
Professor Perry F. BARTLETT

时间:2008-07-05 01:34来源:神经所 作者:bioguider

Professor Perry F. BARTLETT, FAA (Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science)

Academic Qualifications

1970         BDSc, University of Melbourne

1975         PhD, University of Melbourne

Current Appointments

2002         Professor, Chair of Molecular Neuroscience

                 The University of Queensland

2003         ARC Federation Fellow

                 Director, Queensland Brain Institute, UQ

Previous Key Appointments

1994- 2002   NHMRC Principal Research Fellow/ Senior Principal Research Fellow

                     Head, Development and Neurobiology Group

                     Walter and Eliza Hall Institute

Honours and Awards

1991         The Inaugural John Woodward Prize for Excellence in Neuroscience, awarded by the

                 Australian Brain Foundation

2000         Australian Neuroscience Society Plenary Lectureship

               The Bethlehem-Griffith Research Medal and Prize for Neuroscience

2003         Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Current Major Grants

2003-08    ARC Federation Fellowship, PF Bartlett: $1,475,000

2004-08    NHMRC Program Grant, PF Bartlett, SS Tan, TJ Kilpatrick, P Sah: $6.474 million

2005-08    Spinal Cure Australia Lisa Palmer Spinal Research Consortium PF Bartlett, AW Boyd,  

                 AM Turnley,MP Galea: $650,000

2006-11   ARC Thinking Systems Grant Wiles, Bartlett, Burrage, Goodhill, Mattingley, Sah, Smith,   

                Srinivasan, Wyeth, Arbib, Elman, O'Keefe; $3,300 million

2008-10       NHMRC Project Grant, PF Bartlett, AW Boyd, AM Turnley, D Nikolov:  $598,250

2008-12    ARC Discovery Grant, GM Lu, PF Bartlett, ZP Xu, HM Cooper, PF Bartlett. $1.33 million

International Profile

Past President, Australian Neuroscience Society (2000-02)

Executive Member of the International Brain Organization (IBRO) and the Federation of Asian and Oceanic Neuroscience Societies (FAONS), involved in developing neuroscience education and research policy for the Asia-Pacific Region (2000-02)

Member of the Human Frontier Science Program Review Committee (2004-)

Frequent invitations to speak at the world’s foremost scientific forums (16 national and 28 international invited presentations in the past 5 years, including 5 plenary lectures)

Member of three international editorial boards

Member of National Neuroscience Consultative Taskforce (2004- )

Member of the Cellular Therapies Advisory Committee, formerly the Gene Technology Advisory Panel (2003- ).

Research Translation

Holder of 8 US patents related to research outcomes

Publications More than 170 peer-reviewed papers and reviews, many of which have appeared in the highest impact journals: 3 in Nature, 1 in each of Science, Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience and Neuron, 13 in PNAS, 11 in Journal of Neuroscience, 6 in Development and 4 in Journal of Biological Chemistry.  Together these publications have attracted over 8000 citations. Ten papers have received >200 citations and another 12 have received >100 citations. 2001 Nature paper has already attracted 280 citations. Publications since 2003 are listed below:


1.     Coonan JR, Bartlett PF, Galea MP (2003) Role of EphA4 in defining the position of a motoneuron pool within the spinal cord. Journal of Comparative Neurology 458: 98-111.

2.     Gillespie LN, Clark GM, Bartlett PF, Marzella PL (2003) BDNF-induced survival of auditory neurons in vivo: cessation of treatment leads to accelerated loss of survival effects. Journal of Neuroscience Research 71: 785-790.

3.     Murray SS, Bartlett PF, Lopes EC, Coulson EJ, Greferath U, Cheema SS (2003) Low-affinity neurotrophin receptor with targeted mutation of exon 3 is capable of mediating the death of axotomised axons. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 30: 217-222.

4.     Forger NG, Prevette D, deLapeyriere O, de Bovis B, Wang S, Bartlett P, Oppenheim RW (2003) Cardiotrophin-like cytokine/cytokine-like factor 1 is an essential trophic factor for lumbar and facial motoneurons in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 8854-8858.

5.     Rietze RL, Bartlett PF (2003) Regulation of endogenous stem cells in the adult mammalian brain: promoting neural repair. In: Handbook of Cell Signaling Volume 3 (eds R Bradshaw and E Dennis) San Diego: Elsevier Science, pp. 625-634.

6.     Ransome MI, Goldshmit Y, Bartlett PF, Waters MJ, Turnley AM (2004) Comparative analysis of CNS populations in knockout mice with altered growth hormone responsiveness. European Journal of Neuroscience 19: 2069-2079.

7.     Goldshmit Y, Galea MP, Wise G, Bartlett PF, Turnley AM (2004) Axonal regeneration and lack of astrocytic gliosis in EphA4-deficient mice. Journal of Neuroscience 24: 10064-10073. Highlighted by the Faculty of 1000 as a “must read”; winner of the 2006 Australian Neuroscience Society Paxinos-Watson Prize for most significant publication by a member of the society in 2004.

8.     Coulson EJ, Reid K, Shipham KM, Morley S, Kilpatrick TJ, Bartlett PF (2004) The role of neurotransmission and the Chopper domain in p75NTR death signaling. Progress in Brain Research: NGF and related molecules in health and disease 146: 41-62.

9.     Bull ND, Bartlett PF (2005) The adult mouse hippocampal progenitor is neurogenic but not a stem cell. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 10815-10821.

10.  Grote HE, ND Bull ND, Howard ML, van Dellon A, Blakemore C, Bartlett PF, Hannan AJ (2005) Cognitive disorders and neurogenesis deficits in Huntington’s disease mice are rescued by fluoxetine. European Journal of Neuroscience 22: 2081-2088. (责任编辑:泉水)
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