
Frank Bernard Gertler

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Frank Bernard Gertler, PhD POSITION TITLE

Associate Professor
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY
University of Wisconsin-Madison B.S. 1985 Zoology
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ph.D. 1992 Oncology
University of Wisconsin-Madison Postdoc 1992-93 Oncology
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Postdoc 1994-97 Genetics/Cell Biology

A. Professional Experience
1985-1986 Research Specialist, Department of Oncology,
UW-Madison (Laboratory of Dr. Michael Hoffmann)
Staff Research Associate, Department of Pharmacology
University of California-San Francisco
(Laboratory of Dr. Daniel Chin)
1988-1992 Graduate Student, Department of Oncology, UW-Madison
(Laboratory of Dr. Michael Hoffmann)
1992-1993 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Oncology,
UW-Madison (Laboratory of Dr. Michael Hoffmann)
1994-1997 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Molecular Medicine,
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
(Laboratory of Dr. Philippe Soriano)
1997-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2001-present Associate Professor, Department of Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Honors and Awards
1992-1995 American Cancer Society Fellowship
1995-1998 Leukemia Society of America Special Fellowship
1998-2001 Whitehead Career Development Award
2000-2003 McKnight Scholar in Neurosciences Award
2000-2005 Keck Distinguished Young Scholar Award
2003 ASCB/Promega Early Career Life Scientist Award
B. Selected Publications
Gertler, FB., Bennett, RL., Clark, MJ. and Hoffmann, FM (1989). Drosphila abl Tyrosine Kinase in Embryonic CNS Axons: A Role in Axonogenesis is Revealed through Dosage-Sensitive Interactions with disabled. Cell 58: 103-110

Gertler, FB., Doctor, JS. and Hoffmann, FM (1990). Genetic Suppression of Mutations in the Drosophila abl Proto-Oncogene Homolog. Science 248: 857-860
Gertler, FB., Comer, AR., Juang, JL, Ahern, SM., Clark, MJ. Liebl, EC. and Hoffmann, FM. (1995) Enabled: a dosage-sensitive suppressor of mutations in the Drosophila Abl tyrosine kinase, encodes an Abl substrate with SH3 domain-binding properties. Genes & Development 9:521-533
Gertler, FB., Niebuhr, K., Reinhard, M., Wehland, J., and Soriano, P. (1996) Mena, a relative of VASP and Drosophila Enabled, is implicated in the control of microfilament dynamics. Cell 87: 227-239.
Niehbuhr, K., Ebel, F., Frank, R., Reinhard, M., Domann, E., Carl UD., Walter, U., Gertler, FB., Wehland, J. and Chakraborty, T. (1997) Identification of a novel proline-rich motif as the ligand for the EVH1 domain, a protein module present in the Ena/VASP family. EMBO J. 16: 5433 - 5444
Lanier, LM., Gates, MA., Witke, W., Menzies, AS., Wehman, AM., Macklis, JD., Kwiatkowski, D., Soriano, P., and Gertler, FB. (1999) Requirement for Mena in Neurulation and Commisure Formation. Neuron. 22: 313-325
Laurent, V., Loisel, TP., Harbeck, B., Wehman, AM., Gröbe, L.,. Jockusch, BM., Wehland, J.,. Gertler, FB. , and Carlier, MF. (1999) Role of proteins of the ENA/VASP family in the actin-based motility of Listeria monocytogenes. (1999) J. Cell Biol.. 144(6):1245-1258
Fedorov, AA. Fedorov, E., Gertler, FB., and Almo, SC. (1999) Structure of EVH1: a novel proline-rich ligand binding module involved in cytoskeletal dynamics and neural function. Nat Struct Biol. 6(7): 661 - 666
Krause, M., Sechi, AS., Konradt, M., Monner, D., Gertler, FB., and Wehland, J. Fyn-binding Protein (Fyb)/SLP-76-associated Protein (SLAP), Ena/VASP proteins and the Arp2/3 Complex Link T Cell Receptor Signaling to the Actin Cytoskeleton. (2000) J. Cell Biol. 149:181-194.
Bear, J.E., Loureiro, J.J., Libova, I., Fässler, R., Wehland, J., and Gertler, F.B. Negative regulation of Fibroblast Motility by Ena/VASP Proteins. (2000) Cell 101: 717-728
Lambrechts, AL., Kwiatkowski, A., Lanier, LM., Bear, JE., Vandekerchove, J., Ampe C. and Gertler, FB. PKA phosphorylation of EVL, a Mena/VASP relative, regulates its interaction with actin and SH3 domains. (2000) J. Biol Chem, 275: 36143-36151
Goh, KL., Cai, L., Cepko, CL. and Gertler, FB. Ena/VASP proteins regulate cortical neuronal positioning. (2002) Curr Biol, 12: 565-569.
Bear. JE., Svitkina, TM., Krause, M., Schafer, DA., Looureiro, JJ., Strasser, GA., Maly, IV., Chaga, O., Cooper, JA., Borisy, GG and Gertler, FB. (2002) Antagonism between Ena/VASP proteins and actin filament capping regulates fibroblast migration. Cell 109: 509-521.
Loureiro, JJ., Rubinson, DA., Bear, JE., Baltus, GA., Kwiatkowski, AV., and Gertler, FB. (2002) Critical roles of phosphorylation and actin binding motifs, but not the central proline-rich region, for Ena/VASP function during cell migration. Mol Biol Cell 13: 2533-46.
Rubinson, DA., Dillon, CP., Kwiatkowski AV., Sievers, C., Yang L., Kopinja, J, Zhang, M., McManus, MT., Gertler, FB., Scott, ML., and Van Parijs, L. (2003) A lentivirus-based system to functionally silence genes in primary mammalian cells, stem cells and transgenic mice by RNA interference. Nat Genet. 33:401-6.
Auerbuch V, Loureiro JJ, Gertler FB, Theriot JA, Portnoy DA. (2003) Ena/VASP proteins contribute to Listeriamonocytogenes pathogenesis by controlling temporal and spatial persistence of bacterial actin-based motility. Mol Microbiol. 49: 1361-1375.
Salazar MA, Kwiatkowski AV, Pellegrini L, Cestra G, Butler MH, Rossman KL, Serna DM, Sondek J, Gertler FB, De Camilli P. (2003) Tuba: A novel protein containing Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) and Dbl homology domains links dynamin to regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. J Biol Chem. J Biol Chem. 2003 Dec 5;278(49):49031-43.
Lebrand C, Dent EW, Strasser GA, Lanier LM, Krause M, Svitkina TM, Borisy GG, Gertler FB. Critical role of Ena/VASP proteins for filopodia formation in neurons and in function downstream of netrin-1. Neuron. 2004 Apr 8;42(1):37-49
Strasser GA, Rahim NA, VanderWaal KE, Gertler FB, Lanier LM. (2004) Arp2/3 is a negative regulator of growth cone translocation. Neuron. Jul 8;43(1):81-94
Mejillano MR, Kojima S, Applewhite DA, Gertler FB, Svitkina TM, Borisy GG. (2004) Lamellipodial versus filopodial mode of the actin nanomachinery: pivotal role of the filament barbed end. Cell. Aug 6;118(3):363-73
Menzies AS, Aszodi A, Williams SE, Pfeifer A, Wehman AM, Goh KL, Mason CA, Fassler R, Gertler FB. Related Articles, Links Abstract Mena and vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein are required for multiple actin-dependent processes that shape the vertebrate nervous system.J Neurosci. 2004 24:8029-38
Krause M, Leslie JD, Stewart M, Lafuente EM, Valderrama F, Jagannathan R, Strasser GA, Rubinson DA, Liu H, Way M, Yaffe MB, Boussiotis VA, and Gertler FB. (2004) Lamellipodin, an Ena/VASP ligand, is implicated in regulation of lamellipodial dynamics. Dev Cell In Press
RIAM, a novel Ena/VASP and Profilin ligand, interacts with active Rap1and mediates Rap1-induced adhesion.(2004) Lafuente EM, Puijenbroek AFL, Krause M, Carman CV,Freeman GJ, Berezovskaya A, Erica Constantine E, Springer TA, Gertler FB and Boussiotis,VA Dev Cell In Press
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