两个简短的回答: 1)计划如何操作的具体细节很重要。评选时,应该不仅看候选人过去的学术记录,而且要集中看其潜力。 (第一个回答是针对目前强调到高校和科学院的需要在国外做过正教授,如果操作不好,以职位代替能力和潜力,可能出现偏差,甚至聘到一些回国不能工作的人。评选人才是很重要而艰难的一个环节,有好的评审,计划才能取得较好的效果)。 2)低年资就开始在国内工作的人,也应该允许竞争同等的支持。应该给国内科学家相应的匹配方案。 (第二个回答是基于公平和鼓励国内有能力做出成绩的科学家。以前的长江学者和杰出青年基金既支持海外招聘,也支持国内年轻人成长。在这方面也可以参照这些计划。不能忽视国内成长的人才,不仅要考虑公平问题,也要避免计划实施不当而导致海外优秀的年轻人不回国,等到年资高了、年纪可能也老了才回国)。 原文见《自然》报道: Chinatargets top talent from overseas Published online 28January 2009 | Nature 457, 522 (2009) | doi:10.1038/457522a Correctedonline: 29 January 2009 相关段落: “The details of how thescheme will be operated will be important," says Rao Yi, dean ofthe life-sciences school at Peking University. Rao warns that theselection process should focus on a candidate's potential as wellas his or her past academic record. "Some assistant or associateprofessors may have more potential than full professors," says WeiJia, a biochemist at the University of North Carolina inGreensboro. "This should be dealt with on an individual basis." Thewidely differing criteria for professorship between universitiesand countries should also be a factor. … the resentment of theirdomestic peers should not be ignored, say critics. "It is importantthat researchers recruited to China at a junior stage should beable to compete for the same level of support," says Rao. "Thereshould be a matching talent scheme for domestic scientists." (责任编辑:glia) |