
Louis Tao Ph.D.

时间:2008-08-18 07:04来源:Beijing univ. 作者:bioguider
Louis Tao
Center for Bioinformatics
School of Life Sciences
Peking University
Tel: (86) 10 6275 2438
Fax: (86) 10 6275 9001
3/01 - Present Investigator
Center for Bioinformatics, School of Life Sciences
Peking University
9/03 - 12/07 Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
(currently on leave; tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, May 2008)
6/00 - 8/03 Research Assistant Professor
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
1/00 - 5/00 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Astronomy Department, Columbia University
6/97 - 12/99 NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Astronomy Department, Columbia University
9/98 - 12/98 Adjunct Professor of Physics
The Cooper Union
4/95 - 4/97 Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
Ph.D.: Physics
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, March 1995
Thesis: On the Suppression of Thermal Conduction by Tangled Magnetic Fields
B.A.: Physics, magna cum laude
Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1990
• Investigator, MSM: Collaborative Research: Cortical Processing Across Multiple Time- and Space
Scales, NSF, Divisions of Mathematical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, August 2005-July
• Investigator, Major Research Instrumentation: Acquisition of a Computer Cluster for the Center of
Applied Mathematics and Statistics at NJIT, NSF, Division of Mathematical Sciences, September
2004-August 2007
• Investigator, Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics: An Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics
Training Program at NJIT, September 2004-August 2009
Select Refereed Journal Papers:
• Kovacic, G., Tao, L., Cai, D., and Shelley, M.J. “Theoretical analysis of reverse-time correlation for
idealized tuning dynamics,” J. Comput. Neurosci. in press.
• Rangan, A.V., Tao, L., Kovacic, G., and Cai, D. “Multi-Scale Modeling of the Primary Visual
Cortex,” IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine, invited review, in press.
• Tao, L., Cai, D., McLaughlin, D., Shelley, M., and Shapley, R., “Orientation Selectivity in Visual
Cortex by Fluctuation-Controlled Criticality,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 12911-12916 (2006).
• Rangan, A., Cai, D., and Tao, L., “Numerical Method for Solving Moment Equations in Kinetic
Theory of Neuronal Networks,” J. Comput. Phys. 221, 781-798 (2007).
• Cai, D., Tao, L., Rangan, A., and McLaughlin, D., “Kinetic Theory for Neuronal Network
Dynamics,” Comm. Math. Sci. 4, 97-127 (2006).
• Cai, D., Tao, L., and McLaughlin, D., “An Embedded Network Approach for Scale-up of
Fluctuation-driven Systems with Preservation of Spike Information,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
101, 14288-14293 (2004).
• Cai, D., Tao, L., Shelley, M., and McLaughlin, D., “An Effective Kinetic Representation of
Fluctuation-driven Neuronal Networks with Application to Simple and Complex Cells in Visual
Cortex,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 7757-7762 (2004).
• Tao, L., Shelley, M.J., McLaughlin, D.W., and Shapley, R.M., “An Egalitarian Network Model for
the Emergence of Simple and Complex Cells in Visual Cortex,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101,
366-371 (2004).
• Shelley, M.J., and Tao, L., “Efficient and Accurate Time-Stepping Schemes for Integrate-and-Fire
Neuronal Networks,” J. Comput. Neurosci. 11, 111-119 (2001).
• Birch, A.C., Kosovichev, A.G., Spiegel, E.A., and Tao, L., “Resonant Vibrational Instabilities in
Magnetized Stellar Atmospheres,” Solar Phys. 199, 291-306 (2001).
• Ruderman, M.A., Tao, L., and Kluzniak, W., “A Central Engine for Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst
Sources,” Astrophysical J. 542, 243-250 (2000).
• Smith, K.A., Solis, F.J., Tao, L., Thornton, K. and, Olvera de la Cruz, M., “Domain Growth in
Ternary Fluids: A Level Set Approach,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 91-94 (2000).
• Spiegel, E.A., and Tao, L., “Photofluid Instabilities of Hot Stellar Envelopes,” Phys. Rep. 311, 163-
176 (1999).
• Umurhan, O.M., Tao, L., and Spiegel, E.A., “Stellar Oscillons,” Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 867, 298-304
• Tao, L., Proctor, M.R.E., and Weiss, N.O., “Turbulent Flux Expulsion,” Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.
300, 907-914 (1998).
• Tao, L., Weiss, N.O., Brownjohn, D.P., and Proctor, M.R.E., “Flux Separation in Stellar
Magnetoconvection,” Astrophys. J. Lett. 496, L39-42 (1998).
• Solis, F.J., and Tao, L., “Lacunarity of Random Fractals,” Phys. Lett. A228, 351-356 (1997).
• Cattaneo, F., Kim, E.-J., Proctor, M., and Tao, L., “Fluctuations in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Fast
Dynamos,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1522-1525 (1995).
Invited Talks:
• June 2008: Invite Speaker at IBW2008 (International Bioinformatics Workshop) in Kunming, China,
“Low-Dimensional Characterization of Neuronal Network Activity in a Large-Scale Model of the
Visual Cortex”
• April 2007: Colloquium, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY, “Mechanisms of Contrast Adaptation in Visual Cortex”
• April 2007: Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, “Orientation
Selectivity in Visual Cortex”
• March 2007: Seminar, Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, S.A.R., China, “An Introduction to Computational Biology: A Large-Scale Neuronal
Network Model of Visual Cortex”
• January 2007: Seminar, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, “A
Large-Scale Computational Model of Visual Cortex: Mechanisms of Orientation Selectivity”
• December 2006: Seminar, Center for Bioinformatics, Beijing University, Beijing, China, “A Large-
Scale Computational Model of Visual Cortex: Mechanisms of Orientation Selectivity”
• December 2006: Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Houston, TX,
“Reverse-Correlation and the Architecture of Visual Cortex”
• December 2006: Invited Speaker, Computational and Theoretical Biology Symposium, Rice
University, Houston, TX, “Orientation Selectivity by Fluctuation-Controlled Criticality”
• September 2006: Invited Speaker, Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (Neuromath06, a
satellite meeting of the ICM 2006 in Madrid, Spain), St. Julia de Loria, Andorra, “Reverse-
Correlation and the Architecture of Neuronal Networks”
• April 2005: Colloquium, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY, “Orientation Selectivity by Fluctuation-Controlled Critical States”
• March 2005: Applied Mathematics Seminar, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain,
“Orientation Selectivity by Fluctuation-Controlled Criticality”
• December 2003: Seminar, Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University, New York, NY, “The Simple and the Complex of Visual Cortical Dynamics”
Invited Lectures:
• July 2007: Short course “An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Computational Biology”,
Center for Bioinformatics, Beijing University, Beijing China
• December 2006: Department of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, “A
Large-Scale Neuronal Network Model of Visual Cortex”
• July 2005: Summer School on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Beijing University, Beijing,
China, “Introduction to Neuroscience: Single Neuron Physiology and Network Dynamics”
• March 2005: Course on “Mathematical Neuroscience: Modeling of the Visual Cortex” (with
Michael Shelley), Centre de Recerca Matematica, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, Barcelona,
Synergistic Activities:
• May 2007: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Dynamical Systems and
Their Applications, Snowbird, Utah, organized (with Andrew Sornborger, U. Georgia) a minisymposium
on Analysis and Dynamics of Neural Systems
• April 2007: The Fifth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and
Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, organized a minisymposium (with
David Cai, NYU, and Gregor Kovacic, RPI) on Wave Phenomena in Neuronal Systems
• May 2006: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on the Life Sciences,
Rayleigh, North Carolina, organized (with Duane Nykamp, U. Minnesota) a minisymposium on
Analysis and Dynamics of Neuronal Networks
• May 2005: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Dynamical Systems and
Their Applications, Snowbird, Utah, organized (with Tim Lewis, UC Davis) a minisymposium
entitled Waves and Coherent Structures in Neural Systems
• October 2004: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Nonlinear Waves
and Coherent Structures, Orlando, Florida, organized a minisymposium entitled Coherent Structures
in Neuroscience
• June 2004: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences: Fifth International Conference on
Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Pomona, California, organized a minisymposium on
Computational Neuroscience: From Physiology to Mathematical Modeling
Peer Review Activities:
• Proposals refereed for the National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences
(Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Biology Panel, March 2006)
• Journal papers refereed for Cerebral Cortex, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, Journal of
Mathematical Biology, SIAM J. Appl. Math., J. Neural Engineering, Physics Letters A
Professional Societies:
• SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Member)
• SFN, Society for Neuroscience (Member)
Other Academic Activities:
• Colloquium and Seminars Chair at Department of Mathematical Sciences at NJIT (’05-’07)
• Mathematical Biology Seminar Organizer (’03-’05)
• NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (1997-1999)
• GAANN Fellowship of the University of Chicago (1990-1993) (责任编辑:泉水)
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