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* corresponding author
Liu DX, Lee, H and Greene LA. Interference of ATF5 function induces apoptosis in DAOY medulloblastoma cells.
The 36th Annual Neurosci. Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 2006.
Liu DX, Biswas SC and Greene LA. B-myb and C-myb play required roles in neuronal apoptosis evoked by NGF
deprivation and DNA damage. The 35th Annual Neurosci. Meeting. Washington, DC, 2005.
Liu DX, Nath N, Chellappan SP, and Greene LA. Disassembly of the repressor complex E2F-p130- HDAC- Suv39H1
is required for neuronal apoptosis. The 10th SCBA Intl. Symp., Beijing, China, 2004.
Liu DX, Nath N, Chellappan SP, and Greene LA. Regulation of neuronal survival and apoptosis by the E2F-p130-
HDAC-Suv39H1 complex. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: Programmed Cell Death.
Cold Spring Harbor, New York, NY, 2003.
Liu DX, Biswas SC and Greene LA. Regulation of neuronal survival and death by E2F and derepression.
The 32nd Annual Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, California, 2002.
Liu DX and Greene LA. Inhibition of the cell cycle G1 phase is sufficient to promote neuronal survival.
Gordon Res. Conference: Mol. Neural Biology. Hong Kong, China, 2001.
Carrano A, Chiaur J, DeSalle L, Liu DX, Montagnoli A and Pagano M. Cell cycle inhibitor p27 as a prognostic marker
for colon cancers. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: Cell Cycle Regulation.
Cold Spring Harbor, New York, NY, 1998.
Lu Z, Liu DX, Hornia A, Devonish W, Pagano M and Foster DA. Activation of protein kinase C triggers its
ubiquitination and degradation. The 13th Ann. Oncogene Meeting. Friedgrick, MD, 1997.
Liu DX, Samarrai W, White A and Rudner R. Heterogeneity in expression of rRNA operons and the stringent response