蒲慕明 1970年毕业于台湾清华大学,1974年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学获得生物物理博士学位。1974-1976在普度大学完成博士后研究,以后在美国加州大学欧文分校(1976-1985)、耶鲁大学(1985-1988),哥伦比亚大学(1988-1995),及加州大学圣地亚哥分校(1996-2000)任职。蒲慕明博士自1999年11月起任中国科学院神经科学研究所所长。他现在还担任加州大学圣地亚哥分校Stephen W. Kuffler神经生物学讲座教授及美国加州大学柏克利分校分子与细胞生物学系神经生物学讲座教授。蒲慕明博士至今共发表了130余篇有关膜生物物理、突触生理、发育神经生物学等方面的论文。他目前是《细胞生物学杂志》、《神经科学杂志》、《神经元》杂志的编委。承担国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“脑发育和可塑性的基础研究”(2000-2004)。 Dr. Mu-ming POO received his undergraduate training at Tsinghua University in Taiwan in 1970, and received his Ph D in biophysics from Johns Hopkins University in 1974.After postdoctoral research at Purdue University (1974-1976), he has been a faculty member at University of California at Irvine (1976-1985), Yale University (1985-1988), Columbia University (1988-1995), and University of California at San Diego (1996-2000). At UCSD, he held the Stephen W. Kuffler Chair in Neurobiology. He currently serves as the Director of ION and holds the Class of 1933 Chair in Biological Sciences at the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Poo has published more than 130 papers in membrane biophysics, synaptic physiology, and developmental neurobiology. He is currently a member of editorial board for Journal of Cell Biology, Journal of Neuroscience, and Neuron. We are delighted to welcome Professor Mu-ming Poo to the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology where he is appointed the Class of 1933 Professor of Neurobiology. He also holds an appointment in the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. Professor Poo was born in China and earned his Ph.D. in Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University in 1974. He has a distinguished record of research focusing on how the growth cone of a developing nerve steers itself towards its target neurons, what factors govern the establishment of synapses at points of contact and what factors subsequently lead to the strengthening or weakening of those synapses. This latter process, known as synaptic plasticity, is believed to be the cellular basis of learning and memory. Recently Professor Poo has been studying the computational capabilities of small networks of developing neurons, grown in culture. This work has enormous implications for how neural networks can generate high-order function and serves as an exciting new bridge between cellular and systems neurobiology. Professor Poo also serves as the current Director of China's National Institute for Neuroscience in Shanghai which he was instrumental in founding. http://ls.berkeley.edu/new/01/sci_fac.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------- Poo Laboratory Mu-ming Poo is Class of 1933 Professor of Neurobiology in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. The members of the Poo group study a wide variety of topics in neurobiology, as reflected in our publications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poo Laboratory / 221 LSA University of California, Berkeley Department of Molecular and Cell Biology 142 Life Sciences Addition # 3200 Berkeley, CA 94720-3200 USA 510 642 2514 Dr. Poo 510 643 4576 the laboratory 510 642 2544 fax http://mcb.berkeley.edu/labs/poo/ Poo Laboratory Recent Publications Ganguly K, Schinder AF, Wong ST, Poo M. Gaba itself promotes the developmental switch of neuronal gabaergic responses from excitation to inhibition. Cell. 2001 May 18;105(4):521-32. Gomez TM, Robles E, Poo M, Spitzer NC. Filopodial calcium transients promote substrate-dependent growth cone turning. Science. 2001 Mar 9;291(5510):1983-7. Stein E, Zou Y, Poo M, Tessier-Lavigne M. Binding of DCC by netrin-1 to mediate axon guidance independent of adenosine A2B receptor activation. Science. 2001 Mar 9;291(5510):1976-82. Bi G, Poo M. Synaptic modification by correlated activity: Hebb's postulate revisited. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 24:139-66 (2001). Song H, Poo M. The cell biology of neuronal navigation. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Mar;3(3):E81-8. Ming G, Henley J, Tessier-Lavigne M, Song H, Poo M. Electrical activity modulates growth cone guidance by diffusible factors. Neuron. 2001 Feb;29(2):441-52. Poo MM. Neurotrophins as synaptic modulators. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2001 Jan;2(1):24-32. Schinder AF, Poo M. The neurotrophin hypothesis for synaptic plasticity. Trends Neurosci. 2000 Dec;23(12):639-45. Nishiyama M, Hong K, Mikoshiba K, Poo MM, Kato K. Calcium stores regulate the polarity and input specificity of synaptic modification. Nature. 2000 Nov 30;408(6812):584-8. Zhang LI, Tao HW, Poo M. Visual input induces long-term potentiation of developing retinotectal synapses. Nat Neurosci. 2000 Jul;3(7):708-15. Tao H, Zhang LI, Bi G, Poo M. Selective presynaptic propagation of long-term potentiation in defined neural networks. J Neurosci. 2000 May 1;20(9):3233-43. Schinder AF, Berninger B, Poo M. Postsynaptic target specificity of neurotrophin-induced presynaptic potentiation. Neuron. 2000 Jan;25(1):151-63. Hong K, Nishiyama M, Henley J, Tessier-Lavigne M, Poo M. Calcium signalling in the guidance of nerve growth by netrin-1. Nature. 2000 Jan 6;403(6765):93-8. Berninger B, Poo M. Exciting neurotrophins. Nature. 1999 Oct 28;401(6756):862-3. Bi G, Poo M. Distributed synaptic modification in neural networks induced by patterned stimulation. Nature. 1999 Oct 21;401(6755):792-6. Tamagnone L, Artigiani S, Chen H, He Z, Ming GI, Song H, Chedotal A, Winberg ML, Goodman CS, Poo M, Tessier-Lavigne M, Comoglio PM. Plexins are a large family of receptors for transmembrane, secreted, and GPI-anchored semaphorins in vertebrates. Cell. 1999 Oct 1;99(1):71-80. Berninger B, Schinder AF, Poo MM. Synaptic reliability correlates with reduced susceptibility to synaptic potentiation by brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Learn Mem. 1999 May-Jun;6(3):232-42. Hopker VH, Shewan D, Tessier-Lavigne M, Poo M, Holt C. Growth-cone attraction to netrin-1 is converted to repulsion by laminin-1. Nature. 1999 Sep 2;401(6748):69-73. Wan J, Poo M. Activity-induced potentiation of developing neuromuscular synapses. Science. 1999 Sep 10;285(5434):1725-8. Ming G, Song H, Berninger B, Inagaki N, Tessier-Lavigne M, Poo M. Phospholipase C-gamma and phosphoinositide 3-kinase mediate cytoplasmic signaling in nerve growth cone guidance. Neuron. 1999 May;23(1):139-48. Hong K, Hinck L, Nishiyama M, Poo MM, Tessier-Lavigne M, Stein E. A ligand-gated association between cytoplasmic domains of UNC5 and DCC family receptors converts netrin-induced growth cone attraction to repulsion. Cell. 1999 Jun 25;97(7):927-41. Song HJ, Poo MM. Signal transduction underlying growth cone guidance by diffusible factors. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1999 Jun;9(3):355-63. Review. Boulanger L, Poo M. Gating of BDNF-induced synaptic potentiation by cAMP. Science. 1999 Jun 18;284(5422):1982-4. Boulanger L, Poo MM. Presynaptic depolarization facilitates neurotrophin-induced synaptic potentiation. Nat Neurosci. 1999 Apr;2(4):346-51. Bi GQ, Poo MM. Synaptic modifications in cultured hippocampal neurons: dependence on spike timing, synaptic strength, and postsynaptic cell type. J Neurosci. 1998 Dec 15;18(24):10464-72. Zhang LI, Tao HW, Holt CE, Harris WA, Poo M. A critical window for cooperation and competition among developing retinotectal synapses. Nature. 1998 Sep 3;395(6697):37-44. Song H, Ming G, He Z, Lehmann M, McKerracher L, Tessier-Lavigne M, Poo M. Conversion of neuronal growth cone responses from repulsion to attraction by cyclic nucleotides. Science. 1998 Sep 4;281(5382):1515-8. Wang X, Berninger B, Poo M. Localized synaptic actions of neurotrophin-4. J Neurosci. 1998 Jul 1;18(13):4985-92. Sternfeld M, Ming G, Song H, Sela K, Timberg R, Poo M, Soreq H. Acetylcholinesterase enhances neurite growth and synapse development through alternative contributions of its hydrolytic capacity, core protein, and variable C termini. J Neurosci. 1998 Feb 15;18(4):1240-9. Morimoto T, Wang XH, Poo MM. Overexpression of synaptotagmin modulates short-term synaptic plasticity at developing neuromuscular junctions. Neuroscience. 1998 Feb;82(4):969-78. Fitzsimonds RM, Poo MM. Retrograde signaling in the development and modification of synapses. Physiol Rev. 1998 Jan;78(1):143-70. Review. See also publications 1997 and earlier. (责任编辑:泉水) |