
Prof. Harmen Krugers(3)

时间:2008-03-19 02:23来源:本站原创 作者:bioguider

·        November 28                       Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich






  • ALW beoordelingscommissie 2007 and 2008

  • Member steering committee ENP 2008

  • Organizer and chairman symposium Stress, corticosteroid hormones and depression, FENS 2006, Vienna.

  • Organizer and chairman symposium Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying fearful memories; EndoNeuromeeting, Doorwerth, 2006.

  • Organizer and chairman symposium Stress, emotions and memory modulation; EndoNeuromeeting, Doorwerth, 2006.

  • Organizer Masterclass Synaptic structure, function, and plasticity (March 2nd 2006); University of Amsterdam.

  • Co-Promotor Deborah Alfarez (March 2006)
  • Organizer and chairman symposium Hormones, plasticity and behaviour; EndoNeuromeeting, Doorwerth, 2005.

  • Graduation committee Vivi Heine, 2004

  • Organizer and chairman symposium “Early life events, life long consequences, EndoNeuromeeting, Doorwerth, 2003.
  • Organizer and chairman symposium “The Stressed Brain” at FENS meeting 2002
  • Graduation committee Annette van Kalkeren, 2002




·        Editorial Board Frontiers in Neuroscience

  • Member NWO Committee “Molecuul tot Organisme”
  • Member Steering Committee Dutch ENP meeting
  • Member Animal Experimental committee University of Amsterdam (2000 - )
  • Coordinator regulations experimental animals Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences





  • Dr Melly Oitzl, Leiden University Medical Center, Dept medical Pharmacology, Leiden, The Netherlands

  • Dr Casper Hoogenraad, Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • Dr G Ramakers, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research

  • Dr F van Leeuwen, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research

  • Dr J Henley, University of Bristol

  • Dr Frances Edwards, University College London, UK

  • Dr Tang Ming, Qingdao Medical Faculty, Qingdao, China

·        Dr Mark Mayford, University of California San Diego, U.S.A

·        Dr Maryann Martone, University of California San Diego, U.S.A




·        November 2007       Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, China exchange program (with                                        Marian Joëls)

·        December 2005       Hersenstichting Nederland-grant 13F05.02

·        April 2005               Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, China exchange program


·        April 2002               NWO-grant 051.02.010

·        February 2002        Hersenstichting Nederland-grant 10F02.38

·        February 2000        NWO-grant 903-47-076

·        April ’98                  “TALENT”-Stipendium NWO

·        March ’95               Dr Saal van Swanenbergstichting (grant kw/obr/95-04)


Teaching activities                   


  • Coordination 7- weeks course “Endocrinology”, (Medical) Biology, UvA

  • Coordination minicursus “proefdiergebruik”, UvA

  • Teaching in 4-weeks course “Neurobiology”, (Medical) Biology, UvA

  • Teaching in 4- weeks course “Neurobiological Techniques”, (Medical Biology) UvA

  • Teaching in 3-weeks course “Miniscriptie”, (Medical) Biology, UvA

  • Coordination + Teaching in AIO course Advanced Neurobiology

  • Teaching in Capita Selecta Neurobiology and Endocrinology, Leiden University
  • Teaching Cardiovascular systems in 7-weeks course “Animal and Human Physiology”, UvA 






1.        Wiegert O, Joëls M, Krugers HJ. (2008) Corticosteroid hormones, synaptic strength and emotional memories: corticosteroid modulation of memory -- a cellular and molecular perspective. Prog Brain Res. 167: 269-71.

2.        Joëls M, Krugers H, Karst H. (2008) Stress-induced changes in hippocampal function. Prog Brain Res. 167: 3-15.

3.        Alfarez DN, Karst H, Velzing EH, Joëls M, Krugers HJ. (2008) Opposite effects of glucocorticoid receptor activation on hippocampal CA1 dendritic complexity in chronically stressed and handled animals. Hippocampus. 18(1): 20-8.

4.        Joëls M, Karst H, Krugers HJ, Lucassen PJ. (2007) Chronic stress: implications for neuronal morphology, function and neurogenesis. Front Neuroendocrinol. 28(2-3): 72-96. Review.

5.        Pu Z, Krugers HJ, Joëls M. (2007) Corticosterone time-dependently modulates beta-adrenergic effects on long-term potentiation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Learn Mem. 14(5): 359-67.

6.        Joëls M, Krugers HJ. (2007) LTP after stress: up or down? Neural Plast. 93202. Review.

7.        Sennvik K, Boekhoorn K, Lasrado R, Terwel D, Verhaeghe S, Korr H, Schmitz C, Tomiyama T, Mori H, Krugers H, Joels M, Ramakers GJ, Lucassen PJ, Van Leuven F. (2007) Tau-4R suppresses proliferation and promotes neuronal differentiation in the hippocampus of tau knockin/knockout mice. FASEB J. 21(9): 2149-61.

8.        Krugers HJ, van der Linden S, van Olst E, Alfarez DN, Maslam S, Lucassen PJ, Joëls M. (2007) Dissociation between apoptosis, neurogenesis, and synaptic potentiation in the dentate gyrus of adrenalectomized rats. Synapse. 61(4): 221-30.

9.        Alfarez DN, Wiegert O, Krugers HJ. (2006) Stress, corticosteroid hormones and hippocampal synaptic function. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. (5): 521-9. Review.

10.     Krugers HJ, Goltstein PM, van der Linden S, Joëls M. (2006) Blockade of glucocorticoid receptors rapidly restores hippocampal CA1 synaptic plasticity after exposure to chronic stress. Eur J Neurosci. 23(11): 3051-5. (责任编辑:泉水)
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