周专 教授
Ph.D. 博士生导师
E-mail:zzhou@ pku.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京大学英杰交流中心337室 100871
1984年获同济大学电子仪器与测量技术(5年制)专业学士学位;1990年获华中科技大学生物医学工程博士学位;1990-1993德国马普生物物理化学研究所Erwin Neher(1991年诺贝尔奖得主)实验室博士后;1993-1995年美国华盛顿大学生理和医学系讲师;1995-1997美国芝加哥Loyola大学生理系研究助理教授;1993-2000华中科技大学生物物理与化学研究所所长、教授;1997-1999中国科技大学神经与生物物理系常务副主任、教授;1999-2004上海中国科学院神经科学研究所研究员、实验室主任。2005起任北京大学分子医学研究所教授、高级研究员。
美国生物物理学会exo-/endocytosis分会执委 (2006-2007)
1995年 国家基金委“杰出青年基金”
1996年 中科院“百人计划”
1998年 The Li Foundation Heritage Prize(美国)
1999年 中国科技大学优秀教师“东方通讯奖”
2002年 中科院优秀研究生导师奖
2004年 中科院优秀毕业研究生导师
2004年 新世纪百千万人才国家级人选
2005年 全国优秀博士论文(张晨)指导教师
2006年 复旦大学“九源生命科学”谈家桢(一等奖陈晓科)导师奖
2006年 张锡钧基金会第九届全国青年优秀生理学论文一等奖(王烈成)
1.Huang HP, Wang SR, Yao W, Zhang C, Zhou Y, Zhang B, Xiong W, Chen XW, Zheng LH, Wang LY, Marc Landry, Hokfelt T, Xu ZQD and Zhou Z (2007) Long latency of evoked quantal transmitter release from somata of locus coeruleus neurons in rat pontine slices. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 104(4):1401-1406.
2.Chen XK, Xiong YF, and Zhou Z (2006) “Kiss-and-Run” Exocytosis in Astrocytes. Neuroscientist, 12(5): 375–378.
3.Zhang W, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Zhang C, Xiong W, Olyarchuk JG, Walker M, Xu W, Zhao M, Zhao S, Zhou Z*, Wei L*. (2006) SynDB: A Synapse protein DataBase based on Synapse Ontology. Nucl. Acid Res., in press.
4. Yu X, Chen XW, Zhou P, Yao LJ, Liu T, Zhang B, Li Y, Zheng H, Zheng LH, Zhang CX, Bruce I, Ge JB, Wang SQ, Hu ZA, Yu HG and Zhou Z* (2006) Calcium influx through If channels in rat ventricular myocytes. Am J Physiol-Cell. Am J Physiol-Cell, (in press).
5.Wang LC, Xiong W, Zheng J, Zhou Y, Zheng H, Zhang C, Zheng LH, Zhu XL, Xiong ZQ, Wang LY, Cheng HP, Zhou Z* (2006) The timing of endocytosis following activation of a G-protein-coupled receptor in a sensory neuron. Biophysical Journal, 90:3590-3598.
6.Yao LJ, Wang G, Ou-Yang KF, Wei CL, Wang XH, Wang SR, Yao W, Huang HP, Luo JH, Wu CH, Liu J, Zhou Z, Cheng HP(2006)Ca2+ sparks and Ca2+ glows in superior cervical ganglion neurons. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 27 (7): 848–852.
7.Chen XK, Wang LC, Zhou Y, Zheng LH and Zhou Z* (2005) “Kiss-and-Run” glutamate secretion in culture and freshly isolated rat hippocampal astrocytes. J. Neurosci., 25(40):9236 –9243.
8.Chen XK, Wang LC, Zhou Y, Cai Q, Prakriya M, Duan KL, Sheng ZH, Lingle C, Zhou Z* (2005) Endogenous activation of GPCRs modulates quantal size in chromaffin cells: roles of Gbg and PKC. Nature Neuroscience, 8(9):1160 - 1168.
9.Ouyang K, Zheng H, Qin X, Zhang C, Yang D, Wang X, Wu C, Zhou Z*, Cheng H*(2005)Ca2+ Sparks and Secretion in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 102:12259-64.
10.Zhang C, Xiong W, Zheng H, Wang L, Lu B and Zhou Z* (2004) Calcium- and dynamin-independent endocytosis in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuron, 42: 225–236.
11.Yu X, Duan KL, Shang CF, Yu HG and Zhou Z* (2004) Calcium influx through hyperpolarization-activated cation channels (Ih channels) contributes to activity-evoked neuronal secretion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 101:1051-1056.
12.Duan KL, Yu X, Zhang C, and Zhou Z* (2003) Control of Secretion by Temporal Patterns of Action Potentials in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells. J. Neurosci., 23(35):11235-43.
13.Lou XL, Yu X, Chen XK, Duan KL, He LM, Qu AL, Xu T, Zhou Z* (2003) Na channel inactivation: a comparison study between pancreatic islet ß-cells and adrenal chromaffin cells in rat. J. Physiol (Lond) 548: 191-202.
14.Fan CX, Chen XK, Zhang C, Wang LX, Duan KL, He LL, Cao Y, Liu SY, Zhong MN, Ulens C, Tytgat J, Chen JS*, Chi CW*, Zhou Z* (2003) A Novel Conotoxin from Conus betulinus, k-BtX, unique in Cysteine Pattern and in Function as a specific BK Channel Modulator. J. Biol. Chem. 278:12624-33.
15.Bao L, Jin SX, Zhang C, Wang LH, Xu ZZ, Zhang FX, Wang LC, Ning FS, Cai HJ, Guan JS, Xiao HS, Xu ZQ, He C, Hokfelt T, Zhou Z*, Zhang X* (2003) Activation of delta-Opioid Receptors on Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Induces Receptor Insertion and Neuropeptide Secretion. Neuron, 37:121-133.
16.Zhang C & Zhou Z* (2002) Ca2+-independent but voltage-dependent secretion in mammalian dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 5(5):425-30.
中文论文 :
1.汪萌芽, 周专. (2005)离子通道与胞内钙离子平衡. (In: 寿天德 编. 神经生物学. 第二版)。高等教育出版社。pp:86-110
2.吴政星,徐涛,周专. (2005) 神经递质的释放及其调控. (In: 韩济生,蒲慕明 编. 神经科学. 第三版)。北京医科大学出版社。(印刷中)
3.周专,尚春峰,丁瑜,姚伟,李洁 (2004) 脑内微环境的化学监测生物传感器,微透析及相关技术. In: 赵志奇,陈军(主编译):《现代神经科学研究技术》,中国科学出版社, pp:928-977。 原著:JAN KEHR, In: U. Windhorst,H. Johansson (Eds) 《Modern Techniques in Neuroscience Research》, Springer, 2001. pp:1149-1198
4.范明,王晓民,周专,饶毅,丘小庆,徐天乐 (主 编) 《神经科学进展(二)》高等教育出版社, pp:1-431, 2003.
5.徐天乐,王晓民, 周专, 曹河圻 (主 编) 《神经科学进展(一)》(81.5 万字) 科学出版社, pp:1-550, 2002.
6.徐太湘,吕辉,王强,伍龙军,刘进,周专,徐天乐.(2003)机械分离的果蝇幼虫中枢神经元全细胞钾电流的特性. 生理学报 54(5):411-416.
7.吴政星,娄雪林, 周专,瞿安连, 徐涛 (2002) 胰岛素分泌及调节的分子机制. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 29(3):342-347.
8.何立铭,段开来,张晨,何林玲,熊巍,李洁,周专 (2002) 微碳纤电极与细胞量子化分泌的记录方法, 生物物理学报, 18:147-155
9.娄雪林,何立铭,龚非力,于晓,徐 涛, 周专 (2002) 免疫细胞分泌研究进展. 生理学报,54(3):183-188
ACADEMIC DEGREES. B. S. (Instrumentation), Department of Electric Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 1984; Ph.D. (Biomedical Engineering), Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 1990; Ph.D. thesis: Patch clamp system and single channel recording in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.
RESEARCH EXPERIENCES 1999- Principle Investigator, Institute of Neuroscience, SIBS, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1993-, Associate Professor (1993-95), Professor (1995-), Director (1993-2000), Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China; 1997.9-99.10, Professor and Head, Department of Neuroscience and Biophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027 Nov. 1995-97, Researcher Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Loyola University, Chicago, USA. Feb. 1993 - Oct. 1995, Research Instructor, Departments of Physiology, Washington University. St. Louis, USA. Nov. 1990-Feb. 1993, postdoctoral fellow (in lab of Prof. Erwin Neher), Max-Planck -Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany.
Publications SCI International Journals: 1. Zhang, C., Xiong, W., Zheng, H., Wang, L., Lu, B., and Zhou, Z. (2004) Calcium- and Dynamin-Independent Endocytosis in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons. Neuron 42, 225-236. 2. Yu, X., Duan, K., Shang, C., Yu, H., and Zhou, Z. (2004) Calcium Influx through Ih Channels Contributes to Activity-Evoked Neuronal Secretion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101, 1051-1056. 3. Duan, K., Yu, X., Zhang C., and Zhou, Z. (2003) Control of Secretion by Temporal Patterns of Action Potentials in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells. J. Neurosci. 23, 11235-11243. 4. Xuelin Lou, Xiao Yu, Xiao-Ke Chen, Liming He, Kai-Lai Duan, Anlian Qu, Tao Xu and Zhuan Zhou. (2003) Na channel inactivation: a comparison study between pancreatic islet ?-cells and adrenal chromaffin cells in rat. J. Physiol (Lond) 548: 191-202. 5. Chong-Xu Fan*, Xiao-Ke Chen*, Chen Zhang*, Li-Xiu Wang, Kai-Lai Duan, Lin-Lin He, Ying Cao1, Shang-Yi Liu, Ming-Nai Zhong, Chris Ulens, Jan Tytgat, Ji-Sheng Chen, Cheng-Wu Chi and Zhuan Zhou. (2003) A Novel Conotoxin from Conus betulinus, -BtX, unique in Cysteine Pattern and in Function as a specific BK Channel Modulator. J. Biol. Chem. 278:12624-33 6. Lan Bao*, Shan-Xue Jin*, Chen Zhang*, Li-Hua Wang, Zhen-Zhong Xu,Fang-Xiong Zhang, Lie-Chen Wang, Feng-Shou Ning, Hai-Jiang Cai, Ji-Song Guan, Hua-Sheng Xiao, Zhi-Qing D. Xu, Cheng He, Tomas Hokfelt, Zhuan Zhou and Xu Zhang (2003) Activation of delta-Op ioid Receptors on Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Induces Receptor Insertion and Neuropeptide Secretion. Neuron, 37:121-133. 7. Yong-Hua Ji, Jian-Guo Ye, Wei-Xi Wang, Lin-Lin He, Ya-Jun Li, Yan-Ping Yan, Chen Li, Zhi-Yong Tan, Zhuan Zhou. (2003) BmTX3, a Novel Specific Blocker of Ca2+-Activated K+ Channel from Asian Scorpion Venom: Purification, Genomic Organization and Function Assessment. J. Neurochem. 84(2):325-35. 8. Ping SONG*, Lie-Cheng WANG*, Guo-Du WANG, Zhuan ZHOU and Zhi-Qi ZHAO. (2003) Interleukin-2 regulates calcium current and intracellular calcium via Mu opioid receptors in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuropharmacology, 43(8):1324-1329 9. He LM, Chen LY, Lou XL, Qu AL, Zhou Z, Xu T. (2003) Rapid inhibitory effects of corticosterone on calcium influx rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuroscience, 116(2):325-33. 10. Zhou.Z & Bers.DM (2002) Time Course of Mitochondrial Antagonists Blockade in Intact Cells. European Journal of Physiology. 445:132-138 11. Wu JJ, He LL, Zhou Z, and Chi ZW (2002) Gene Expression, Mutation and Structure-Function Relationship of Scorpion Toxin BmP05 Active on SKCa Channels. Biochemistry, 41(8):2844-9 12. Zhang C & Zhou Z (2002) Ca2+-independent but voltage-dependent secretion in mammalian dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 5(5):425-30 13. He L, Chen L, Lou X, Qu A, Zhou Z, Xu T. (2002) Evaluation of beta-amyloid peptide 25-35 on calcium homeostasis in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Brain Res 939(1-2):65-75 14. Zhou.Z & Bers.DM (2000) Ca influx via L-type Ca channel at voltages positive to the reversal potential in ventricular myocytes. Journal of Physiology (London) 523: 57-66 15. Zhou.Z , Matlib.MA & Bers.DM (1998) Cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ signals in patch clamped mammalian ventricular myocytes. Journal of Physiology (London), 507:379-403 16. Matlib, Z. Zhou, S. Knight, S. Ahmed, K. Choi, J. Krause-Bauer, R. Phillips, R.Altschuld, Y. Katsube, N. Sperelakis, D. Bers (1998) Oxo-Bridged Dinuclear ruthenium Ammine Complex Specifically inhibits Ca2+ Uptake into mitochendria in vitro and in situ in single cardinac myocytes. J. Biol. Chem.273(17):10223-31, 17. A.Elhamdani ,Z.Zhou & CR.Arttalejo (1998) Timing of dense-core vesicle exocytosis depends on the facilitation L-type Ca channel in adrenal chromaffin cells. J. Neurosci. 18(16):6230-40 18. Wei Shun-hui, Anlian Qu, Hongxiu Wu, Zhuan Zhou (1998). A kinetic model of control on secretion in neuroendocrine cells IEEE/EMBS,Vol.20: 3083-3086 19. Zhou.Z, Misler.S & Chow .RH (1996) Rapid fluctuations in transmitter release from single vesicles in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Biophys.J 70(3):1543-52 20. Zhou.Z, Misler.S (1996) Amperometric detection of quantal secretion from patch-clamped rat pancreatic beta-cells. J Biol Chem 271(1):270-7 21. Zhou.Z, Misler.S (1995) Amperometric detection of stimulus-induced quantal release of catecholamines from cultured superior cervical ganglion neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92(15):6938-42 22. Burnashev, N., Zhou, Z., Neher, E. & Sakmann, B. (1995) Calcium flux and fractional calcium currents through recombinant GluR channels of NMDA-R, AMPA-R and KA-R Subtypes. J. Physiol. (London), 485:403-418 23. Zhuan Zhou & Stanley Misler (1995) Action potential induced catecholamine secretion in rat chromaffin cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270: 3498-3505. 24. Zhuan Zhou & Erwin Neher (1993). Mobile and immobile Ca buffers in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. J. Physiol. (London). 469: 245-273 25. Schneggenburger,R., Zhou,Z., Konnerth,A. & Neher,E. (1993). Fractional contribution of calcium to the cation current through glutamate receptors. Neuron, 11: 133-143 26. Zhuan Zhou & Erwin Neher (1993). Calcium permeability of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Pflugers Arch, 425: 511-517. 27. Zhuan Zhou & Huaguang Kang (1990) patch clamp noise from seal impedance and the pipette capacitance. Proc.IEEE/EMBS, 12(4):1679-1680. 28. Huaguang Kang & Zhuan Zhou (1990) Low noise design of patch clamp amplifier, Proc. IEEE/EMBS, 12(3):1103-1104.
Chinese National Journals: 29. 何立铭,段开来,张晨,何林玲,熊巍,李洁,周 专 (2002) 微碳纤电极与细胞量子化分泌的记录方法, 生物物理学报, 18:147-155 30. 娄雪林,何立铭,龚非力,于晓, 徐 涛, 周 专 (2002) 免疫细胞分泌研究进展. 生理学报,54(3):183-188 31. 徐天乐, 王晓民, 周 专, 曹河圻(主 编) 《神经科学进展(一)》(81.5 万字) 科学出版社, pp:1-550, 2002. 32. 吴政星,娄雪林, 周专,徐涛 (2002) 胰岛素分泌及调节的分子机制. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 29(3):342-347. 33. Xu TX, Lu H, Wang Q, Wu LJ, Liu J, Zhou Z, Xu TL. Properties of whole-cell potassium currents in mechanically dissociated Drosophila larval central neurons. 生理学报 54(5):411-416. 34. 吴政星,周专,徐 涛 (2001) 单通道和全细胞记录技术. 中国医疗器械杂志, 2001, 24(4): 221-226. 35. 娄雪林,徐涛,瞿安连,周专(2001) 细胞分泌的分子机制研究进展. 科学通报。46:1-8 36. 娄雪林 周专 (2001) 谷氨酸对海马神经元钙信号的影响. 中国应用生理学杂志. 17(1):17-23. 37. Ye Q, Qu AL, Zhang CG & Zhou Z (2001) Effects of toosendanin on the [Ca]I in rat chromaffin cells. Chin. J. Neurosci. 17(2): 105-108 38. 娄雪林, 徐涛,周专 (2001) 胰腺Beta细胞的离子通道和分泌活动, 生命的化学, 21(2):150-152. 39. 娄雪林,郝建东,朱长庚,吴鸿修,瞿安连,周专 (2001) 糖皮质激素对单个海马神经细胞[Ca2+]i的影响。武汉大学学报。印刷中。 40. 娄雪林,曾旭辉,瞿安连,周专(2000) 大鼠胰腺 细胞内葡萄糖钙信号调控机制.自然科学进展,10:812-817 41. 曾旭辉,娄雪林,瞿安连,吴鸿修,周专. (2000)大鼠胰腺 细胞离子通道的一些特性. 生理学报,52:98-102 42. 蔡东,王晓民,瞿安连,马端端,叶琴,康华光,周专,韩济生。对转GDNF基因的多巴胺能神经细胞电压依赖性钙电流的电生理研究。武汉大学学报,1999,印刷中 43. 徐建华,曾旭辉,瞿安连,周专 (1999)乙酰胆碱对肾上腺嗜铬细胞内钙库释放和激素分泌的诱导作用。生理学报, 51:564-570 44. Cai D, Qu AL, Wang XM, Zhou Z, Xu JH, Han JS. (1999) A method for preparation of carbon fiber electrode Sheng Li Xue Bao. 51(6):692-9. Chinese. 45. 韦顺会,徐建华,瞿安连,吴鸿修,周专,叶琴。(1999)大鼠嗜铬细胞分泌的膜电容和微碳纤电极检测。生物物理学报。15:40-46 46. 蔡东,王晓民,瞿安连,韩松年,于英心,康华光,韩济生,周专(1998)用重复膜片钳方法研究MPP+对神经细胞的损伤。生物化学与生物物理进展。印刷中 47. Cai D, Qu AL, Wang XM, Zhou Z, Xu JH, Han JS(1999) A method for preparation of carbon fiber electrode. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 51(6):692-9. 48. 陈良怡,康国新,瞿安连,吴鸿修,周专,康华光。(1999) m型阿片受体对SH-SY5Y细胞的兴奋性作用研究。武汉大学学报。印刷中。 49. 瞿安连,韦顺会,叶琴,娄雪林,吴鸿修,周专。(1999) 嗜铬细胞分泌的[Ca2+]i调控动力学研究。武汉大学学报。印刷中。 50. 周专 (1999)细胞内的Ca2+平衡机制。复旦神经生物学讲座。Vol.15:147-158 51. 曾旭辉, 娄雪林,瞿安连, 徐建华,王君健,吴鸿修,周专 (1999) 大鼠胰腺 细胞内的一些诱发Ca2+信号。科学通报。44:2058-2063 52. 韦顺会,瞿安连,吴鸿修,周专。(1998)嗜铬细胞分泌的模型研究。华中理工大学学报。26(10):97-99 53. 曾旭辉,徐建华,周专,瞿安连。(1998)大鼠胰腺β细胞原代培养的一种实用方法。华中理工大学学报。26(5):24-26 54. 陈良怡,叶琴,瞿安连,邹寿彬,康国新,周专, 康华光(1998)SH-SY5Y细胞上的钙库和钙振荡机理研究。生物物理学报。14(2):215-220 55. 蔡东,王晓民,瞿安连,韩松年,于英心,康华光,周专,韩济生。(1998) 用突起切断法分析MPP+对于多巴胺能神经细胞的损伤。生物物理学报。14(2):227-232 56. 韦顺会,瞿安连,吴鸿修,周专(1998)大鼠嗜铬细胞分泌的膜片钳和Fura-2联合检测。华中理工大学学报。26(9):100-102 57. 蔡东,周专,邓英,徐辉碧(1998)中药复杂体系中药效成份的细胞药理基础研究。(王小如主编)中药复杂体系中的重大基础理论问题。厦门大学出版社。pp:223-232 58. 徐建华,瞿安连,叶琴,康华光,周专。(1997)大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞分泌儿茶酚胺的电化学检测。生物物理学报。13(3):405-409 59. 叶琴,瞿安连,康华光,周专。(1997)大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞原代培养的一种实用方法。华中理工大学学报25(6):1-3 60. 徐涛,刘乃江,瞿安连,康华光,周专,韩济生。(1995)细胞膜离子通道电流及胞内游离钙离子浓度的同时定量检测。武汉大学学报。2(生物物理专刊):24-28 61. 周专,康华光 (1992)膜片钳系统的噪声分析。中国生物医学工程学报,11(2):129-137 62. 曹忠升,康华光,邹寿彬,周专 (1992) 应用膜片钳技术研究细胞分泌. 生物化学和生物物理进展, 19:14-19 63. 周专,康华光 (1990) 国产膜片钳仪研制成功。 生物化学和生物物理进展, 17(3): 326-328 64. 周专,康华光,周小萍,李之望 (1990) 大鼠背根神经节DRG细胞的单通道记录技术. 华中理工大学学报. 8:115-122 65. 周专,康华光 (1990)膜片钳系统的低噪声设计。华中理工大学学报。 8:123-130