
Lawrence B. Cohen

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Lawrence B. Cohen

Born: Indianapolis, IN; June 18, l939

Current Position: Professor
Department of Physiology
Yale University School of Medicine

Address: Department of Physiology
333 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 785-4047; lawrence.cohen@yale.edu

Education, Training, and Experience:

1961 B.A. (with honors), Biochemistry major, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

1965 Ph.D., Department of Zoology, Columbia University, New York. Thesis: "Globular actin: Physical characterization of G-ADP actin and comparison with G-ATP actin." Sponsors: Eloise E. Clark and Teru Hayashi.

1962-1966 Five summers at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. Three
with Kensal E. Van Holde (physical biochemistry of hemocyanins), one in
the Training Program in Neurophysiology (Steven W. Kuffler, director).

1966-1968 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, with Richard D. Keynes, FRS, Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge, England.

1968-present Department of Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine.


1965 McMaster Award for Excellence in Teaching, Columbia University
1984 Naito Foundation Travel Award
1987 Elizabeth Roberts Cole Award of the Biophysical Society
1990 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1993 Fellow, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
1998 Joseph Erlanger Distinguished Lecturer, American Physiological Society
2000 Grass Foundation Traveling Lecturer

Students and Fellows:
I have collaborated with two predoctoral students, 17 post-doctoral fellows, and three senior visitors. The present situation of eleven of these is:

H. Vicencio Davila Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Professor, Department of Physiology
Brian M. Salzberg University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Professor of Neuroscience
William N. Ross New York Medical College
Professor of Physiology
Amiram Grinvald Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurobiology
Kohtaro Kamino Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Professor Emeritus of Physiology
Martine Cattarelli CNRS, Dijon,
Charge de Recherche
Harry Orbach Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow
Lecturer, Dept. of Vision Sciences
Jian-young Wu Georgetown University
Assistant Professor of Physiology
Dejan Zecevic Institute for Biological Research and University of Belgrade,
Yugoslavia, Professor of Biology. Because of the difficult scientific
environment in Belgrade, Dr. Zecevic returned to Yale in 1993
Michal Zochowski University of Michigan
Assistant Professor of Biophysics
Matt Wachowiak Boston University
Assistant Professor of Biology

Professional Societies:
Society of General Physiologists (councilor 1972-1974)
Biophysical Society (councilor 1975-1978)
Society for Neuroscience

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine, 1975-1980.
Program Director, Integrative Biology Training Grant, 1975-1980.
Organizer, Nahum Memorial Lecture, Department of Physiology, 1981-present.
Program Director, Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Training Grant, 1988-1994.
Organizer, Monday evening seminars, Marine Biological Laboratory, 1988-2003.
Co-organizer, Department of Physiology retreat, 1989-present.
Member, Executive Committee, Yale Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, 1992- present.
Chairman, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Marine Biological Laboratory, 1997-2000.
Co-organizer, NeuroImaging Cluster, Marine Biological Laboratory, 2002-present.

Non-Academic Positions:
Member, RedShirtImaging, LLC, Fairfield, CT
Scientific Council, MariCal, Portland, ME


(Since 1975, I have, where possible, avoided first and last authorships.)


Cohen, L.B. and K.E. Van Holde. (1964). Physical studies on hemocyanin. II. A comparison of the hemocyanin and apohemocyanin of Loligo paelii. Biochemistry, 3, 1809-1813.

Grant, R.J., L.B. Cohen, E.E. Clark, and T. Hayashi. (1964). A low viscosity G-Actin preparation. Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 16, 314-318.

Van Holde, K.E. and L.B. Cohen. (1964). Physical studies on Hemocyanin. I. Characterization and subunit structure of Loligo paelii hemocyanin. Biochemistry, 3, 1803-1808.

Cohen, L.B. (1966). Viscosity of G-ADP and G-ATP actin. Arch Biochem Biophys, 117, 289-295.

Cohen, L.B., R.D. Keynes, and B. Hille. (1968). Light scattering and birefringence changes during nerve activity. Nature, 218, 438-441.

Cohen, L.B., B. Hille, and R.D. Keynes. (1969). Light scattering and birefringence changes during activity in the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus. J. Physiol (Lond), 203, 489-509.

Cohen, L.B., B. Hille, and R.D. Keynes. (1970). Changes in axon birefringence during the action potential. J. Physiol (Lond), 211, 495-515.

Cohen, L.B. and R.D. Keynes. (1971). Changes in light scattering associated with the action potential in crab nerves. J. Physiol (Lond), 212, 259-275.

Cohen, L.B., B. Hille, R.D. Keynes, D. Landowne, and E. Rojas. (1971). Analysis of the potential-dependent changes in optical retardation in the squid giant axon. J. Physiol (Lond), 218, 205-237.

Cohen, L.B., R.D. Keynes, and D. Landowne. (1972). Changes in light scattering that accompany the action potential in squid giant axons: potential-dependent components. J Physiol (Lond), 224, 701-725.

Cohen, L.B., R.D. Keynes, and D. Landowne. (1972). Changes in axon light scattering that accompany the action potential: Current-dependent components. J. Physiol. (Lond), 224, 727-752.

Davila, H.V., B.M. Salzberg, L.B. Cohen, and A.S. Waggoner. (1973). A large change in axon fluorescence that provides a promising method for measuring membrane potential. Nature, New Biol., 241, 159-160.

Salzberg, B.M., H.V. Davila, and L.B. Cohen. (1973). Optical recording of impulses in individual neurones of an invertebrate central nervous system. Nature, 246, 508-509.

Cohen, L.B. and D. Landowne. (1974). The temperature dependence of the movement of sodium ions associated with nerve impulses. J. Physiol. (Lond), 236, 95-111.

Cohen, L.B., B.M. Salzberg, H.V. Davila, W.N. Ross, D. Landowne, A.S. Waggoner, and C.H. Wang. (1974). Changes in axon fluorescence during activity: molecular probes of membrane potential. J. Membr. Biol, 19, 1-36.

Davila, H.V., L.B. Cohen, B.M. Salzberg, and B.B. Shrivastav. (1974). Changes in ANS and TNS fluorescence in giant axons from Loligo. J. Membr. Biol, 15, 29-46.

Ross, W.N., B.M. Salzberg, L.B. Cohen, and H.V. Davila. (1974). A large change in dye absorption during the action potential. Biophys. J., 14, 983-986.

Brown, J.E., L.B. Cohen, P. De Weer, L.H. Pinto, W.N. Ross, and B.M. Salzberg. (1975). Rapid changes in intracellular free calcium concentration. Detection by metallochromic indicator dyes in squid giant axon. Biophys. J., 15, 1155-1160.

Grinvald, A., B.M. Salzberg, and L.B. Cohen. (1977). Simultaneous recording from several neurones in an invertebrate central nervous system. Nature, 268, 140-142.

Ross, W.N., B.M. Salzberg, L.B. Cohen, A. Grinvald, H.V. Davila, A.S. Waggoner, and C.H. Wang. (1977). Changes in absorption, fluorescence, dichroism, and birefringence in stained giant axons : optical measurement of membrane potential. J. Membr. Biol., 33, 141-183.

Salzberg, B.M., A. Grinvald, L.B. Cohen, H.V. Davila, and W.N. Ross. (1977). Optical recording of neuronal activity in an invertebrate central nervous system: simultaneous monitoring of several neurons. J. Neurophysiology, 40, 1281-1291.

Grinvald, A., L.B. Cohen, S. Lesher, and M.B. Boyle. (1981). Simultaneous optical monitoring of activity of many neurons in invertebrate ganglia using a 124-element photodiode array. J. Neurophysiology, 45, 829-840.

Gupta, R.K., B.M. Salzberg, A. Grinvald, L.B. Cohen, K. Kamino, S. Lesher, M.B. Boyle, A.S. Waggoner, and C.H. Wang. (1981). Improvements in optical methods for measuring rapid changes in membrane potential. J. Membr. Biol., 58, 123-137.

Boyle, M.B., L.B. Cohen, E.R. Macagno, and H.S. Orbach. (1983). The number and size of neurons in the CNS of gastropod molluscs and their suitability for optical recording of activity. Brain Research, 266, 305-317.

Orbach, H.S. and L.B. Cohen. (1983). Optical monitoring of activity from many areas of the in vitro and in vivo salamander olfactory bulb: a new method for studying functional organization in the vertebrate central nervous system. J. Neuroscience, 3, 2251-2262.

Loew, L.M., L.B. Cohen, B.M. Salzberg, A.L. Obaid, and F. Bezanilla. (1985). Charge-shift probes of membrane potential. Characterization of aminostyrylpyridinium dyes on the squid giant axon. Biophys. J., 47, 71-77.

Orbach, H.S., L.B. Cohen, and A. Grinvald. (1985). Optical mapping of electrical activity in rat somatosensory and visual cortex. J. Neuroscience, 5, 1886-1895.

Kauer, J.S., D.M. Senseman, and L.B. Cohen. (1987). Odor elicited activity monitored simultaneously from 124 regions of the salamander olfactory bulb using a voltage sensitive dye. Brain Research, 418, 255-261.

London, J.A., D. Zecevic, and L.B. Cohen. (1987). Simultaneous optical recording of activity from many neurons during feeding in Navanax. J. Neuroscience, 7, 649-661.

Shrager, P., S.Y. Chiu, J.M. Ritchie, D. Zecevic, and L.B. Cohen. (1987). Optical measurement of propagation in normal and demyelinated frog nerve. Biophys. J., 51, 351-355.

Cattarelli, M. and L.B. Cohen. (1989). Optical recording of the pyriform cortex activity induced by lateral olfactory tract stimulation. Chemical Senses, 14, 577-586.

London, J.A., L.B. Cohen, and J.Y. Wu. (1989). The spread of epileptiform discharges in the somatosensory cortex of the rat measured with voltage sensitive dyes. J. Neuroscience, 9, 2182-2190.

Zecevic, D., J.Y. Wu, L.B. Cohen, J.A. London, H.P. Hopp, and C.X. Falk. (1989). Hundreds of neurons in the Aplysia abdominal ganglion are active during the gill-withdrawal reflex. J. Neuroscience, 9, 3681-3689.

Morton, D.W., H.J. Chiel, L.B. Cohen, and J.Y. Wu. (1991). Optical methods can be utilized to map the location and activity of putative motor neurons and interneurons during rhythmic patterns of activity in the buccal ganglion of Aplysia. Brain Research, 564, 45-55.

Loew, L.M., L.B. Cohen, J. Dix, E.N. Fluhler, V. Montana, G. Salama, and J.Y. Wu. (1992). A napthyl analog of the aminostyryl pyridinium class of potentiometric membrane dyes shows consistent sensitivity in a variety of tissue, cell, and model membrane preparations. J. Memb. Biology, 130, 1-10.

Falk, C.X., Wu Jy, L.B. Cohen, and C. Tang. (1993). Non-uniform expression of habituation in the activity of distinct classes of neurons in the Aplysia abdominal ganglion. J. Neuroscience, 13, 4072-4081.

Tsau, Y., J.Y. Wu, H.P. Hopp, L.B. Cohen, D. Schiminovich, and C.X. Falk. (1994). Distributed aspects of the response to siphon touch in Aplysia: spread of stimulus information and cross correlation analysis. J. Neuroscience, 14, 4167-4184.

Wu, J.Y., L.B. Cohen, and C.X. Falk. (1994). Neuronal activity during different behaviors suggests a distributed neuronal organization in the Aplysia abdominal ganglion. Science, 263, 820-823.

Wu, J.Y., Y. Tsau, H.P. Hopp, L.B. Cohen, A.C. Tang, and C.X. Falk. (1994). Consistency in nervous systems: Trial-to-trial and animal-to-animal variations in the response to repeated application of a sensory stimulus in Aplysia. J. Neuroscience, 14, 1366-1384.

Hopp, H.P., C.X. Falk, L.B. Cohen, J.Y. Wu, and A.I. Cohen. (1996). Effect of feedback from peripheral movements on the neuron activity in the Aplysia abdominal ganglion. European J. Neuroscience, 8, 1865-1872.

Tsau, Y., P. Wenner, M.J. O'Donovan, L.B. Cohen, L.M. Loew, and J.P. Wuskell. (1996). Dye screening and signal-to-noise ratio for retrogradely transported voltage-sensitive dyes. J. Neuroscience Methods, 70, 121-129.

Wenner, P., Y. Tsau, L.B. Cohen, M.J. O'Donovan, and Y. Dan. (1996). Voltage sensitive dye recording using retrogradely transported dye in the chicken spinal cord: staining and signal characteristics. J. Neuroscience Methods, 70, 111-120.

Hickie, C., L.B. Cohen, and P.M. Balaban. (1997). The synapse between LE sensory neurons and gill motoneurons makes only a small contribution to the Aplysia gill-withdrawal reflex., European J. Neuroscience, 9, 627-636.

Prechtl, J.C., L.B. Cohen, B. Peseran, P.P. Mitra, and D. Kleinfeld. (1997) Visual stimuli induce waves of electrical activity in turtle cortex. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 94, 7621-7626.

Wachowiak, M., and Cohen, L. B. (1998) Presynaptic afferent inhibition of lobster olfactory receptor cells: Reduced action potential propagation into axon terminals. J. Neurophysiology, 80, 1011-1015.

Wachowiak, M., and Cohen, L. B., (1999), Presynaptic inhibition of primary olfactory afferents mediated by different mechanisms in the lobster and turtle. J. Neuroscience, 19, 8808-8817.

Lam, Y-w.,, Cohen, L.B., Wachowiak, M., and Zochowski, M.R. (2000), Odors elicit three different oscillations in the turtle olfactory bulb. J. Neuroscience, 20:749-762.

Zochowski, M., L.B. Cohen, G. Fuhrmann, and D. Kleinfeld (2000), Distributed and partially separate pools of neurons are correlated with two different components of the gill withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. J. Neuroscience, 20: 8485-8492.

Wachowiak, M., M. Zochowski, L.B. Cohen, and C. X. Falk (2000), The spatial representation of odors by olfactory receptor neuron input to the Olfactory bulb is concentration invariant. Biological Bulletin, 199: 162-163.

Wachowiak M and Cohen LB., (2001) . Representation of odorants by receptor neuron input to the mouse olfactory bulb. Neuron, 32: 723-735.

Wachowiak M, Cohen LB, and Zochowski, M. (2002) Distributed and concentration invariant spatial representations of odorants by receptor neuron input to the turtle olfactory bulb. J. Neurophysiology, 87: 1035-1045.

Wachowiak, M, and Lawrence B. Cohen, L.B. (2003) Correspondence between odorant-evoked patterns of receptor neuron input and intrinsic optical signals in the mouse olfactory bulb. J. Neurophysiology, 89: 1623-1639.

Lam, Y-w, Cohen, L.B., and Michal R. Zochowski, M.R. (2003), Effect of odorant quality on the three oscillations and the DC signal in the turtle olfactory bulb. European J. Neuroscience, 17: 436-446.

Zochowski, M. R., and Cohen, L. B. (2004), Oscillations in the olfactory bulb carry information about the history of odorant presentation. in preparation.

Vučinić, D., Cohen, L.B., and Kosmidis, E.K. (2004), Presynaptic centre-surround inhibition shapes sensory input to the mouse olfactory bulb. in preparation


Waggoner, A.S. and A Grinvald (1977). Mechanisms of rapid optical changes of potential sensitive dyes. Ann. New York Academy of Sciences, 303, 217-241.

Kogan, A., W. N. Ross, D. Zecevic, and N. Lasser-Ross (1995). Optical recording from cerebellar Purkinje cells using intracellularly injected voltage-sensitive dyes. Brain Research, 700, 235-239.

Antic S. and D. Zecevic. (1995). Optical signals from neurons with internally applied voltage-sensitive dyes. J. Neuroscience, 15, 1392-1405.

Zecevic, D. (1996). Multiple spike initiation zones in single neurons revealed by voltage-sensitive dyes. Nature, 381, 322-325.

Shao, X.M. and Y. Tsau. (1996). Measures and statistical tests for cross-correlation between paired neuronal spike trains with small sample size. J. Neuroscience Methods, 70, 141-152.

Antic, S., Major G., Chen, W., Wuskel, J., Loew L., and Zecevic, D. (1997). Fast voltage-sensitive dye recording of membrane potential changes at multiple sites on an individual nerve cell in the rat cortical slice. Biological Bulletin, 193: 261.

Antic, S., Major, G., and Zecevic, D. (1999). Fast optical recordings of membrane potential changes from dendrites of pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiology, 82: 1615-1621.

Antic S., Wuskell, J. P., Loew, L., and D. Zecevic. (2000). Functional profile of a neuron: temporal and spatial dynamics of electrical activity in situ. J. Physiology (London) 527.1, 55-69.

Zochowski, M. (2000), Intermittent dynamical control. Physica D, 145: 181-190.

Fadool, D.A., Wachowiak, M, Brann, J.H. (2001), Patch-clamp analysis of voltage-activated and chemically activated currents in the vomeronasal organ of Sternotherus odoratus (stinkpot/musk turtle). J Exp Biol. 204:4199-4212.


Van Holde, K.E. and L.B. Cohen. (1964). The dissociation and reassociation of Loligo paelii hemocyanin. Brookhaven Symp Biol, 17, 184-193.

Cohen, L.B. (1970). Light scattering changes during axon activity. In Permeability and Function of Biological Membranes, L. Bolis, A. Katchalsky, R.D. Keynes, W.R. Loewenstein, and B.A. Pethica eds., North Holland Publishing Co, Amsterdam, 318-325.

Cohen, L.B. and D. Landowne. (1971). Optical studies of action potentials. In Physiology and Biophysics of Excitable Membranes, W.J. Adelman ed., Van Nostrand, Reinhold, New York, 247-263.

Cohen, L.B. (1973). Changes in neuron structure during action potential propagation and synaptic transmission. Physiol Rev, 53, 373-418.

Cohen, L.B., B.M. Salzberg, H.V. Davila, A.S. Waggoner, and C.-.H. Wang. (1974). Optical measurement of spike activity in neurons of the leech central nervous system. Actualities Neurophysiologiques, 10, 23-30.

Cohen, L.B. and P. DeWeer. (1977). Structural and metabolic processes directly related to action potential propagation. Handbook of Physiology: The Nervous System, 1, 137-159.

Cohen, L.B. and B.M. Salzberg. (1978). Optical measurement of membrane potential. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol, 83, 35-88.

Cohen, L.B., B.M. Salzberg, and A. Grinvald. (1978). Optical methods for monitoring neuron activity. Annu Rev Neurosci, 1, 171-182.

Salzberg, B.M., L.B. Cohen, A. Grinvald, and W.N. Ross. (1979). Potentiometric probes for optical recording from multiple sites in neural networks. In Frontiers in Bioenergetics, J.S. Dutton, J.S. Leigh, and A. Scarpa eds., Academic Press, New York, 1311-1322.

Cohen, L.B. and A. Grinvald. (1981). Optical monitoring of membrane potential: Simultaneous detection of activity in many neurons. In Advances in Physiological Sciences: Physiology of Excitable Membranes, Vol 4, Akademai Kiado, Budapest, 171-182.

Cohen, L.B. and J. Hoffman. (1982). Optical monitoring of membrane potential. In Techniques in cellular physiology, P.F. Baker ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1-13.

Cohen, L.B., D. Landowne, L.M. Loew, and B.M. Salzberg. (1984). Optical signals : Changes in membrane structure, monitoring membrane potential, and measuring calcium. In Current topics in membranes and transport : The squid axon, Vol 22, P.F. Baker ed., Academic Press, New York, 423-443.

Cohen, L.B. and S. Lesher. (1986). Optical monitoring of membrane potential: methods of multisite optical measurement. Soc Gen Physiol Ser, 40, 71-99.

Cohen, L.B., J.A. London, D. Zecevic, M. Cattarelli, and D. Schiminovich. (1986). Multi-site optical measurement of membrane potential with high time resolution. In Image function in the nervous system : optical methods in cellular neurobiology, B.M. Salzberg ed., Soc Neurosci Short Course 2 Syllabus, Washington, DC , 42-61.

London, J.A., D. Zecevic, and L.B. Cohen. (1986). Simultaneous monitoring of activity of many neurons from invertebrate ganglia using a multielement detecting system. Soc Gen Physiol Ser, 40, 115-131.

London, J.A., D. Zecevic, L.M. Loew, H.S. Orbach, and L.B. Cohen. (1986). Optical measurement of membrane potential in simple and complex nervous systems. In Fluorescence in the biological sciences, D.L. Taylor, A.S. Waggoner, F. Lanni, R.F. Murphy, and R. Birge eds., AR Liss, Inc, New York, 423-447.

Cohen, L.B. (1988). More light on brains. Nature; News and Views., 331, 112-113.

London, J.A., D. Zecevic, and L.B. Cohen. (1988). Simultaneous optical monitoring of action potential activity from many neurons in invertebrate ganglia. In Spectroscopic membrane probes, L.M. Loew ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 101-114.

Wu, J.Y., J.A. London, D. Zecevic, H.-.P. Hopp, L.B. Cohen, and C. Xiao. (1988). Optical monitoring of activity of many neurons in invertebrate ganglia during behaviors. Experientia, 44, 369-376.

Cohen, L.B. (1989). Optical approaches to neuron function. Introduction. Ann Rev Physiol, 51, 487-490.

Cohen, L.B., H.P. Hopp, J.Y. Wu, C. Xiao, J. London, and D. Zecevic. (1989). Optical measurement of neuron activity in invertebrate ganglia. Annu Rev Physiol, 51, 527-541.

Wu, J.Y., J.A. London, D. Zecevic, L.M. Loew, H.S. Orbach, M. Cattarelli, and L.B. Cohen. (1989). Optical measurement of membrane potential in invertebrate ganglia and mammalian cortex. In Cell Structure and Function by Microspectrofluorometry, E. Kohen and J.G. Hirschberg eds., Academic Press, San Diego, 329-346.

Cohen, L.B. and J.Y. Wu. (1990). One neuron, many units? Nature, 346, 108-109.

Cohen, L.B., D. Landowne, and B.M. Salzberg. (1990). Optical measurements on squid axons. In Squid as experimental animals., D. Gilbert, W. Adelman, and J. Arnold eds., Plenum, New York, 161-170.

Hopp, H.P., J.Y. Wu, C.X. Falk, M.G. Rioult, J.A. London, D. Zecevic, and L.B. Cohen. (1990). Multisite optical measurement of membrane potential. In Neuromethods, Vol 14, A.A. Boulton, G.B. Baker, and C.H. Vanderwolf eds., Humana Press, Clifton, NJ, 193-226.

Falk, C.X., H.P. Hopp, J.Y. Wu, L.B. Cohen, D.P. Zecevic, and J.A. London. (1992). An overview of the neuronal activity in the Aplysia abdominal ganglion during the gill withdrawal reflex. In Neurobiology of Motor Programme Selection: New Approaches to, J. Kien, C. McCrohan, and W. Winlow eds., Manchester University Press , Manchester, 88-101.

Cohen, L.B. (1993). Optical monitoring of physiological activity: a brief history. Jap. J. Physiol., S1-S6.

Tsau, Y., C.X. Falk, L.B. Cohen, and J.Y. Wu. (1993). Multi-neuronal measurement of spike activity in invertebrate ganglia: Complexity in a simple system. Concepts in Neuroscience, 4, 89-104.

Wu, J.Y. and L.B. Cohen. (1993). Fast multisite optical measurements of membrane potential. In Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity., W.T. Mason ed., Academic Press, London, 389-404.

Wu Jy, , C.X. Falk, L.B. Cohen, Y. Tsau, and D. Zecevic. (1993). Optical measurements of action potential activity in invertebrate ganglia. Jap J Physiology, 43 Suppl. 1, S21-S29.

Cohen. L.B., (1995). Optical monitoring of activity in the nervous system: A brief history. Tsitologia, 37, 1136-1141.

Wu, J.Y., Lam, Y. W., Falk, C. X., Cohen, L. B., Fang, J., Loew, L., Prechtl, J.C., Kleinfeld, D., and Tsau, Y. (1998) Voltage-Sensitive Dyes for Monitoring Multi-Neuronal Activity in the Intact CNS. Histochemical J., 169-187.

Walters, E. T. and Cohen, L.B. (1998) Functions of the LE sensory neurons in Aplysia. Invertebrate Neuroscience, 3, 15-25.

Ross, W.N., L.B. Cohen, and D. Zecevic. (1999). Optical Recording of Neuronal Activity. In Encyclopedia of Neuroscience; second edition., G.. Adelman ed., Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1542-1544.

Wu J-Y., L. B. Cohen, and C. X. Falk, (1999), Fast multisite optical measurement of membrane potential. With two examples. In: Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity 2nd Edition, ed. by W. T. Mason. Academic Press. 222-237

Antic, S., Chun X. Falk, L. B. Cohen, Y.W. Lam, M. Wachowiak, D. Zecevic, and M. Zochowski, (1999), Fast Multisite Optical Measurement of Membrane Potential. Three Examples. FASEB Journal, 13: S271-S276.

Wu, J. Y., L. B. Cohen, Y. Tsau, M. Zochowski, and C. X. Falk, (2000), Imaging with Voltage-Sensitive Dyes: Spike Signals, Population Signals and Retrograde Transport. In: Imaging Living Cells, ed. by R. Yuste, F. Lanni, and A. Konnerth, Cold Spring Harbor Press. 49.1-49.12.

Zochowski, M., Wachowiak, D.M., Falk, C. X., Cohen, L. B., Lam, Y.-W., Antic, S., and Zecevic, D., (2000) Imaging membrane potential with voltage-sensitive dyes. Biological Bulletin, 198: 1-21.

Wachowiak, M., Y.-w. Lam, L. B. Cohen, and M. R. Zochowski, (2002), Voltage-sensitive and calcium sensitive dye imaging of activity in the olfactory bulb: presynaptic inhibition, maps of receptor input, and oscillations. In: Methods in Chemosensory Research, ed. by Drs. S. A. Simon and M. Nicolelis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 91-115.

Wachowiak M., Cohen L.B., Ache B.W., (2002) Presynaptic inhibition of olfactory receptor neurons in crustaceans. J Microsc. Res. Tech. 58:, 365-375.

Zecevic, D., C.X. Falk, M. Djurisic, L. B. Cohen, M. Zochowski, S. Antic, and M. Wachowiak. (2003), Imaging Nervous System Activity with Voltage-Sensitive Dyes. In: Current Protocols in Neuroscience, ed. by Dr. M. Rogawski. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chapter 6, Unit 6.17.

Zochowski, M., Cohen, L. B., Falk, C. X., Wachowiak, M. (2002). The olfactory bulb: Maps of receptor input and oscillations. In: In vivo optical imaging of brain function. ed. by R.D. Frostig, CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp.1-19.

Wachowiak, M., Cohen, L.B., Falk, C.X., and Zochowski, M., (2002), Voltage and calcium imaging of brain activity: Examples from the turtle and the Mouse. In "Brain Mapping: The Methods, 2nd edition", ed. by A. W. Toga and J. C. Mazziotta, Academic Press, pp. 77-95.

Djurisic, M. R., Zochowski, M., Wachowiak, M., Falk, C.X., Cohen, L.B., and Zecevic, D. (2003) Optical Monitoring of Neural Activity Using Voltage-Sensitive Dyes, In Methods In Enzymology, ed. by G. Marriott and I. Parker, 361B: 423-451.

Ross, W.N., Cohen L.B. et al. (2003):Optical recording of neuronal activity. In: The encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 3rd Edition (Web). Adelman G, Smith BH, Editors. Amsterdam/New York: Elsevier Science. In press.

Y.-W. Lam, L. B. Cohen, M. Wachowiak, and M. R. Zochowski (2004) Optical Monitoring of Physiological Activity in the Olfactory Bulb. In "Scattered Light Imaging of Brain Function" by David M. Rector and John S. George, Humana Press, in press

Dejan Vucinic, Efstratios Kosmidis, Chun X. Falk, Lawrence B. Cohen, Leslie M. Loew, Maja Djurisic, and Dejan Zecevic (2004) Imaging Membrane Potential with Voltage-Sensitive Dyes. In Biomedical Optical Imaging, ed. By Daniel Farkas, Oxford University Press, in press

Wachowiak, M., R. Friedrich, and L. B. Cohen (2004) Olfactory coding strategies visualized by in vivo calcium-sensitive dye imaging. IEEE Engineering and Medicine and Biology, in press

Vucinic, D., L.B. Cohen, M. Wachowiak, and E. Kosmidis (2004) What the Nose Tells the Brain About Odors, IEEE Engineering and Medicine and Biology, in press.

Baker, B., Kosmidis, E., Vucinic, D., Falk, C.X., Cohen, L.B., Djurisic, M., and Zecevic, D., (2004), Imaging Brain Activity with Voltage- and Calcium-Sensitive Dyes. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, in press.


Cohen, L.B. and R.D. Keynes. (1969). Birefringence changes during nerve activity. J Physiol (Lond), 200, 18p.

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Zochowski, M., Ying-wan Lam, L. B. Cohen, and M. Wachowiak, (1999) Optical measurements of activity in the turtle olfactory bulb using voltage-sensitive dyes: a demonstration. J. Gen. Physiol. 114, #24.

ABSTRACTS: (Only abstracts whose results are not published in full papers are included.)

Grant, R.J. and L.B. Cohen. (1966). A factor affecting network formation in G-actin solutions. Fed Proc, 23, 223.

DePhillips, H.A., L.B. Cohen, and K.E. Van Holde. (1967). Oxygen-binding by specific multisubunit hemocyanin structures. Fed Proc, 26, 275.

Cohen, L.B. and D. Landowne. (1970). Changes in light scattering during synaptic activity in the electric organ of the skate, Raia erinacea. Biophys J, 10, 16a.

Sharnoff, M., N.J. Romer, L.B. Cohen, B.M. Salzberg, M.B. Boyle, and S. Lesher. (1978). Differential holography of squid giant axons during excitation and rest Biol Bull, 155, 465-466.

Boyle, M.B. and L.B. Cohen. (1980). Birefringence signals that monitor membrane potential in cell bodies of molluscan neurons. Fed Proc, 39, 2130.

Salama, G., T. Sanger, and L.B. Cohen. (1981). Optical recording of action potential propagation in intact heart. Biological Bulletin, 161, 316.

Cohen, L.B. and J.E. Freedman. (1982). A relatively robust, single-trial associative learning in the opisthobranch mollusc, Pleurobranchaea californica. Biological Bulletin, 163, 381.

Orbach, H.S., L.B. Cohen, and A. Grinvald. (1982). Optical monitoring of evoked activity in the visual cortex of the marine rat. Biological Bulletin, 163, 389. (kept in the list for its title)

Cohen, A., J.A. London, L.B. Cohen, and H.S. Orbach. (1986). Optical detection of single unit activity in the isolated spinal cord of the lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Soc Neurosci Abstr, 12, 790.

Roschin, V., J.Y. Wu, L.B. Cohen, C.X. Falk, and A.I. Cohen. (1990). The effect of increased divalent ion concentration on the gill withdrawal and the neuronal activity in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia an attempt to restrict the neuronal substrate of the behavior. Abstracts Soc. for Neuroscience, 16, 19.

Senseman, D.M., J.Y. Wu, and L.B. Cohen. (1990). Evoked neural activity in the salamender olfactory bulb monitored with calcium, pH, and voltage-sensitive probes. Abstracts Soc. for Neuroscience, 16, 403.

Cohen, L.B., W. Watson, J. Trimarchi, C.X. Falk, and J.Y. Wu. (1991). Optical measurement of activity in the Melibe leonina buccal ganglion. Abstracts, Soc for Neuroscience, 17, 1593.

Fang, J., L.B. Cohen, and C. Hickie. (1996). Electrical stimulation of rabbit olfactory bulb elicits in vivo optical signals. Abs. Soc Neuroscience, 22, 2019.

Hickie, C., P. Wenner, M. O'Donovan, Y. Tsau, J. Fang, and L.B. Cohen. (1996). Optical monitoring of activity from individual and identified populations of neurons retrogradely labeled with voltage-sensitive dyes. Abs Soc Neuroscience, 22, 321.

Falk, C.X., L.B. Cohen, and D.M. Senseman. (1996). Comparison of optical signals in the turtle CNS generated by voltage- and ion-sensitive dyes. Abs Soc Neuroscience, 22, 321.

Shao, X.M., J. Fang, L.B. Cohen, J.L. Feldman, and Y. W. Lam. (1997). Medullary sites with respiratory-related activity in vitro revealed by voltage-sensitive dye neuronal population recordings. Abs Soc Neuroscience, 23, 2083.

Engl, R., Wei, M-d., Wuskell, J.P., Cohen, L. B., Zochowski, M., and Loew, L.M. (2001) Synthesis and characterization of near-IR voltage sensitive dyes. Biophys. J.

Baker, B.J., Cohen, L.B., and Kosmidis, E. (2004), Expression of the GFP-voltage sensor SPARC in HEK 293 cells. Abstracts of the Biophysical Society, Biophysical Journal, 86: 425a.

Baker, B.J., Lee, H., Ataka, K., Pieribone, V., Cohen, L.B., Isacoff, E., and Kosmidis, E. (2004), Plasma membrane expression of GFP-voltage sensors. Abstracts, Society for Neuroscience, in press.
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