

时间:2004-03-17 11:43来源:本站原创 作者:admin
Jun Chen, MD, PhD
Department of Anatomy
K.K. Leung Brain Research Centre
The Fourth Military Medical University
17 West Chang-le Road, Xi'an 710032
P.R. China
Phone: +86-29-3373087 (Office); +86-29-3374504 (Lab)
Fax: +86-29-3283229
E-mail: junchen@mail.fmmu.edu.cn

陈军,1962年5月出生,解剖学教研室暨K.K.Leung脑研究中心教授,副主任,《神经解剖学杂志》副主编,中国解剖学会神经解剖学专业委员会委员兼秘书,中国解剖学会对外国际交流委员会副主任委员等职。1986年毕业于第四军医大学,1997在获日本国滋贺医科大学获得博士学位(Ph.D),现兼任丹麦Aalborg大学感觉和运动相互作用研究室(SMI Center for Sensory and Motor Interaction)客座教授并负责疼痛动物实验室研究工作,2001.10-2006.09被聘为第四军医大学国家教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,建立和完善具有“多样临床病理性痛”表现的蜜蜂毒致痛动物行为学和脊髓背角神经元反应模型,发现了一种具有临床镇痛效果的新型镇痛药,完成了产品向企业转化。1990年以来,在SCI学术刊物上发表原著论文21篇,国内核心学术刊物上发表34篇。编译著作1部,参加著书章节4部。国际学术会议大会报告2次,国内学术会议邀请专题报告3次。主办(任组委会主席)国际学术会议1次。承担国家重点规划研究项目《脑功能和脑重大疾病的基础研究》项目内容并担任其子课题《神经元回路信息编码与加工》课题组组长。


K.K. Leung Brain Research Centre,The Fourth Military Medical University
丹麦Aalborg大学感觉和运动相互作用研究室(SMI Center for Sensory and Motor Interaction)客座教授并负责疼痛动物实验室研究工作


1.Jun Chen , Hui-Li Li, Ceng Luo, Zhen Li, Ji-Hong Zheng. Involvement of peripheral NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in development of persistent firing of spinal wide-dynamic-range neurons induced by subcutaneous bee venom injection in the cat. Brain Research, 1999,844: 98-105

2.Jun Chen*, Hui-Sheng Chen.Pivotal role of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents in development of both heat and mechanical hyperalgesia induced by intraplantar bee venom injection .Pain ,2000,91: 367-376

3.Jun Chen*, Ceng Luo, Hui-Li Li, Hui-Sheng Chen.Primary hyperalgesia to mechanical and heat stimuli following subcutaneous bee venom injection into the plantar surface of hindpaw in the conscious rat: a comparative study with the formalin test. Pain ,1999 ,83 :67-76

4.Hui-Sheng Chen, Jun Chen*, Jie Chen, Wan-Gang Guo, Min-Hua Zheng.Establishment of bee venom-induced contralateral heat hyperalgesia in the rat is dependent upon central temporal summation of afferent input from the site of injury. Neuroscience Letters , 2001, 298 :57-60

5.Kai-Cheng Li, Ji-Hong Zheng, Jun Chen*.Involvement of spinal protein kinase C in induction and maintenance of both persistent spontaneous flinching reflex and contralateral heat hyperalgesia induced by subcutaneous bee venom in the conscious rat. Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 285 :103-106

6.Hui-Sheng Chena, Jun Chena,*, Yan-Yan Sunb. Contralateral heat hyperalgesia induced by unilaterally intraplantar bee venom injection is produced by central changes: a behavioral study in the conscious rat. Neuroscience Letters , 2000,284 : 45-48

7.Ji-Hong Zheng, Jun Chen*. Modulatory roles of the adenosine triphosphate P2x-purinoceptor in generation of the persistent nociception induced by subcutaneous bee venom injection in the conscious rat. Neuroscience Letters , 2000, 278 : 41-44

8.J.-H. Zheng, J. Chen. Differential roles of spinal neurokinin 1/2 receptors in development of persistent spontaneous nociception and hyperalgesia induced by subcutaneous bee venom injection in the conscious rat. Neuropeptides, 2001 ,35 (1): 1-13

9.Jun Chen, Natsu Koyama. Differential activation of spinal dorsal horn units by subcutaneous formalin injection in the cat: an electrophysiological study. Exp Brain Res ,1998, 118:14-18

10.Hao-Jun Youa ,Jun Chenb. Differential effects of subcutaneous injection of formalin and bee venom on responses of wide-dynamic-range neurons in spinal dorsal horn of the rat. European Journal of Pain,1999, 3: 177-180

11.Hui-Sheng Chen ,Jun Chen. Secondary heat, but not mechanical, hyperalgesia induced by subcutaneous injection of bee venom in the conscious rat: effect of systemic MK-801, a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist. European Journal of Pain ,2000, 4: 389-401
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