

时间:2008-09-01 04:38来源:本站原创 作者:bioguider

63.  Schacher, S., Wu, F. and Sun, Z.-Y. (1997).  Pathway-specific synaptic plasticity: activity-dependent enhancement and suppression of long-term heterosynaptic facilitation at converging inputs on a single target. J. Neurosci, 17: 597-606.

64.  Zhu, H., Wu, F. and Schacher, S. (1997).  Site-specific and sensory neuron-dependent increases in postsynaptic glutamate sensitivity accompany serotonin-induced long-term facilitation at Aplysia sensorimotor synapses.  J. Neurosci., 17: 4976-4986.

65.  Sun, Z.-Y. and Schacher, S. (1998).  Binding of serotonin to receptors at multiple sites is required for structural plasticity accompanying long-term facilitation of Aplysia sensorimotor synapses. J. Neurosci, 18: 3991-4000.

66.  Goldberg, D.J., and Schacher, S. (1998).  Culturing the large nerve cells of Aplysia. In Culturing Nerve Cells, eds. G. Banker, and S. Goslin. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 213-236.

67.   Conrad, P., Wu, F. and Schacher, S. (1999).  Changes in functional glutamate receptors on a postsynaptic neuron accompany formation and maturation of an identified synapse.  J. Neurobiol., 39: 237-248.

68.  Chain, D.G., Casadio, A., Schacher, S., Hegde, A.N., Valbrun, M., Yamamoto, N., Goldberg, A.L., Bartsch, D., Kandel, E.R. and Schwartz, J.H. (1999).  Mechanisms for generating the autonomous cAMP-dependent protein kinase required for long-term facilitation in Aplysia.  Neuron, 22: 147-156.

69.  Schacher, S., Wu, F., Panyko, J.D., Sun, Z.-Y. and Wang, D. (1999).  Expression and branch-specific export of mRNA are regulated by synapse formation and interaction with specific postsynaptic targets.  J. Neurosci, 19:6338-6347.

70.  Hatada, Y., Wu, F., Silverman, R., Schacher, S. and Goldberg, D.J. (1999).   En passant synaptic varicosities form directly  from growth cones by transient cessation of growth cone advance but not of actin-based motility.  J. Neurobiol., 41:242-251.

71. Hatada, Y., Wu, F., Sun, Z.-Y., Schacher, S. and Goldberg, D.J. (2000).  Presynaptic morphological changes associated with long-term synaptic facilitation are triggered by actin polymerization at pre-existing varicosities.  J. Neurosci., 20:RC82(1-5).

72. Schacher, S., Wu, F., Sun, Z.-Y. and Wang, D. (2000). Cell-specific changes in expression of mRNAs encoding splice variants of Aplysia cell adhesion molecule accompany long-term synaptic plasticity.  J. Neurobiol., 45:152-161.

73.   Sun, Z.-Y., Wu, F. and Schacher, S. (2001). Rapid bidirectional modulation of mRNA expression and export accompany long-term facilitation and depression of Aplysia synapses.  J. Neurobiol., 46:41-47.


74.    Schacher, S. and Wu, F.  (2002).  Synapse formation in the absence of cell bodies requires protein synthesis.  J. Neurosci. 22:1831-1839.


75.    Hu, J.-Y., Meng, X., and Schacher, S. (2002).  Target interaction regulates distribution and stabilitiy of specific mRNAs.  J. Neurosci. 22:2669-2678.

76.    Hu, J.-Y., Meng, X., and Schacher, S. (2003). Redistribution of syntaxin mRNA in neuronal cell bodies regulates protein expression and transport during synapse formation and long-term synaptic plasticity. J. Neurosci. 23:1804-1815.

77.    Liu, K., Hu, J.-Y., Wang, D. and Schacher, S. (2003). Protein synthesis at synapse versus cell body: Enhanced but transient expression of long-term facilitation at isolated synapses. J Neurobiol 56: 275-286.

78.    Liu, J., Hu, J.-Y., Schacher, S., and Schwartz, J.H. (2004). Two regulatory subunits of protein kinase A have distinct functions in mediating synaptic plasticity in Aplysia neurons.  J, Neurosci,  24:2465-2474.

79.    Hu, J.-Y., Glickman, L.,  Wu, F., and Schacher, S. (2004a).  Serotonin regulates the secretion and autocrine action of a neuropeptide to activate MAPK required for long-term facilitation in Aplysia. Neuron, 43:373-385.

80.    Hu, J.-Y., Goldman, J., Wu, F. and Schacher, S. (2004b).  Target-dependent release of a presynaptic neuropeptide regulates the formation and maturation of specific synapses in Aplysia. J. Neurosci. ,24:9933-9943.

81.    Grabham, P.W., Wu, F., Schacher, S., and Goldberg, D.J. (2005).  Initiating morphological changes associated with long-term facilitation in Aplysia is independent of transcription and translation in the cell body.  J. Neurobiol. 64:202-212.

82.    Hu, J.-Y.,  Wu, F., and Schacher, S (2006).  Two signaling pathways regulate the expression and secretion of a neuropeptide required for long-term facilitation in Aplysia.  J. Neurosci. 26:1026-1035.

83.    Liu, J., Hu, J-Y, Wu, F., Schwartz, J.H., and Schacher, S. (2006).  Two mRNA binding proteins regulate the distribution of syntaxin mRNA in Aplysia sensory neurons. J. Neurosci. 26:5204-5214.

84.    Sung, Y.-J., Wu, F., Schacher, S., and Ambron, R. (2006).  Synaptogenesis regulates axotomy-induced activation of c-Jun-Activator Protein-1 transcription.  J. Neurosci.  26:6439-6449.

85.    Hu, J-Y, Chen, Y., and Schacher, S. (2007). Protein kinase C regulates synthesis and secretion of a neuropeptide required for activity-dependent long-term synaptic facilitation. J. Neurosci, 27:8927-8939.

86.    Hu, J-Y, Chen, Y., and Schacher, S. (2007).  Multi-functional role of protein kinase C in regulating the formation and maturation of specific synapses.  J. Neurosci, 27:11712-11724. (责任编辑:泉水)
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