
Zhang Qi Ph.D.(2)

时间:2008-07-08 10:43来源:生物导航网 作者:bioguider 点击: 209次
  • Fan, Y., Yu, L., Zhang, Q., Jiang, Y., Dai, F., Cheng, C., Tu, Q., Bi, A., Xu, Y., Zhao, S. (1999) Cloning and expression of a new member of human β-1,4- galactosyl transferase gene family. Sci. China C Life Sci. 29, 1-8.
  • Fan, Y., Yu, L., Tu, Q., Gong, R., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Q., Dai, F., Chen, C., Zhao, S. (2002) Molecular cloning, genomic organization, and mapping of β4GalT-VIb, a brain abundant member of β4-galactosyltransferase gene family, to human chromosome 18q12.1. DNA Seq. 13, 1-8.
  • Shcherbakova, O. G., Hurt, C. M., Xiang, Y., Dell'Acqua, M. L., Zhang, Q., Tsien, R. W., Kobilka, B.K. (2007) Organization of beta-adrenoceptor signaling compartments by sympathetic innervation of cardiac myocytes. J Cell Biol. 176, 521-533.

    Review articles

    1. Fan, Y., Zhang, Q. Research progress on biological function of β-1,4-galactosyltransferase. (1999) Intl. Med., Mole. Bio. Series. 21, 45-49.
    2. Zhang, Q. and Haydon, P.G. Roels for gliotransmission in the nervous system. (2005) J. Neural Transm. 112, 121-125.
    3. Evanko, D.S., Zhang, Q., Zorec, R., Haydon, P.G. Defining pathways of loss and secretion of chemical messengers from astrocytes. (2004) Glia 47, 233-240.


    Conference presentations

    1.     Zhang, Q., et al. (2000) Overexpression of the synaptobrevin II SNARE domain blocks the FM4-64 uptake into astrocytes in vitro. Society for Neuroscience 30th Annual Meeting, Abstract 707.4. 2.     Zhang, Q., et al. (2001) Expression of the synaptobrevin II SNARE domain reduces astrocytes-to-neuron signaling by decreasing calcium-dependent glutamate release from astrocytes. Society for Neuroscience 31st Annual Meeting, Abstract 715.9. 3.     Zhang, Q., et al. (2003) Expression of synaptotagmin IV, V and XI in CA1 area hippocampal astrocytes. Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting, Abstract 765.3. 4.     Peoples, J.F., Zhang, Q., Haydon, P.G., Van Bockstaele, E.J. (2003) Ultrastructural localization of the vesicular glutamate transporter in glial cells in the hippocampal formation. Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting, Abstract 373.1. 5.     Zhang, Q., et al. (2004) Passive, not complex, astrocytes, express gliotransmission machinery and release glutamate. Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting, Abstract 576.6. 6.     Pascual, O., Zhang, Q., Haydon, P.G. (2004) Astrocytes contribute to learning and memory. Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting, Abstract 576.15. 7.     Zhang, Q., Harata, N. C., Tsien, R. W. (2005) Using quantum dot to visualize the turnover of synaptic vesicles. Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting, Abstract 365.13. 8.     Zhang, Q., Harata, N. C., Tsien, R. W. (2006) Different modes of vesicle fusion revealed by quantum dots in single vesicle level. Society for Neuroscience 36th Annual Meeting, Abstract 335.9. 9.     Zhang, Q., Harata, N. C., Cao, Y. Q., Tsien, R. W. (2007) Unitary vesicle fusion and recycling probed with quantum dots. 61st Annual Meeting and Symposium Society of General Physiologists, Abstract 65. 10.  Zhang, Q., Harata, N. C., Li, Y., Tsien, R. W. (2007) Quantum dots: a new perspective on synaptic vesicle fusion and recycling. Society for Neuroscience 36th Annual Meeting, Abstract 354.19.



    1.     Evanko, D.S., Sul, J.Y., Zhang, Q., Haydon, P.G. (2004) Chapter 16, The regulated release of transmitters from astrocytes. In Glial Neuronal Signaling. 1st Edition. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7936-2). pp 324-412. (责任编辑:泉水)
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