

时间:2008-08-18 06:37来源:NIH 作者:bioguider 点击: 222次
Building 35, 3B 209
35 Convent Dr., Bethesda, MD 20892
Postdoctoral fellow
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Section,
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD, USA
Directed by Dr. Kenton Swartz
Ph.D. in Neurobiology
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai, P. R. China
Directed by Prof. Yu-Liang Shi
B.S. in Biology
Department of Biology,
Southwest University,
Chongqing, P.R. China,
Graduated with Honor
Research Experience
2005-2008 The gating mechanism of P2X receptor channels
2001-2005 The antibotulismic mechanism of toosendanin, a triterpenoid derivative extracted from a Chinese traditional medicine
2007 Awards for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
2005 Special Travel Award for Asian Scientists, The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
2004 DIAO Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2003 Scholarship of Excellent Student of Institutes, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2000 Outstanding Graduate of the University, Southwest University, China
Li, M., Chang, T.H., Silberberg, S.D., Swartz, K.J. (2008) Gating the pore of P2X receptor channels. Nature Neuroscience doi:10.1038/nn.2151
Silberberg, S.D., Li, M., Swartz, K.J. (2007) Ivermectin Interaction with transmembrane helices reveals widespread rearrangements during opening of P2X receptor channels. Neuron 54, 263-74.
Shi, Y.L., Li, M.F. (2007) Biological effects of toosendanin, a triterpenoid extracted from Chinese traditional medicine. Prog Neurobiol 82, 1-10.
Li, M.F., Shi, Y.L. (2006) Toosendanin interferes with pore formation of botulinum toxin type A in PC12 cell membrane. Acta Pharmacol Sin 27, 66-70.
Li, M.F., Shi, Y.L. (2005) The long-term effect of toosendanin on current through nifedipine-sensitive Ca2+ channels in NG108-15 cells. Toxicon 45, 53-60.
Li, M.F., Shi, Y.L. (2004) Toosendanin, a triterpenoid derivative, acts as a novel agonist of L-type Ca2+ channels in neonatal rat ventricular cells. Eur J Pharmacol 501, 71-78.
Li, M.F., Wu, Y., Wang, Z.F., Shi, Y.L. (2004) Toosendanin, a triterpenoid derivative, increases Ca2+ current inNG108-15 cells via L-type channels. Neurosci Res 49, 197-203.
Xu, T.H., Ding, J., Shi, Y.L., Li, M.F., Lu, C.Z., Qiao, J. (2003) Effects of myasthenia gravis patients’ sera with different autoantibodies on slow K+ current at mouse motor nerve terminals. Neurol Res 25, 58-62.
Conference Abstracts
Li, M., Silberberg, S.D., Swartz, K.J. (2008) Gated access to the pore of P2X receptor channels. Joint Meeting of the Biophysical Society 52nd Annual Meeting & 16th International Biophysics congress, Long Beach, California, USA. (Oral presentation)
Li, M.F., Shi, Y.L. (2005) Toosendanin inhibits pore formation of botulinum toxin type A at PC12 cells. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Japan.
Li, M.F., Shi, Y.L. (2004) Toosendanin, a novel activator of L-type Ca2+ channels in neonatal rat ventricular cells. 10th SCBA International Symposium, Beijing, China.
Li, M.F., Xu, T.H., Wang, Z.F., Shi, Y.L. (2003) An experimental analysis on toosendanin-induced increase in Ca2+ current and [Ca2+]i in NG108-15 cells. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. (Oral presentation)
Invited Seminar
2008 NIH Neurobiology Special Interest Group (责任编辑:泉水)
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