Li-Lian Yuan, Ph.D Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience 6-145 Jackson Hall 321 Church St SE University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 phone: (612) 625-8613 fax: (612) 626-5009
• Ph.D in Neuroscience, 1998 Neuroscience Training Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison
• M.S. in Neurobiology, 1993 Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
• B.Sc in Biophysics, 1990 Beijing University, China
• Assistant Professor, July 2004- Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
• Instructor, June 2003- June 2004 Division of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, Sept. 1998- May 2003 Division of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (Daniel Johnston)
• Research Assistant, Sept. 1993- Aug. 1998 Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI (Barry Ganetzky)
Research interests and experience
Research interests • Neuronal dendrite physiology • Ion channel/receptor trafficking in neuronal plasticity • Mechanisms underlying neurological diseases
Projects • Activity-dependent trafficking of ion channels in dendrites, 2004- • Dendritic deficits in reeler mice, 2004- • Physiological roles of Kv4.2-encoded dendritic A-type K+ channels, 2002- • Development of dendritic recording technique in mouse slice preparation, 2003 • Regulation of surface expression of K+ channels by CaMKII activity, 2002-2004 • Gene expression via sindbis viral infection in vitro and in vivo, 2001-2002 • MAPK kinase modulation of dendritic K+ channels, 1999-2001 • Ca2+ signaling at single mossy fiber terminals, 1998-1999 • Genetic and functional characterization of axotactin gene in Drosophila, 1994-1998
• 1RO3 MH070857-01A1 (NIMH) Molecular mechanisms of dendritic K+ channel function • 1RO1 NS049129-01A1 (NINDS) Dendritic ion channel trafficking in plasticity (pending) • Minnesota Medical Foundation Activity-dependent dendritic remodeling in hippocampus
Fellowship, Honors, and Awards
• Chunhui Project, Ministry of Education (MOE), P.R. China, 2002 • Jerzy Rose Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998 • Research Fellowship, Shanghai Institute of Physiology, 1993 • Research Fellowship, Shanghai Institute of Physiology, 1992
• Lecture, Molecular and cellular Neuroscience, the University of Minnesota, 2004 • Guest lecturer, Modern techniques in Neuroscience, Fudan University, P.R. China, 2002 • Teaching Assistant, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996-1997
Professional Affiliations
• Society for Neuroscience, 1999-present • Biophysical Society, 1999-2000
Yuan LL. (1993). Differential effects and mechanisms of low level cobalt on rod- and cone terminals in carp retina. Master thesis. Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, P.R. China.
Yuan LL. (1998). Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a Drosophila neurexin (Dnrx) mutant. Ph.D dissertation. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Book Chapters
Johnston, D., Christie, B.R., Frick, A., Gray, R., Hoffman, D.A., Schexnayder, L.K., Watanabe, S., and Yuan, LL. Active dendrites, potassium channels, and synaptic plasticity. In: Long-term Potentiation: Enhancing Neuroscience for 30 years. Bliss, T.V.P., Collingridge, G.L., and Morris, R.G.M. (eds.), Oxford University Press: New York, 2004, pp. 95-107.
Research Publications
Yuan LL and Yang XL. (1997). Selective suppression of rod signal transmission by cobalt ions of low levels in carp retina. Chinese journal of Science, Ser. C, 40(2): 128-136.
Yuan LL and Ganetzky BS. (1999). A glial-neuronal signaling pathway revealed by mutations in a Neurexin-related protein. Science, Vol 283, 1343-1345
Yuan LL and Ganetzky BS. (1999). Searching for molecules mediating glial-neuronal communication. Molecular Psychiatry, Vol 4, 408-409
Liang Y, Yuan LL, Gray R and Johnston D. (2002). Calcium signaling at single mossy fiber presynaptic terminals in the rat hippocampus. J. Neurophysiology. 87: 1132-1137
Yuan LL, JP Adams, M Swank, JD Sweatt and D Johnston (2002). Protein kinase modulation of dendritic transient K channels in hippocampus involves a MAPK pathway. J. Neuroscience 22:4860-4868
Johnston D, BR Christie, A Frick, R Gray, DA Hoffman, JC Magee, LK. Schexnayder, S Watanabe, LL Yuan (2003). Active dendrites, K+ channels, and synaptic plasticity. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 358, 667-674
Jeromin A, LL Yuan, A Frick, P Paffinger, and D Johnston (2003). A modified Sindbis virus for long-term gene expression in neurons. J. Neurophysiology. 90:2741-2745
Varga AW*, LL Yuan*, AE Anderson, L Schrader, G-Y Wu, D. Johnston, JD Sweatt (2004). CaMKII modulates Kv4.2 channel expression and upregulates neuronal A-type potassium current. J. Neuroscience. 24: 3643-3654 (* Co-first authors)
Birnbaum S, A Varga, LL Yuan, A Anderson, D Sweatt, L Schrader (2004). Functions and regulation of Kv4-family A-type potassium channels. Physiological Reviews. 84: 803-833
Yuan LL, A Jeromin, J Rodriguez-Arellano, H David, M Steward, G-Y Wu, P Pfaffinger, and D Johnston (2004). Molecular identity of native A-type K+ channels in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons (submitted).
Yuan LL, X Chen, K Kunjil, P Pfaffinger, and D Johnston (2004). Increase in the rate of inactivation of expressed and native A-type K+ channels by a MEK inhibitor (submitted).
Yuan LL, X Chen, A Frick, S. Birnbaum, D. Sweatt, and D Johnston. Regulation of cellular excitability and synaptic plasticity in dendrites by Kv4.2 encoded A-type K+ currents (In preparation).
Yuan LL and X Chen. Diversity of the potassium channels in neuronal dendrites. Progress in Neurobiology. (invited review, in preparation).