

时间:2007-10-02 08:55来源:人民网 作者:admin

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Hökfelt T., Broberger C., Zhang X., Diez M., Kopp J., Xu Z.Q., Landry M., Bao L., Schalling M., Koistinaho J., DeArmond S.J., Prusiner S., Gong J., Walsh J.H. Neuropeptide Y: some viewpoints on a multifaceted peptide in the normal and diseased nervous system. Brain Res Rev 1998; 26: 154-166



Zhang X., Xu Z.Q., Shi T.J., Landry M., Holmberg K., Ju G., Tong Y.G., Bao L., Cheng X.P., Wiessenfeld-Hallin Z., Lozano A., Dostrovsky J. and Hökfelt T. Regulation of expression of galanin and galanin receptors in dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord after axotomy and inflammation. In: Galanin, Basic research discoveries and therapeutic implications, Ann NY Acad Sci, 863, 403-413

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