, CSHL
2005 “DNA microarray" summer course, Cold Spring Harbor laboratory.

Honors and  Awards
2004 – 2007               McKnight Scholar Award in Neuroscience
2003 – 2006               EJLB Foundation Award 
2002 – 2006               Pew Scholar Award
2001                           Cold Spring Harbor Association Award
      2001                           Seraph Foundation Award
2000                           Eppley Foundation Award
1994 - 1997:              Damon-Ruynon Walter-Winchell Postdoctoral Fellowship.
1990:                          Grass Fellowship for "Advanced Drosophila  Genetics" course at the Cold Spring Harbor laboratory.
1987 - 1988:              Regent's Graduate Academic Scholarship, Arizona State University.
1984                           Three-Merit-Student” award, FuDan University. Shanghai, P.R. China

Membership in Professional Societies
1990 --  Society for Neuroscience

Huang, Z.J., and Satterlie, R.A.(1989). Smooth muscle fiber types and a novel pattern of thick filaments in the wing of the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina. Cell Tiss. Res. 257:405-414.

Huang, Z.J., and Satterlie, R.A. (1990). Neuronal Mechanisms underlying behavioral switching in a pteropod mollusc. J. Comp. Physiol. 166: 875-887.

Lui, X, Yu,Q., Huang, Z.J., Zwiebel, L., Hall, J., and Rosbash, M. (1991). The strength and periodicity of Drosophila melanogaster  circadian rhythms are differentially affected by alterations in period  gene expression. Neuron  6:753-766.

Huang, Z.J., Edery, I., and Rosbash, M. (1993). PAS is a novel dimerization domain shared by the Drosophila period  protein and several transcription factors.  Nature  364:259-262.

Curtin, K., Huang, Z.J.,  and Rosbash, M. (1995). Temporally regulated nuclear entry of the Drosophila Period  protein contributes to the circadian clock.  Neuron  14: 277-286.

Huang, Z.J., Curtin, K., and Rosbash, M. (1995). Period  protein interactions and temperature compensation of a circadian clock in Drosophila melanogaster.  Science 267:1169-1172.

Huang, Z.J., Kirkwood, A., Bear, M.,  Pizzurusso, T., Porciatti, V., Maffei, L., and Tonegawa, S. (1999). BDNF Regulates the Maturation of Inhibition and the Critical Period Plasticity in Mouse Visual Cortex. Cell 98 (6): 739-755.

Hanover, J., Huang, Z.J., Tonegawa, S., and Stryker, M. (1999) BDNF overexpression induces precocious critical period in mouse visual cortex.  Journal of Neuroscience 19(22):RC40).

Huang, Z.J., Yu, W., Lovett, C., and Tonegawa, S. (2002).  A Cre / LoxP recombination activated neuronal marker system in the mouse neocortex and hippocampus. Genesis 32(3):209-217.

Gianfranceschi, L.,  Walls, J., Morales, B., Tonegawa, S., Kirkwood, A. Huang, ZJ., and Maffei, L. (2003) BDNF overexpression rescues the effects of dark rearing on the development of critical period in visual cortex. PNAS.100(21):12486-91.

DiCristo, G., Ango, F., Higashiyama, H., Huang, ZJ., (2004) Subcellular targeting of GABAergic synapses in primary visual cortex in the absence sensory and thalamic input. Nat Neurosci 7(11):1184-1186.

Ango, F., DiCristo, G., Higashiyama, H., Huang, ZJ., (2004) An ankyrin-based subcellular gradient of the immunoglobulin cell adhesion protein neurofascin specifies GABAergic innervation at Purkinje axon initial segment. Cell 119(2):257-272.

Chattopadhayaya, B., DiCristo, G.,  Higashiyama, H., Knott, G., Welker, E., Huang, ZJ., (2004)
experience-and activity- dependent maturation of perisomatic GABAergic innervation in primary visual
cortex during a postnatal critical period. Journal of Neurosci. 24(43):9598-9611.

Pillai-Nair, N., Panicker, A. K.,  Rodriguiz, R.M., Miller, K., Demyanenko, G.P., Huang,  ZJ., Wetsel W.C., and Maness, P.F.  (2005) NCAM-secreting transgenic mice display abnormalities in interneurons and behaviors related to schizophrenia. Journal of Neurosci. 25(18):4659-4671.

Goldberg EM, Watanabe S, Chang SY, Joho RH, Huang ZJ, Leonard CS, Rudy B. (2005)  Specific functions of synaptically-localized potassium channels in synaptic transmission at the neocortical GABAergic fast-spiking cell synapse. Journal of Neurosci. 25(21):5230-5.

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