
Prof. Harmen Krugers(2)

时间:2008-03-19 02:23来源:本站原创 作者:bioguider

  • July 2, 2004                  CSCA Summer school, Amsterdam

  • July 5, 2004                  CSCA Summer school, Amsterdam

  • September 2004            Workshop on Neurogenesis, Amsterdam

  • November 2004             University of Mainz, Germany

  • March 7, 2005               University of Amsterdam, SILS-CNS

  • April 14, 2005                German Primate Center Göttingen, Germany; emotional

  • memories, modulation by corticosteroid hormones

    • August 31, 2005            Qingdao Medical Faculty, Qingdao University, China;

    Corticosteroid modulation of hippocampal synaptic efficacy

    • September 20, 2005      Rudolf Magnus Institute for Pharmacology, Utrecht,

    Corticosteroid modulation of hippocampal synaptic efficacy

    • October 23, 2005           Workshop 'animal models in cognitive neuroscience', Oud

    Poelgeest; Bi-directional modulation of synaptic efficacy by corticosteroid hormones

    • December 20, 2005       Dept Animal Physiology, Haren, the Netherlands. Corticosteroid                                        modulation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity.

    • January 24, 2006          Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The                                      Netherlands Corticosteroid modulation of hippocampal synaptic                                        efficacy: receptors on the move?

    • February 27, 2006         BCN lecture Dept Biological Psychiatry, RU Groningen. The yin

    and yang of corticosteroid hormones: modulation of learning and memory and synaptic efficacy.

    • April 10, 2006                University Nijmegen, Dept. Corticosteroid hormones and                                      synaptic efficacy: good guys or bad guys?

    • May 23, 2006                NEMO, Bessensap 2006: Traumatische herinneringen in een


    ·        September 29, 2006            Corticosteroid modulation of AMPA receptor localization                                             (RijksUniversiteit Groningen)

    ·        January 5, 2007                  Hormonal modulation of AMPA receptor function,                                                       Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    ·        February 23, 2007               Cortisol en Depressie, afscheidssymposium Jaap Korf,                                              UMCG, Groningen

    ·        May 24, 2007                      Hormonal control of molecular mechanisms involved in

                                                    learning and memory, IBANGS symposium , Doorwerth,                                                   The Netherlands

    ·        June 8, 2007                       Hormonal control of molecular mechanisms involved in

                                                    learning and memory, 6th Dutch Endo-Neuro Meeting,                                                      Doorwerth, The Netherlands

    ·        October 5, 2007                  Hormonal control of molecular mechanisms involved in

                                                    Emotional memories, EPFL, Lausanne, Switserland

    ·        November 20, 2007              University Maastricht, The Netherlands (责任编辑:泉水)
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