
Yuzo M. Chino---研究感受野

时间:2004-11-08 10:26来源:本站原创 作者:admin
Yuzo M. Chino

College of Optometry,
University of Houston
505 J. Davis Armistead Bldg., Houston, Texas 77204-2020
(713) 743-1955/743-2039


Ph.D. Syracuse University May, 1973, Visual Neuroscience

B.S. St. Norbert College May, 1968 Neuropsychology & Biology


Positions Held:

1988-Present: Professor of Neuroscience and Optometry, College of Optometry
University of Houston, Houston, Texas
1985-1988: Professor of Neuroscience and Optometry, Division of Basic Sciences
Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, Illinois
1978-1985: Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Division of Basic Sciences
Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, Illinois
1972-1978: Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Division of Basic Sciences
Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, Illinois
1984-1985: Adjunctive Professor of Biology, Department of Biology
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois
1983: Invited Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology
Tokyo Women’s Medical College, Tokyo, Japan
1983: Visiting Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology
St. Marianna Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
1979-1981: Chairman, Division of Visual Sciences, Illinois College of Optometry
1975-1988: Director of Research, Illinois College of Optometry

Research Grant Awards

2003-2008 NIH: Current: EY08128: $ 1,856,250 ($1,250,000- direct)
1988-2003 NIH: RO1-EY08128 (continuation of EY03588)
1981-1988 NIH: RO1-EY03588
1975-1979 NIH: RO1-EY01444
1978-1980 Lions Foundation Research Grant
1972-1973 NIH: Pre-doctoral Fellowship

Teaching Awards

1999 Outstanding First Year Faculty, UH College of Optometry
1997 Outstanding First Year Faculty, UH College of Optometry
1996 Outstanding First Year Faculty, UH College of Optometry
1988 Outstanding Faculty of Year for Teaching for Excellence, Illinois College of Optometry
Other Awards

2000: Appreciation Award: The Conjoint Congress of the 4thJapan-Sino Joint Meeting of Ophthalmology and 10th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Ophthalmology


Refereed papers:
Chino, Y., Zhang, B., Bi, H., Sakai, E., Maruko, I., Zheng, J., and E.L. Smith III (2004) Dynamics of binocular response alterations in developing monkeys visual cortex (V1) immediately following experiencing brief interocular signal decorrelation.
Submitted for publication.

Zhang, B., K. Matsuura, T. Mori, J.M. Wensveen, R.S.Harwerth, E.L. Smith III and Y.M. Chino (2003) Binocular deficits associated with early monocular defocus II. Neurophysiological observations. Journal of Neurophysiology. 90(5), 3012-3023.

Mori, T, K. Matsuura, B. Zhang, E.L. Smith III and Y M. Chino (2002) Effects of the duration of early strabismus on the binocular responses of neurons in the monkey visual cortex (V1). Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, 43:1262-1269.

Matsuura, K., B. Zhang, T. Mori. E.L. Smith III, J.H. Kaas, and Y.M. Chino (2002) Topographic map reorganization in cat area 17 after early monocular retinal lesions.Visual Neuroscience. 19:85-96.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, B. Zhang, K. Matsuura, T. Mori, and J.H. Kaas (2001) Recovery of binocular responses by cortical neurons after early monocular retinal lesions. Nature Neuroscience. 7: 689-690, 2001.

Kaas, J.H., C.E. Collins, and Y.M. Chino (2001) Retinotopic maps in visual cortex reorganize after being locally deprived by damage to inputs. Neuroscience News. 10: 23-27.

Chino, Y.M. (2000) The role of visual experience in the cortical topographic reorganization following retinal lesions. Restorative Neuroscience and Neurology. 15:165-176.

Kumagami, T., B. Zhang, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2000) Effect of onset age of strabismus on the binocular response properties of neurons in the monkey visual cortex. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science. 41:948-954.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, R.S. Harwerth, J. Wensveen, B. Zhang, Y. Sasaki, S. Hatta, M. Endo, T. Kumagami, K. Matsuura, A. Tamai, and K. Yago (2000) Normal and abnormal development of visual cortex in primates. Japanese Review of Clinical Ophthalmology. 94:490-500.

Endo, M., J.H. Kaas, N. Jain, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2000) Binocular cross-orientation suppression in the primary visual cortex (V1) of infant rhesus monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 41:4022-4031.

Hatta, S., T. Kumagami, J. Qian, M. Thornton, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1998)
Nasotemporal directional bias of V1 neurons in young infant monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science. 39:2259-2267.

Sasaki, Y., H. Cheng, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1998) Effects of early discordant binocular vision on the postnatal development of parvocellular neurons in the monkey lateral geniculate nucleus. Experimental Brain Research. 118:341-351.

Chino, Y.M. (1997) Receptive-field plasticity in the adult visual cortex: dynamic signal rerouting or experience-dependent plasticity. Seminars in Neuroscience. 9:34-46.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, W.H. Ridder III, and M.L.J. Crawford (1997) Binocular spatial phase tuning characteristics of neurons in the macaque monkey’s striate cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 78:351-365.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, J. Ni, and H. Cheng (1997) Binocular combination of contrast signals by striate cortical neurons in the macaque monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology. 78:366-382.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, J. Ni, H. Cheng, M.L.J. Crawford, and R.S. Harwerth (1997) Residual binocular interactions in the striate cortex of monkeys reared with abnormal binocular vision. Journal of Neurophysiology. 78:1353-1362.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, S. Hatta, and H. Cheng (1997) Postnatal development of binocular disparity sensitivity in neurons of the primate visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 17:296-307.

Crawford, M.L.J., R.S. Harwerth, Y.M. Chino, and E.L. Smith III(1996) Binocularity in prism-reared monkeys. Eye. 10:161-166.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, J.H. Kaas, Y. Sasaki, and H. Cheng (1995) Receptive-field properties of deafferentated visual cortical neurons after topographic map reorganization in adult cats. Journal of Neuroscience. 15:2417-2433.

Chino, Y.M. (1995) Adult plasticity in the visual system. Canadian Journal of Pharmacology & Physiology. 73:1323-1338.

Cheng, H.Y., Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith III, J. Hamamoto, and K. Yoshida (1995) Transfer characteristics of X-LGN neurons in cats reared with early discordant binocular vision. Journal of Neurophysiology. 74:2548-2557.

Cheng, H.Y., Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith III, J. Hamamoto, and K. Yoshida (1995) Transfer characteristics of lateral geniculate nucleus X-neurons in the cat: Effects of spatial frequency and contrast. Journal of Neurophysiology. 74:2558-2572.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, K. Yoshida, H. Cheng, and J. Hamamoto (1994) Binocular interactions in striate cortical neurons of cats reared with discordant visual inputs. Journal of Neuroscience. 14:5050-5067.

Chino, Y.M. (1994) Early discordant binocular vision disrupts signal transfer in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Proceedings of National Academy of Science. 91:6938-6942.

Hamamoto, J., H. Cheng, K. Yoshida, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1994) Transfer characteristics of X LGN neurons in the cat: Effects of temporal frequency. Experimental Brain Research. 98:191-199.

Garraghty, P., A.W. Roe, Y.M. Chino, and M. Sur (1994) Retinogeniculate X axons in strabismic cats are abnormal. Neuroscience Letters. 165:223-226.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, and R. Harwerth (1993) Retinal inputs to the monkey’s lateral geniculate nucleus in experimental glaucoma. Clinical Vision Sciences. 8:113-139.

Chino, Y.M., J.H. Kaas, E.L. Smith III, A.L. Langston, and H. Cheng (1992) Rapid reorganization of cortical maps in adult cats following restricted deafferentation in retina. Vision Research. 32:789-796.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, H. Wada, W.H. Ridder III, A.L. Langston, and G.A. Lesher (1991) Disruption of binocularly correlated signals alters the postnatal development of spatial properties in cat striate cortical neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 65:841-859.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, W.H. Ridder III, K. Kitagawa, and A. Langston (1990) Orientation bias of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience. 5:525-545.

Kaas, J.H., L.A. Krubitzer, Y.M. Chino, A.L. Langston, E.H. Polley, and N.Blair (1990) Reorganization of retinotopic cortical maps in adult mammals after lesions of the retina. Science. 248:229-231.

Garraghty, P.E., A.W. Roe, Y.M. Chino, and M. Sur (1989) The effects of convergent strabismus on the development of physiologically identified retinogeniculate axons in cats. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 289:202-212.

Chino, Y.M., W.H. Ridder III, and E.A. Czora (1988) Effects of convergent strabismus on spatio-temporal properties and contrast sensitivity of neurons in area 18. Experimental Brain Research. 72:264-278.

Chino, Y.M. and E. Kaplan (1988) Abnormal orientation bias of LGN neurons in strabismic cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 29:644-648.

Chino, Y.M., and Y. Hashimoto (1986) Morphological and functional identification of amacrine cells in retina of Japanese dace. Brain Research. 372:323-337.

Hamasaki, D.I., Y.M. Chino, and M.S. Shansky (1985) Abnormal Y/X ratio in the area centralis of the Siamese cat. Brain Research. 338:201-208.

Saito, T., T. Kujiraoka, T. Yonaha, and Y.M. Chino (1985) Re-examination of photoreceptor-bipolar connectivity patterns in carp retina: HRP-EM and Golgi-EM studies. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 236:141-160.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and W.L. Jankowski (1984) Spatial frequency tuning and contrast threshold of striate neurons in Siamese cats. Experimental Brain Research. 56:227-234.

Kaplan, E., Y.M. Chino, and M.S. Shansky (1984) Response properties of X- and Y-LGN neurons in Siamese cats. Experimental Brain Research. 56:235-242.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, W.L. Jankowski, and F.A. Banser (1983) Effects of rearing kittens with convergent strabismus on development of receptive-field properties in striate cortex neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 50:265-286.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and W.L. Jankowski (1981) Abnormal responses of retinal ganglion cells in Siamese cats to moving slits. Experimental Brain Research. 43:57-64.

Kicliter, E., C. Kay, and Y.M. Chino (1981) The spectral opponent process of On-type ganglion cells and the blue preference of Rana pipiens. Brain Research. 210:103-114.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and W.J. Pizzi (1980) Receptive field properties of simple and complex striate neurons in Siamese cats. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 190:63-86.

Chino, Y,M., M.S. Shansky, and D.I. Hamasaki (1980) Development of receptive field properties of retinal ganglion cells in kittens raised with a convergent squint. Experimental Brain Research. 39:313-320.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and D.I. Hamasaki (1978) Properties of X- and Y-type retinal ganglion cells in Siamese cats. Brain Research. 143:459-473.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and W.L. Jankowski (1978) Receptive field properties of striate neurons in Siamese cats. In Frontiers in Visual Science, Springer Series in Optical Sciences. (Ed. Cool, S.J. and E. L. Smith), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 623-634.

Shansky, M.S., Y.M. Chino, and W.L. Jankowski (1978) Response properties of retinal ganglion cells in Siamese cats. In Frontiers in Visual Science, Springer Series in Optical Sciences. (Ed. Cool, S.J. and E.L. Smith), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 612-622.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and D.I.Hamasaki (1977) Siamese cats: Abnormal responses of retinal ganglion cells. Science. 197:173-174.

Kicliter, E. and Y.M. Chino (1976) On-units in the ipsilateral thalamus of Rana pipiens. Vision Research. 16:1201-1202.

Chino, Y.M. and J.F. Sturr (1975a) The time course of inhibition during the delayed responses of the On-Off ganglion cell in the frog. Vision Research. 15:185-191.

Chino, Y.M. and J.F. Sturr (1975b) Rod and cone contributions to the delayed response of the On-Off ganglion cell in the frog. Vision Research. 15:193-202.

Book chapters:

Kaas JH, Collins CE, and Chino YM. (2004) Plasticity of retinotopic maps in visual cortex of cats and monkeys after lesions of the retinae or V1. In: Plasticity in the Visual System; from Genes to Circuits. R Pinaud, LA Tremere, and P de Weerd , Eds. Springer/Kluwer Academic Press. In press.

Chino, Y.M., Bi, H., Zhang, B. (2003) The postnatal development of the neuronal
response properties in primate visual cortex. In: Primate Vision. J. Kaas and C.
Collins (eds). pp. 81-108, CRC Press.

Kaas, J.H., J.H. Collins, and Y.M. Chino (2001) The reactivation and reorganization of retinotopic maps in visual cortex of adult mammals after retinal and cortical lesions. In: Filling-in: From Perceptual Completion to Skill Learning. Luiz Pessou and P. De Weerd (eds), pp.187-206, Oxford Press.


Chino Y.M. Effects of Onset Age and Duration of Early Strabismus on the Binocular Responses of Neurons in the Monkey Visual Cortex (V1) Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, 2004, abstract, 3364.

Zheng J., Zhang B., Maruko I., Watanabe I., Bi H., Smith E.L. III, Chino Y.M.. Long-range signal interactions in V2 neurons of macaque monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, 2004, abstract, 5482.

Watanabe I., Maruko I., Zhang B., Zheng J., Bi H., Smith E.L. III, Chino Y.M.. The effects of brief unrestricted vision during early monocular form deprivation on the monocular response properties of cortical neurons. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, 2004, abstract, 5492.

Maruko I., Watanabe I., Zhang B., Zheng J., Bi H., Wensveen J., Smith E.L., Chino Y.M..
Binocular response properties of V1 and V2 neurons in monkeys reared with early monocular form deprivation and brief unrestricted vision. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, 2004, abstract, 5494.

Zhang B., Maruko I., Bi H., Watanabe I., Zheng J., Smith E.L., Chino Y. Long-range signal interactions in V2 neurons of macaque monkeys. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, 2004 abstract 304

Zhang B., Watanabe I., Zheng J., Bi H., Maruko I., Smith E.L., Chino YM., Effects of Stimulus Contrasts on Long-range Signal Interactions in V1 and V2 Neurons of Macaque Monkeys Annual Meeting of Society For Neuroscience 2004, abstract 410.13

Zheng J., Zhang B., Bi H., Watanabe I., Maruko I., Smith E.L., Chino YM., Postnatal development of receptive-field center/surround interactions in macaque V1 and V2. Annual Meeting of Society For Neuroscience, 2004, abstract

Watanabe I., Zhang B., Zheng J., Bi H., Maruko I., Smith E.L., Chino YM., Effects of brief unrestricted vision during early monocular form deprivation in macaque monkeys. Annual Meeting of Society For Neuroscience 2004, abstract

Zheng, J., H., Bi, B. Zhang, I. Maruko, E. Sakai, E.L., Smith III.,Y.M. Chino (2003) Comparisons of interocular suppression in V1 neurons of normal neonatal and infant strabismus monkeys. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract 4827.

Zhang, B., H. Bi, J. Zheng, E. Sakai, I. Maruko, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino (2003)
The Effects of short period of strabismus on cortical binocularity.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract 4828.

Bi, H., B. Zhang, J. Zheng, I. Maruko, E. Sakai, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino.
The Effects of short period of strabismus on cortical binocularity. Association for Vision Sciences Society. Abstract SA31: 108-109.

Maruko, I., H. Bi, B. Zhang, J. Zheng, E. Sakai, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino.
Comparisons of interocular suppression in V1 neurons of normal neonatal and infant strabismus monkeys. Association for Vision Sciences Society. Abstract SA32: 109.

Zhang, B., H. Bi, J. Zheng, I. Maruko, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino.
Spatial summation properties of V2 neurons in macaque monkeys.
Program number 484.1.Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.

Maruko, I., H. Bi, B. Zhang, J. Zheng, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino.
High prevalence of interocular suppression in macaque V1 after only 3 days of early strabismus.Program number 266.4.Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.

Bi, H., B. Zhang, E. Sakai, J. Zheng, I. Maruko, E.L. Smith, Y.M. Chino (2002). Interocular Cross-Orientation Suppression In V1 Neurons Of Strabismic Monkeys. Program No. 760.18. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Online.

Sakai, E., B. Zhang, H. Bi, J. Zheng, I. Maruko, E.L. Smith, Y.M. Chino (2002). Effects Of Early Strabismus On The Binocular Response Properties Of V2 Neurons In Rhesus Monkeys. Program No. 760.13. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Online.

Bi, H., B. Zhang, T. Mori, E. Sakai, N. Noska, R.S. Harwerth, Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith. Effects of Early Strabismus On The Development of Binocular Response Properties of Neurons In Visual Area 2 (V2) Of Rhesus Monkeys [abstract] (2002) Annual Meeting Abstract and Program Planner accessed at www.arvo.org. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract 4776.

Sakai, E., T. Mori, B. Zhang, H. Bi, N. Noska, R.S. Harwerth, Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith III. (2002) Directional Bias of Neurons In Visual Area 2 (V2) of Monkeys Reared With Early Strabismus [abstract]. 2002 Annual Meeting Abstract and Program Planner accessed at www.arvo.org. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract 4775.

Zhang, B., T. Mori, H.,Bi, E.L. Smith, III, Y.M. Chino (2001) Effects Of Binocularly Conflictng Signals On The Maturation Of Monkey Primary Visual Cortex (V1). Program No. 821.69. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Online

Mori, T., B. Zhang, H. Bi, R. Harwerth, E.L. Smith III (2001) Y.M. Chino. Directional Bias Of Neurons In Visual Area 2 (V2) Of Strabismic Monkeys. Program No. 165.3. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Online

Mori, T., B. Zhang, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2001) The effects of post-strabismus visual experience on the maintenance of disparity sensitivity in monkey visual cortex (V1). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 42:S51.

Zhang, B., T. Mori, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2001) Contrasting effects of early alternating occlusion and strabismus on the development of neurons in monkeys visual cortex. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 42:S53.

Matsuura, K., B. Zhang, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2000) The effects of the duration optical strabismus on the binocular response properties of neurons in monkey visual cortex. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 41:S52.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, B. Zhang, K. Matsuura, and T. Mori (2000) High prevalence of binocular cross orientation suppression in the primary visual cortex (V1) of young infant monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience (Suppl). 12:491.

Mori, T., B. Zhang, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2000) Topographic map reorganization of visual cortex following unilateral retinal lesions in 8-week-old cats. Neuroscience Abstract. 26:2193.

Zhang, B., K. Matsuura, J. Wensveen, R.S. Harwerth, Y.M. Chino, and E.L. Smith III (2000) Effects of early alternating defocus on the postnatal development of disparity sensitivity in monkey visual cortex. Neuroscience Abstract. 26:2194.

Matsuura, K., T. Kumagami, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1999) Directional bias of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of strabismic monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 40:S644.
20. Zhang, B., T. Kumagami, K. Matsuura, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1999) The effects of timing of a brief optical strabismus on the binocular response properties of neurons in monkey primary visual cortex (V1). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 40:S644.

Chino, Y. (1999) Normal and abnormal development of visual cortex in monkeys. The Bulletins of the Japanese Association of Strabismus and Amblyopia. 36:21-22.

Zhang, B., K. Matsuura, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1999) The effects of onset age of optical strabismus on the binocular response properties of neurons in the monkey visual cortex. Optometry and Vision Science. 76:12S.

Matsuura, K., B. Zhang, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1999) Prolonged recovery following retinal injuries improves the responsiveness of newly activated units following cortical map reorganization. Neuroscience Abstract. 25:1938.

Zhang, B., K. Matsuura, J. Wensveen, R.S. Harwerth, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (2000) Spatial-frequency dependent loss of disparity sensitivity in monkey visual cortex following early alternating defocus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 41:S52.

Kumagami, T., N. Jain, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino, and J.H. Kaas (1998) Development of CAT-301 reactivity in the visual cortex and the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of Macaque monkeys. Neuroscience abstract. 24:62.

Qian, J., T. Kumagami, M. Thornton, E.L. Smith III, J. Wensveen, R.S. Harwerth, and Y.M. Chino (1998) Roles of primary visual cortical (V1) neurons in binocular suppression in strabismic amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (suppl.). 39:S1488.

Kumagami, T., J. Qain, M. Thronton, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1998) Directional bias of V1 neurons in young infant monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (suppl.). 39:S323

Chino, Y.M. (1997) Monkey models of early binocular vision development: Normal and abnormal. Abstracts for the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Mid-Japan Ophthalmological Society. p. 52-53.

Endo, M., S. Hatta, E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1997) Increased binocular suppression in the primary visual cortex (V1) of young infant monkeys reared with brief optical strabismus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (suppl.). 38:S360.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, S. Hatta, and H. Cheng (1996) Suppressive binocular interactions in the primary visual cortex of infant rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience abstract. 22:645.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, S. Hatta, and H. Cheng (1996) Development of disparity sensitivity in the primate visual cortex. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (suppl.). 37:S424.

Hatta, S., H. Cheng, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino (1996) Development of monocular response properties of V1 neurons in primates. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (suppl.). 37:S485.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, J.H. Kaas, and Y. Sasaki (1995) Neuronal responses in topographically reorganized visual cortex in adult cats. IBRO abstract. 188.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, J.H. Kaas, S. Hatta, and V. Sharma (1995) Subthreshold signals involved in topographic map reorganization in area 17 of adult cats. Neuroscience Abstract. 21:394.

Roe, A.W., G.M. Ghose, E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino, and D.Y. Ts’o (1995) Alterations in striate cortical ocular dominance columns in anisometropic amblyopia. Neuroscience Abstract. 21:1752.

Hatta, S., Y.M. Chino, and E.L. Smith III (1995) Direction selectivity of cortical neurons in cats reared with convergent strabismus. Neuroscience Abstract. 21:2023.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, H. Cheng, Y. Sasaki, M.L.J. Crawford, and G.K. von Noorden (1994) Signal transmission in the lateral geniculate nucleus of monkeys with surgically induced esotropia. Neuroscience Abstract. 20:1705.

Sasaki, Y., Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith III, J. Kaas, H. Cheng, K. Yoshida (1994) Response properties of newly activated neurons in the reorganized cortex of adult cats following a retinal lesion. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (suppl.). 35:1774.

Yoshida, K., Y. Chino, E.L. Smith III, J. Hamamoto, H. Cheng, and Y. Diaz (1993) Effects of neonatally induced strabismus on cortical binocular interactions in cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 34:792.

Cheng, H., Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith III, K. Yoshida, and J. Hamaoto (1993) Spatial filtering properties of LGN X-cells in cats. Neuroscience abstract. 18:140.

Hamamoto, J., Y.M. Chino, E.L. Smith III, H. Cheng, and K. Yoshida (1993) Temporal characteristics of signal transfer in the LGN of normal and strabismic cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 33:1215.

Cheng, H., Y.M. Chino, E.L., Smith III, and J. Hamamoto (1992) Abnormal spatial filtering characteristics of LGN neurons in strabismic cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 33:869.

Smith III, E.L., Y.M. Chino, H. Cheng, J. Hamamoto, and M.L.J. Crawford (1992) Cortical binocular combination of contrast signals in the striate cortex of macaque monkeys. Neuroscience Abstract. 18:296.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, H. Cheng, and A.Langston (1991) Effects of stimulus orientation on signal transmission through the LGN. Neuroscience Abstract. 17:629.

Chino, Y.M., J. Kaas, E.L. Smith III, D.I. Hamasaki, A. Langston, K. Kitagawa, L. Krubitzer, and H. Cheng (1991) Effects of the size and the timing of deafferentation on the reorganization of cortical topography in adult cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 32: 1035.

Ni, J., E.L. Smith III, Y.M. Chino, K. Kitagawa, and M.L.J. Crawford (1990) Cortical binocular interactions in normal and strabismic monkeys. Neuroscience Abstract. 16:984.

Roe, A.W., P.E. Garraghty, Y.M. Chino, and M. Sur (1990) Eccentricity dependent effects of esotropia on the development of X-retinogeniculate axons in cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 31:7.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, A. Langston, K. Kitagawa, and A. Lang (1990) Effects of dark adaptation on the orientation bias of cat LGN neurons. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 31:395.

Smith III,E.L., Y.M. Chino, W.H. Ridder III, A. Langston, and K. Kitagawa (1989) Orientation bias of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of macaque monkeys. Neuroscience Abstract. 15: 176.

Smith III, E.L., R.S. Harwerth, Y.M. Chino, M.L.J. Crawford, and L. DeSantis (1989) Neurophysiological alterations produced by experimental glaucoma in monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 30:55.

Chino, Y.M., A.L. Langston, J.H. Kaas, and L.A. Krubitzer (1989) Evidence that lesions induce retinotopic reorganization in visual cortex of adult cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 30:112.

Ridder, W.H., E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1989) Orientation bias of LGN neurons in cats reared with an optically induced anisometropia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.) 30:301.

Ni, J., E.L. Smith III, and Y.M. Chino (1989) Cortical binocular interactions in strabismic cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 30:302.

Pass, A.F. and Y.M. Chino (1988) The effects of varying interadaptive intervals on contrast adaptation in the strabismic amblyopes. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 29:77.

Garraghty, P.E., A.W. Roe, Y.M. Chino, and M. Sur (1988) Convergent strabismus alters the morphology of physiologically identified retinogeniculate axons in cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 29:115.

Chino, Y.M., G.A. Lesher, H. Wada, A.L. Langston, and P.K. Thompson (1988) Spatial properties of striate cortical neurons in esotropic cats following occlusion of the non-deviating eye. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 29:330.

Chino, Y.M., E.L. Smith III, W.H. Ridder, G.C. Duncan, and H. Wada (1987) Optically induced strabismus leads to amblyopia among striate cortical neurons in kittens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 28:127.

Wada, H., Y.M. Chino, D.I. Hamasaki, G.A. Lesher, A.F. Pass (1987) Cortical effects of unilateral intravitreal injection of 5,7 DHT in cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 28:126.

Lesher, G.A., Y.M. Chino, D. Lee, and E. Kaplan (1987) The effects of optically induced strabismus on cell soma size in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (Suppl.). 28:318.

Chino, Y.M., B. Timney, W. Salinger, H. Wada, and G.A. Lesher (1987). Spatial receptive field properties of striate cortical neurons in cats reared with surgically induced esotropia paired with sagittal transection of the optic chiasm. Neuroscience Abstract. 13:1243.

Chino, Y.M. and E. Kaplan (1986) Does esotropia really cause amblyopia in LGN X-cells? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 27:241.

Chino, Y.M., W.H. Ridder, E.P. Czora, and G.A. Lesher (1986) Spatio-temporal response properties of area 18 neurons in esotropic Siamese cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 27:245.

Chino, Y.M., E. Kaplan and K. Hollopigian (1986) The vertical effect in X-LGN neurons in kittens reared with unilateral convergent squint. Neuroscience abstract. 12:591.

Chino, Y.M. and Y. Hashimoto (1985) Identification of dopaminergic cells in the inner retina of Japanese dace. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 26:116.

Chino, Y.M., W.H. Ridder, and W.L. Jankowski (1984) Abnormal responses of the area 18 neurons driven by the non-deviating eye of esotropic cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 25:214.

Kelly, S.A., Y.M. Chino, and M.S. Berman (1984) The effects of grating orientation on contrast sensitivity in the non-deviating eye of strabismic patients. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 25:219.

Chino, Y.M., W.L. Jankowski, and W.H. Ridder (1983) Spatial and temporal response properties of neurons in area 18 of the cat reared with convergent strabismus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 24:229.

Kelly, S.A., Y.M. Chino, and M.S. Berman (1983) The non-deviating eye in human strabismus: contrast sensitivity and perceptive field size. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 24:19.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, W.L. Jankowski, and F.A. Banser (1982) Abnormal spatial tuning of striate neurons in Siamese cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 8:116.

Kicliter, E., Y.M. Chino, and M.S. Shansky (1981) Reduced proportion of large ganglion cells in peripheral Siamese cat retina. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 20:187.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, W.L. Jankowski, and F.A. Banser (1981) Alterations in spatial response properties among simple cells of strabismic cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 20:187.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, F.A. Banser, and W.L. Jankowski (1981) A convergent squint in kittens alters spatial properties of striate cortex units. Neuroscience Abstract. 7:175.

Shansky, M.S., Y.M. Chino, W.L. Jankowski, and W.L. Banser (1981) Effects of convergent squint in cats on temporal properties of striate neurons. Neuroscience Abstract. 7:175.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and D.I. Hamasaki (1980) Conduction velocity and X/Y classification of optic tract fibers in Siamese cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 19:278.

Shansky, M.S., Y.M. Chino, and E. Kaplan (1980) Response properties of lateral geniculate nucleus in Siamese cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 19:278.

Chino, Y.M. and M.S. Shansky (1979) Relationship between direction and orientation selectivity in cat striate neurons. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 183.

Shansky, M.S., Y.M. Chino, and D.I. Hamasaki (1978) Retinal effects of surgically induced strabismus in common cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (Suppl.). 128.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and D.I. Hamasaki (1978) Responses of retinal ganglion cells in Siamese cats to moving slits. Neuroscience abstract. 622.

Shansky, M.S., Y.M. Chino, and D.I. Hamasaki (1977) Responses of retinal ganglion cells in Siamese cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.).

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and W.J. Pizzi (1977) Orientation selectivity of single neurons in area 17 of Siamese cats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 78-79.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and W.J. Pizzi (1977) Relationship between interocular alignment and binocularity of striate cortical neurons in Siamese cats. Neuroscience Abstract. 555.

Shansky, M.S., Y.M. Chino, and W.J. Pizzi (1977) Direction selectivity of striate neurons in the Siamese cat. Neuroscience Abstract . 576.

Chino, Y.M., M.S. Shansky, and D.I. Hamasaki (1976) Response properties of retinal ganglion cells in the Siamese cat. Neuroscience Abstract. 1104.


Chino, Y.M. (2004) Effects of onset age and duration of early strabismus on the binocular responses of neurons in the monkey visual cortex (V1). Mini-symposium. Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Fort Lauderdale, FL. USA

Chino, Y.M. (2004) Effects of binoculalry uncorrelated signals on the maturation
of binocular connections in visual cortex of macaque monkeys, 5th International Symposium, Neuronal mechanisms of Vision
NEUROVISION, Bochum, Germany

Chino, Y.M. (2004) Receptive-field center-surround interactions in macaque V1 and V2 neurons. Symposium on Functional organization and Plasticity of Visual Cortex. Japan Vision Forum Annual Meeting, Yonago, Japan

Chino, Y.M. (2003) Effects of interocularly uncorrelated signals on the postnatal development of binocular connections in macaque V1. Special Lecture. Department of Physiology, Osaka University School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2003) Effects of early binocular imbalance on the maturation of intrinsic connections in V1 and V2 of rhesus monkeys. Research symposium. Department of Physiology and Ophthalmology, Tottori University School of Medicine. Yonago, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2003) Early Cortical Plasticity in the Primary Visual Cortex
(V1) of Macaque Monkeys. Research Seminar, Department of Neurobiology, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Chino, Y.M. (2003) Cortical mechanisms underlying strabismic amblyopia: A new hypothesis. Seminar, Department of Ophthalmology, Kawasaki Medical University, Kurashiki, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2003) A neural basis of amblyopia: a new idea. Department of Ophthalmology, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Normal and abnormal development of monkey visual cortex. Neurovision-Sommersemester Kolloquien, Department of Neurophysiology, Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Recovery of binocular responses by cortical neurons after early monocular retinal lesion. Symposium sponsored by Atlanta Chapter of the Society of neuroscience on “Cortical Plasticity and Multisensory Intergration”. Emory University, Atlanta, Geogia

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Cortical plasticity in the primate visual system. Special lecture. Laboratory of Neuroendocinology and Immunological Biotechnology, Zoological Institute, Katolik University, Leuven, Belgium

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Adult cortical plasticity in the visual system. Special lecture. Department of Ophthalmology, Tottori University School of Medicine. Yonago, Japan

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Abnormal development of binocular vision in primates. Special lecture. Department of Ophthalmology, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Normal and abnormal development of binocular vision in primates. Special lecture. Department of Ophthalmology, Kawasaki Medical University, Kurashiki, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2002) Evidence for plasticity in the mature brain. Southwestern Congress of Vision Development. San Antonio, Texas

Chino, Y.M. (2001) Plasticity in the visual system. Southwestern Congress of Vision Development. San Antonio, Texas

Chino, Y.M. (2001) Cortical plasticity in adults. Special Interest Group (SIG) lecture, Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.

Chino, Y.M. (2001) Special lecture: Early visual development in primates. Fukushima University, School of Medicine, Fukushima, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2001) Special lecture: Effects of early strabismus on binocular vision development. Department of Ophthalmology, Tottori University, Yonago, Japan

Chino, Y.M. (2001) Normal and abnormal development of binocular vision in primates. National Institute of Physiology. Okazaki, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (2000) Special Lecture: Impact of early binocular imbalance on cortical development. The Conjoint Congress of the 4th Japan-Sino Joint Meeting of Ophthalmology and The 10th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Ophthalmology. Yonago, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1999) The effects of onset age of strabismus on the development of binocular connections in monkey visual cortex. Division of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, TX.

Chino, Y.M. (1999) Keynote lecture entitled “Normal and Abnormal Development of Monkey Visual Cortex”. The annual meeting for the Japanese Society of Strabismus and Amblyopia, Fukushima, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1999) How early surgical corrections should be performed in infantile esotropes? Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1998) The topographic map reorganization of adult visual cortex following retinal injuries: Dynamic rerouting or experience-dependent plasticity? Symposia on Visual System Damage: Residual Function and Plasticity. Forum of European Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.

Chino, Y.M. (1997) Normal and abnormal development of binocular properties in monkey V1. Max-Planck Institute, Frankfurt, Germany.

Chino, Y.M. (1997) Normal development of disparity sensitivity in the primary visual cortex of monkeys. Department of Neurophysiology, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany.

Chino, Y.M. (1997) The postnatal development of binocular vision in primates. Osaka Bioscience Institute, Osaka, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1997) Monkey models of early binocular vision development: Normal and abnormal. The Primary Lecture, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Mid-Japan Ophthalmological Society, Yonago, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1995) Receptive-fields of newly activated cortical neurons following retinal injury. Special Symposium on the CNS Function, Tottori School of Medicine, Yonago, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1995) Effects of early strabismus on the functional development of the visual cortex. Vision Forum, Department of Ophthalmology, Chiba University School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1995) Neural plasticity in the visual system of adult mammals. Department of Physiology, Tokyo Women’s Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1995) The functional status of reactivated cortical neurons. Symposia on “Cerebral Cortex: Function and Development”. Lyon, France.

Chino, Y. M. (1994) Abnormal signal transmission in the LGN of cats reared with discordant binocular visual experience. Division of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.

Chino, Y.M. (1994) Adult plasticity in the visual system. XVIth International Symposium on "Development and Plasticity of the Visual System". Montreal, Canada.

Chino, Y.M. (1992) Cortical map reorganization in adult mammals following restricted retinal lesion. Research Seminar, Department of Physiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.

Chino, Y.M.(1992) Binocular contrast interactions in normal and amblyopic monkeys: II Electrophysiological investigations. XIVth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Strasbourg, France.

Chino,Y.M. (1990) Is the Y-pathway abnormal in strabismic cats? Symposia on neural plasticity during early development. College of Optometry, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO.

Chino,Y.M. (1990) Neural basis of strabismic amblyopia. Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX.

Chino,Y.M. (1990) Abnormal binocular interactions and spatial properties of cortical neurons in esotropic cats. The 237th Symposium on the Central Nervous System Disorder. School of Medicine, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1990) Neural mechanisms underlying strabismic amblyopia. Department of Physiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1988) Abnormal responses of neurons in the LGN and the striate cortex of esotropic cats. Department of Neurobiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Chino, Y.M. (1987) Are Y-cells in strabismic cats normal? Special Seminar, University of Houston, School of Optometry, Houston, TX.

Chino, Y.M. (1985) Neural mechanisms underlying the amblyopia of visual neurons in Siamese cats. Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1985) Neurophysiological correlates of strabismic amblyopia in pigmented and Siamese cross-eyed cats. National Institute of Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1984) Re-examination of photoreceptor bipolar connectivity patterns in carp retina: HRP-EM and Golgi-EM techniques. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Medical School, Miami, FL.

Chino, Y.M.(1984) Rearing kittens with esotropia alters monocular RF properties of visual neurons. Human Visual Development and its Clinical Evaluation, School of Optometry, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO.

Chino, Y.M. (1984) Morphological and physiological identification of dopaminergic cells in the inner retina of Japanese dace. Vision Group, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.

Chino, Y.M. (1983) Convergent strabismus and neural plasticity. Department of Physiology, Keio University, St. Marianna University, and Tokyo women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1983) Effects of rearing kittens with esotropia on the development of the visual system in cats. Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Physiology, Tohoku University School of Medicine and Tohoku Medical Society, Sendai, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1983) Receptive-field development of visual neurons in strabismic cats. Department of Physiology, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1983) Rearing kittens with esotropia alters the RF properties of visual neurons. Department of Ophthalmology and Physiology, Kanazawa University Medical School, Kanazawa, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1983) Analogues of strabismic amblyopia ---an experimental approach to visual, neural development. Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Physiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.

Chino, Y.M. (1982) Spatial frequency tunings of visual neurons in Siamese cats. Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Chino, Y.M. (1981) Effects of rearing kittens with convergent squint on response from retinal ganglion cells. Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Chino, Y.M. (1978) Abnormal responses of retinal ganglion cells in Siamese cats. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL.

Chino, Y.M. and M.S . Shansky ( 1977) Response properties of striate neurons in Siamese cats. Dedicatory Symposium: Vision 1977, School of Optometry, University of Houston, Houston, TX.

Chino, Y.M. (1977) Abnormalities in area 17 of Siamese cats, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Medical School, Miami, FL.



Professional Program

Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology:
Primary lecturer and course coordinator,
Illinois College of Optometry (1973-1988)

Neuroanatomy Laboratory:
Primary instructor, Illinois College of Optometry (1974-1988)

Physiological Optics: Sensory Aspect (I) Electrophysiology of Vision:
Lecturer, Illinois College of Optometry (1976-1988)

Physiological Optics: Developmental Neurobiology:
Lecturer, Illinois College of Optometry (1978-1981)

Senior Research:
Advisor, Illinois College of Optometry (1972-1988)

Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology
Course Master and Instructor (100 % )
University of Houston College of Optometry (1988-Present)

Neuroanatomy Laboratory
Course Master (100%)
University of Houston College of Optometry (1988-Present)

Graduate Program

Advanced Visual Neurophysiology
Co-instructor, University of Houston College of Optometry

Advanced Developmental Neurobiology
Co-instructor, University of Houston College of Optometry

Graduate Research Seminar
Co-instructor, University of Houston College of Optometry

Physiological Optics and Vision Science-Basic Vision Core
Co-instructor, University of Houston College of Optometry

Graduate students and Postdoctoral Fellows

University of Houston College of Optometry

Ph.D. Dissertation

William Ridder III, Ph.D. 1988-1989 Committee
Jinren Ni, Ph.D. 1988-1992 Committee
Srimant P. Tripathy, Ph.D. 1991-1994 Committee
Han Cheng, Ph.D. 1991-1994 Chair
Louis Reich, O.D., Ph.D. 1994-1999 Committee
Janice M. Wensveen, O.D., Ph.D. 1997-1999 Committee
Vineeta Sharma, O.D.,Ph.D. 1997-1999 Committee
Ming Qiao, M.D. (Ph.D.) 2000-present, Committee
Erwin H.Wong,, Od., Ph.D. 2000-2003 Committee
Bin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. 1999-2003 Chair
Hua Bi, M.S., (Ph.D.) 2001-present, Chair
Jiange Zheng, M.D., (Ph.D.) 2002-present, Chair

Master Thesis

Andrew Carkeet, M.S. 1988-1990, Committee
Srividhya Hariharan, O.D. M.S. 2000-2002 Committee

Department of Computer Sciences

Yiji Lin, M.S. 2002-2003 Committee

Other Universities

Anna Laskowitz, B.S., Ph.D. University of Illinois, Department of Anatomy
1982-1985, Committee
William Ridder III, B.S., M.S. Southern Illinois University, Department of Biology
1984-1985, Committee
Tianming Yang, B.S., Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine, Division of Neuroscience
1999- 2003, External Committee
Estel Van Der Gucht, Ph.D. Catholic University, Division of Neuroendocrinology and Immunogic Biotechnology, Leuven, Belgium
2003, International Committee member

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Periods Current position
Kosuke Kitagawa, M.D., Ph.D. 1988-1991 Assist. Professor, Kochi Medical Univ.
Andy Langston, O,D., Ph.D. 1988-1992 Medical Associate, Fayettville, AK
Kazuki Yoshida, M.D., Ph.D. 1991-1993 Assist. Professor. Kochi Medical Univ.
Junji Hamamoto, M.D., Ph.D. 1991-1993 Director of Ophthalmol. Matsue Hospital
Yuji Sasaki, M.D., Ph.D. 1992-1994 Assoc. Professor, Tottori Medical Univ.
Shiro Hatta, M.D., Ph.D. 1994-1996 Assist. Professor, Tottori Medical Univ.
Minoru Endo, M.D., Ph.D. 1995-1997 Assist. Professor, Kobe Medical Univ.
Takeshi Kumagami, M.D., Ph.D. 1997-1999 Assist. Professor, Nagasaki Medical Univ.
Kazuki Matsuura, M.D., Ph.D. 1998-2000 Assist. Professor, Tottori Medical Univ.
Takafumi Mori, M.D. 1999-2001 Assist. Professor, Fukushima Medical Univ.
Eiichi Sakai, M.D. 2000-2003 Assist. Professor, Fukushima Medical Univ.
Iciro Maruko, M.D. 2002-present
Ichiro Watanabe, M.D. 2003-present
Bin Zhang, M.D. Ph.D. 2003-present

NIH Summer Research Fellows

Selina Garcia, O.D. 1994
Sherryl Egami, O.D. 1996
Mallory Thornton, O.D. 1997-98
Nicole Noska, B.S. 2000-02

NIH Research Fellows for Underrepresented Minorities
(Supplement to NIH Research Grant EY-08128)

Yvonne Diaz, O.D. 1992-1994
Selina Garcia, O.D. 1994-1996



2003-present: Member, University Promotion and Tenure Committee
2003-present: Member, Research Council, University of Houston
1999-2002: Member, Animal Care Committee, University of Houston
1991-1993: Member, Research Council, University of Houston

College of Optometry:

1989-1991; 1993-1995; 1997-1999; 2001-2003: Member, Promotions and Tenure Committee
1994-1995: Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee
1990-1991: Chair, BRSG Review Committee
1989-1990: Member, BRSG Review Committee
1988-1990: Member, Research Initiation Grant Committee
1991-1992: Chair, Graduate Faculty Appointment Committee
1978-1988: Director of Research, Illinois College of Optometry
1982-1986: Chairman, Promotions Committee, Illinois College of Optometry
1973-1988: Chairman, Research Committee, Illinois College of Optometry
1979-1981: Member, Academic Committee, Illinois College of Optometry
1983-1984: Member, Faculty Board Award Committee, Illinois College of Optometry
1979-1981: Chairman, Division of Visual Sciences, Illinois College of Optometry
1978-1988: Member, Institutional Review Board, Illinois College of Optometry


2003: Member, IFCN-4 Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, NIH (2 times)
2002: Member, Council ZRG1 Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panel (3 times)
Center for Scientific Review, NIH
2001: Ad hoc Member, Study Section-ZRG1 SSS-R, NIH (2 times)
2001: Ad hoc Member, Study Section –BN-1, NIH
1997-2001: International Reviewer, Funds for Scientific Research–Belgium
1992-1996: Member, Study Section-VIS B/Reserve, NEI/NIH
1994: Ad hoc Member, Study Section-BN-1, NIH
1987-1992: Member, Study Section-VIS B, NEI/NIH
1986: Ad hoc Member, Study Section-VIS B, NEI/NIH

1978-present: (3-5 times/year) Referee for: Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal of Neurophysiology, Visual Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, European Journal of Neuroscience, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Journal of American Academy of Optometry and Physiological Optics, Vision Research, Current Eye Research (责任编辑:泉水)
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