  • [神经生物学家] 程和平博士的简历及主要成就 日期:2005-02-16 14:45:58 点击:1043 好评:0

    程和平博士的简历及主要成就 简 历 1980.9-1984.7 北京大学应用数学与流体力学专业本科获学士学位。 1984.9-1987.7 在北大应用数学与力学系生物工程专业研究生,获硕士学位; 同时在北京大学生物学系辅修生物学系生理学专业本科课程,获第二学士学位。 19...

  • [神经生物学家] 埃里克·坎德尔 (Eric Kandel)研究记忆的神经生物学家 日期:2005-02-16 14:39:59 点击:1775 好评:0

    担心记忆力不好?等待科学家给我们惊喜吧! 埃里克·坎德尔 (Eric Kandel) 二十世纪七八十年代是神经生物学发展的黄金时期,后来,基因工程成了生物学研究的新热点。但它并不能掩盖神经生物学的光芒,脑科学的研究依然大步向前。现在多种记忆加强药进入临床...

  • [神经生物学家] Li-Lian Yuan-研究树突生理特性 日期:2005-01-06 10:12:25 点击:788 好评:0

    Li-Lian Yuan, Ph.D Assistant Professor Department of Neuroscience 6-145 Jackson Hall 321 Church St SE University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 phone: (612) 625-8613 fax: (612) 626-5009 yuanx033@umn.edu Education Ph.D in Neuroscience,...

  • [神经生物学家] Frank Bernard Gertler 日期:2004-11-23 09:35:24 点击:499 好评:0

    BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NAME Frank Bernard Gertler, PhD POSITION TITLE Associate Professor EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AN...

  • [神经生物学家] 王佐仁(Zuoren Wang) 日期:2004-11-18 17:05:18 点击:904 好评:0

    Curriculum Vitae Name: Zuoren Wang Address: 291 Life Science Addition Department of Molecular and Cell Biology University of California at Berkeley Berkely, CA 94720-3200 Phone: (510) 643-4152 Fax: (510) 642-4154 Email: zrwang@uclink.berkel...

  • [神经生物学家] 于翔(XIANG YU)博士简介 日期:2004-11-18 17:04:24 点击:1086 好评:0

    XIANG YU, Ph.D. Address Nancy Pritzker Laboratory Email yuxiang@stanford.edu Dept. Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences Phone (650) 387 2757 1201 Welch Rd, MSLS bldg P104 Fax (650) 498 7761 Stanford University Medical Center alo Alto, CA 94304...

  • [神经生物学家] Lawrence B. Cohen 日期:2004-11-16 09:21:21 点击:893 好评:0

    CURRICULUM VITAE Lawrence B. Cohen Born: Indianapolis, IN; June 18, l939 Current Position: Professor Department of Physiology Yale University School of Medicine Address: Department of Physiology 333 Cedar St. New Haven, CT 06510 (203) 785-4...

  • [神经生物学家] Ron Stoop--蒲慕明教授的学生 日期:2004-11-15 10:17:44 点击:1557 好评:0

    Curriculum Vitae Ron Stoop Dr. Ron Stoop received his undergraduate training at Nymegen University in the Netherlands in 1987. He subsequently worked for several years in China as scholar and visiting scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sc...

  • [神经生物学家] Yuzo M. Chino---研究感受野 日期:2004-11-08 10:26:53 点击:1002 好评:2

    CURRICULUM VITAE Yuzo M. Chino College of Optometry, University of Houston 505 J. Davis Armistead Bldg., Houston, Texas 77204-2020 (713) 743-1955/743-2039 ychino@uh.edu DEGREES Ph.D. Syracuse University May, 1973, Visual Neuroscience B.S. S...

  • [神经生物学家] Linda Buck 日期:2004-10-05 21:19:47 点击:726 好评:0

    Dr. Linda Buck Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Basic Sciences Division Full Member Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator University of Washington Physiology and Biophysics Affiliate Professor Mailing Address 1100 Fairview Ave...
