
Prof. Harmen Krugers

时间:2008-03-19 02:23来源:本站原创 作者:bioguider

General Information


Name                                        Harmen Krugers

Place of birth                             Goirle

Nationality                                 Dutch


Present address            (work)   Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

University of Amsterdam

                                                Kruislaan 320

1098 GB Amsterdam

                                                The Netherlands


Email    krugers@bio.uva.nl



Employment Record


  • October ’99-present       Assistant Professor Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences,

Institute of Neurobiology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


  • October ’98-October ‘99 Post-doctoral fellow at the Dept Neurosciences, University of

California, San Diego, USA


  • April ’96-October ‘98      Post-doctoral fellow at the Dept Experimental Zoology, Institute

of Neurobiology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


  • Sept ‘91-April ’96           Ph.D. student at the Dept Biological Psychiatry, University of

Groningen, The Netherlands


·        Sept ‘90-Sept ’91           Ph.D. student at the Rudolf Magnus Institute for Pharmacology,

University of Utrecht, The Netherlands



Educational record


  • April ’96                        Doctorate’s degree (cum laude) at the Dept of Biological

Psychiatry, University of Groningen (Prof Dr J Korf). Title thesis: The rat brain as target for stress and corticosterone: morphological, immunocytochemical and behavioral studies on the rat hippocampus.


  • August ’90                     Doctoral examination Medical Biology (University of Groningen,

The Netherlands)


  • January ’86                   Candidate’s examination Biology (Catholic University of

Nijmegen, The Netherlands)


  • Sept ‘79-Sept ’84           Highschool at the “RSG Koning Willem II” in Tilburg, The






  • January 9, 1995                        Institute of Neurobiology, University of Amsterdam

  • February 21, 1995         Dept Biological Psychiatry, University of Groningen

  • April 10, 1995                Sylvius Laboratories, University of Leiden

  • December 6, 1995         McGill University, Montreal (Canada)

  • June 14, 1996               Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf (Germany)

  • May 14, 1997                Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Göttingen


  • June 5, 1998                 Second Endo-Neuro meeting, Doorwerth

  • January 19, 1998          Dept Biological Psychiatry, University of Groningen

  • January 22, 2001          Dept Biological Psychiatry, University of Groningen

  • June 7, 2001                 Endo-Neuro meeting, Doorwerth (责任编辑:泉水)
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