44. Mendell LM (2005) The size principle: a rule describing the recruitment of motoneurons. J Neurophysiol. 93:3024-3026.
45. Mendell LM (2007) ‘Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Sensitizing action on nociceptors. In: Encyclopedia of Pain (ed. RF Schmidt and WD Willis) Springer
46. Petruska JC and Mendell LM (In Press) Nerve Growth Factor. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Elsevier
47. Mendell LM (In Press) Neurotrophins and pain. In The Senses (Pain), ed. C. Bushnell and A. Basbaum. Elsevier
Edited Volumes
Binder, M.D. and Mendell, L.M. (eds.) (1990) The Segmental Motor System.
McMahon, S.B., Mendell, L.M., Phillips, H.S. and Wall, P.D. (eds.) (1996) Neurotrophins and sensory neurones: role in development, maintenance and injury. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences. Vol. 351, Pp. 361- 467.
Rudomin, P., Romo, R., and Mendell, L.M.(eds) (1998) Presynaptic Inhibition and Neural Control, Oxford University Press,
Basbaum, A.I., Dubner, R., Fields, H.L., McMahon, S.B., Mendell, L.M. and Woolf, C.J. (eds.) (1999) A Tribute to Patrick D. Wall. Pain, Suppl. 6.
Jones, E.G., Mendell, L.M. and Lees, G.V. (eds.) (2000) Neuroscience 2000: A New Era of Discovery. Neurobiology of Disease, vol. 7.
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