

时间:2008-08-18 06:59来源:internet 作者:bioguider





Education:      B.A., Biology        1974              Brandeis University

                     Ph.D., Biology             1979              Brandeis University

                     Postdoctoral training     1979-1982     University of California,

     San Francisco



Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Fellow in Experimental Neurobiology, The Neurosciences Institute,

San Diego, 2002 - present.

Senior Fellow in Experimental Neurobiology, The Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, 1997 - present.

Professor of Biology and Neural Science, and Head of the W.M. Keck Laboratory of

      Molecular Neurobiology, New York University, 1992 - 1997.

Associate Member, Department of Neurosciences, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, 1987 - 1992 .

Assistant Professor of Biology, Princeton University, 1982 -1987.

Post-doctoral Fellow, Division of Neurobiology, UC San Francisco,1979-1982



Carl Gustaf Bernhard Lectureship, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 2002.

Klingenstein Fellowships in Neuroscience, 1985-1987 and 1994 - 1996.

Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1982-1986

Searle Scholar, 1982-1985

McKnight Scholar in Neuroscience, 1982-1985

Fellow of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, 1979-1982




Genetic studies of behavior and associated gene networks in Drosophila.


Genetics of early neural development in Drosophila and the mouse.

Molecular genetics of glutamic acid decarboxylase in the mouse.

Genetics and cell biology of neurite outgrowth in the mouse.

Genetic manipulation of neurotransmitter function in Drosophila.




                                                Refereed journals –


Foltenyi K, Andretic R, Newport JW, Greenspan RJ. (2007) Neurohormonal and neuromodulatory control of sleep in Drosophila. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 72: 565-71. Review.


Greenspan RJ. (2008) Seymour Benzer (1921-2007). Curr Biol. 18: R106-10.


Greenspan RJ. (2008) The origins of behavioral genetics.Curr Biol. 18: R192-8.


Weber KE, Greenspan RJ, Chicoine DR, Fiorentino K, Thomas MH, Knight TL. (2008) Microarray analysis of replicate populations selected against a wing-shape correlation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. 178: 1093-108.


Foltenyi K, Greenspan RJ, Newport JW. (2007) Activation of EGFR and ERK by rhomboid signaling regulates the consolidation and maintenance of sleep in Drosophila. Nat Neurosci. 10: 1160-7.


Dierick HA, Greenspan RJ. (2007) Serotonin and neuropeptide F have opposite modulatory effects on fly aggression. Nat Genet. 39: 678-82.


Kendler KS, Greenspan RJ. (2006) The nature of genetic influences on behavior: lessons from "simpler" organisms. Am J Psychiatry. 163: 1683-94. Review.


Dierick HA, Greenspan RJ. (2006) Molecular analysis of flies selected for aggressive behavior. Nat Genet. 38: 1023-31.


Andretic, R., van Swinderen, B. and Greenspan, R.J. (2005) Dopaminergic modulation of arousal in Drosophila.  Current Biology 15: 1165-1175.


van Swinderen, B. and Greenspan, R.J. (2005) Flexibility in a gene network affecting a simple behavior in Drosophila melanogaster Genetics 169: 2151-2163.


Broughton, S.J., Kitamoto, T. and Greenspan, R.J. (2004)  Excitatory and inhibitory switches for courtship in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster.  Current Biology 14: 538-547.


van Swinderen, B., Nitz, D.A. and Greenspan, R.J. (2004) Uncoupling of brain activity from movement defines arousal states in Drosophila.  Current Biology 14: 81-87.


Broughton, S.J., Tully, T. and Greenspan, R.J. (2003)  Deficits of CAM-Kinase Transgenic Drosophila melanogaster in a New Excitatory Courtship Conditioning Assay.  J. Neurogenet. 17: 91-102.


van Swinderen, B. and Greenspan, R.J. (2003) Salience mdulates 20-30 Hz brain activity in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 6: 579-586.


Nitz, D.A., van Swinderen, B., Tononi, G. and Greenspan, R.J. (2002) Electrophysiological correlates of rest and activity in Drosophila melanogaster.  Current Biology 12: 1934-1940.


Toma, D.P., White, K.P., Hirsch, J. and Greenspan, R.J. (2002)  Identification of genes involved in Drosophila melanogaster geotaxis, a complex behavioral trait.  Nature Genetics 31: 349-353.


Shaw, P.J., Tononi, Greenspan, R.J. and Robinson, D.F. (2002) Stress response genes protect against the lethal effects of sleep deprivation in Drosophila melanogaster.  Nature 417: 287-291.


Shaw, P.J., Cirelli, C., Greenspan, R.J. and Tononi, G. (2000)  Correlates of sleep and waking in Drosophila melanogaster.  Science 287: 1834-1837.


Orgad, S., Rosenfeld, G., Greenspan, R.J. and Segal D.  (2000).  courtless, the

Drosophila UBC7 homolog, is involved in male courtship behavior and spermatogenesis. Genetics 155:1267-1280.


Ferveur, J.-F. and Greenspan, R.J. (1998) Courtship behavior of brain mosaics in Drosophila. J. Neurogenetics 12: 205-226.


Osborne, K.A., Robichon, A., Burgess, E., Butland, S.,  Shaw, R.A., Coulthard, A., Pererira, Greenspan, R.J. and Sokolowski, M.B.  (1997)  Natural behavior polymorphism due to a cGMP-dependent protein kinase of Drosophila.  Science 277: 834-836.


Ferveur, J.-F., Savarit, F., O'Kane, C.J., Sureau, G., Greenspan, R.J. and Jallon, J.-M. (1997) Genetic feminization of pheromones and its behavioral consequences in Drosophila males.  Science 276: 1555-1558.


Kane, N.S., Robichon, A., Dickinson, J.A. and Greenspan, R.J. (1997)  Learning without performance in PKC-deficient Drosophila.  Neuron 18: 307-314.


Broughton, S.J., Kane, N.S., Yoder, M., Greenspan, R.J. and Robichon, A. (1996)  A synaptogenesis dependent transport of CaM kinase II along processes evokes an inhibition of arborization and outgrowth in D. melanogaster cultured neurons.  J. Cellular Biochem 62: 484-494.


Broughton, S.J., Kane, N.S., Arthur, B., Yoder, M., Greenspan, R.J. and Robichon, A. (1996)  Endogenously inhibited protein kinase C in transgenic Drosophila embyronic neuroblasts regulates the outgrowth of type I and II processes of cultured mature neurons.  J. Cellular Biochem 60: 584-600.


Szabo, G., Katarova, Z., Kortvely, E., Greenspan, R.J. and Urban, Z.  (1996)  Structure and the promoter region of the mouse gene encoding the 67-kD form of glutamic acid decarboxylase.  DNA Cell Biol 15: 1081-1091.


Ferveur, J.-F., Störtkuhl, K., Stocker, R.F. and Greenspan, R.J. (1995) Genetic feminization of brain structures and changed sexual orientation in male Drosophila melanogaster.   Science  267: 902-905.


Wang, J., Renger, J., Griffith, L.C., Greenspan, R.J. and Wu, C.-F. (1994)  Concomitant alterations of physiological and developmental plasticity in CaM kinase-inhibited synapses in Drosophila.  Neuron 13: 1373-1384.


Griffith, L.C., Wang, J., Renger, J., Wu, C.-F. and Greenspan, R.J. (1994)  Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and potassium channel subunit eag similarly affect plasticity in Drosophila .  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 10044-10048. (责任编辑:泉水)
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