SCA 7 时间序列分析软件 |
SCA 软件操作容易,适合各样背景的模型使用者。内建的人工智能演算功能,可自动有效地办认出时间资料内错综复杂季节性或非季节性的 ARIMA 模型,对时间数列进行分析或预测。具备 SCA 软件,您可克服时间数列分析理论及实务的操作隔阂,减少花在辨认 ARIMA 模型上的工夫,而将宝贵的时间用在时间数列结果的分析及预测上。
SCA 软件有效地解决了时间资料分析多种可能模型选择上的困扰,并且对时间资料中常见的多个外部干预及离异数据,自动作侦测及修正并估计出修正后的预测模型。此法大幅提高了模型解释能力及预测精确,并能提供干预或离异数据的类型、影响程度及持续长短。让您充分了解过去正常时间资料的型态,及未来正常,或干预下可能发生的预测状况。 SCA 软件非常适合商务、管理、行销、财务、投资、股票、交通、旅游、经济、生产、医疗、环保、仓储、公用事业及教学、研究…等实务及学术上的应用。
Scientific Computing Associates provides an integrated suite of software products for applications in forecasting, time series analysis, intervention/impact analysis, econometric modeling, data mining, database marketing, design of experiments, quality and productivity improvement, general statistical analysis, decision support, and operations research.
suite of available software products are modularly designed and available across a wide range of computing platforms that encompass more than twenty-five operating systems on PCs, workstations, and mainframes.
SCA software may be integrated into corporate-specific applications such as demand forecasting, inventory control, marketing analysis, and other decision support systems. It may also be used as a standalone statistical application package, providing users with a convenient programmable command language and convenent graphical user interface.
The SCA Statistical System was developed under the advisory direction of distinguished individuals such as George Box, George Tiao, Lon-Mu Liu, and Mervin Muller. Many of the state-of-the art capabilities of the SCA System are made possible through the contributions and counsel of a number of leading researchers in the fields of statistics, econometrics, decision analysis, engineering, and finance.
- PC-MTS & EXPERT -- 多变量分析与预测系统
MTS(Multiple Time Series)可处理数个变量的时间数列多变量分析与预测系统是SCA最完整的版本,功能最齐全。此产品具较进阶之模型建立能力,利用VECTOR ARIMA与STF(联立可转换函数)来分析并预测多变量时间序列。本产品亦提升PC-EXPERT功能以自动建立VECTOR ARIMA模式。
- SCA PC-EXPERT -- 专家分析及预测系统
此产品具完全自动、用户导向之模型建立功能,可分析并预测单变量时间序列(包括多变量模型) ,系统可以智能型之 IARIMA Procedure依给定的数列提供最佳的模式,有效解决多种可能模式选择上的困扰。此外,利用联合估计技巧,本产品亦具离群值检测与修正之功能。