
李澄宇 研究员

时间:2009-12-16 09:53来源:ion.ac.cn 作者:admin

Li, Cheng-Yu, Ph.D.


李澄宇博士,1995-1999年就读于北京大学生命科学院生理学和生物物理学系,获理学学 士学位。1999-2004年就读于中国科学院神经科学研究所,获理学博士学位。2004-2009年,在美国加州大学伯克利分校分子和细胞生物学系从事 博士后研究工作。李澄宇博士的兴趣主要在行为的神经元环路基础,包括动物的社会行为,工作记忆和长时程记忆等。

Chengyu Li obtained his B.S. degree in Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Biological Sciences, Peking University, 1995-1999. Studying between 1999 and 2004, Chengyu Li obtained his PhD degree in Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Shanghai. Between 2004 and 2009, Chengyu Li studied as Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, Helen Wills Institute of Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. His main interests are in the functional circuitry of behavior, including social behavior, working memory, and long-term memory.


现代神经科学急缺对复杂而有序的大脑环路功能性的理解。我们实验室关注的问题包括:在 行为中的动物,脑内神经元是如何组织和连接的?这些连接是如何对脑功能作出贡献的?脑的功能是如何调控神经元连接的?我们将组合利用各种技术来完成相关的 研究,包括在体全细胞记录,神经元活动性的多道细胞外记录,钙成像,免疫组织化学,光激活的离子通道(即光遗传技术)等。我们还将使用限制头运动的或者自 由运动的动物标本作为研究对象。我们特别对以下问题或假说感兴趣:

  1. 什么是单个神经元高频冲动发放、引起大脑震荡状态改变的神经元环路基础?
  2. 什么是前额叶等脑区在工作记忆中保持神经元“延迟相关联的持续活动”的环路基础?
  3. 在行为上重要的震荡模式,例如慢波,alpha,或者是gamma震荡,是否可以、并且是如何调控神经元的连接的?
  4. 局部或者长距离的神经元环路中,特定的神经元连接是否可以、并且是如何被记忆的不同阶段(获取,巩固,与恢复使用)所动态调控的?
  5. 某些社会行为的功能环路。


Research Interest

In modern neuroscience, what is desperately needed is the functional knowledge of the highly organized brain circuitry. Our lab will work on the questions of how neurons are connected in behaving animals, how connectivity contributes to the function of brain, and how functioning of brain modulate neural connection. We will use combined approaches of in vivo whole cell recordings, multi-channel extracellular recording of neuronal activities, calcium imaging, immunohistochemistry, optogenetical tools, etc. in head-restrained and free-moving preparation of behaving animals. We are particularly interesting in the following questions:

  1. What the circuitry mechanisms are for single neuron bursting induced modification of oscillatory brain state.
  2. What the circuitry mechanisms are for delay related persistent activity for working memory in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and other brain regions.
  3. Whether and how the behaviorally important oscillation patterns, such as slow wave, alpha, or gamma oscillation, modulate neural connection. 
  4. Whether and how the strength of certain connection in circuitry can be dynamically modulated in different phases of learning and memory, such as memory acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval.
  5. Functional circuitry in certain social behavior.
Such studies are critical for providing insights in neuron-related diseases, constructing better brain-machine-interface, and ultimate understanding of human brain. We believe that figuring out the fine circuitry underlying behavior is the pressing task for contemporary neuroscience and we are up to the challenge.


1. Li, C.Y., Poo, M.M., and Dan, Y. (2009) Burst Spiking of a Single Cortical Neuron Modifies Global Brain State. Science, 324: 643-646.
2. Lu, J.T., Li, C.Y., Zhao, J.P., Zhang, X.H. and Poo, M.M. (2007) Target-cell type specific spike timing-dependent modifications of excitatory synapses on GABAergic interneurons in somatosensory cortex. J. Neuroscience, 27(36):9711-20.
3. Li, C.Y., Lu, J.T., Wu, C.P., Duan, S.M., and Poo, M.M. (2004). Bi-directional modification of presynaptic neuronal excitability accompanying spike timing-dependent synaptic plasticity. Neuron, 41: 257-268.

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