
Professor Robert Baker

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Robert Baker
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(if applicable) YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY
North Central College, Naperville, IL BA 1962 Chemistry & Zoology
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL PhD 1967 Pharmacology
Positions and Academic Employment
1967-1968 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Pharmacology, Univ. of Illinois Coll. of Med., Chicago
1968-1969 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Brain Research, University of Tokyo
1969-1971 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Univ. of Illinois Coll. of Med., Chicago
1969-1970 Assistant Member, Dept. of Neurobiology, AMA/ERF Inst. Biomed. Res., Chicago
1970-1973 Assistant Professor, Div. Neurobiology, Dept. of Physiol. & Biophysics, Univ. Iowa
1971 Visiting Investigator, Physiologie du Travail Ergonomie, CNAM, Paris, France,
1973 Visiting Scientist, Regional Primate Research Center, Univ. of Washington, Seattle
1973-1976 Associate Professor, Dept. Physiology & Biophysics, University of Iowa
1976 → Professor, Dept. of Physiology & Neuroscience, New York Univ. Medical School
1977 → Senior Scientist, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Selected Publications from 1992-2007
Baker, R. A contemporary view of the phylogenetic history of eye muscles and motoneurons. In:
Vestibular and Brainstem Control of Eye, Head, and Body Movements. H. Shimazu and Y.
Shinoda eds. Japan Scientific Society Press, Tokyo/ S. Karger, Basel, 3-19, 1992.
Spencer, R., Wang, S.F. and Baker, R. The pathways and functions of GABA in the oculomotor
system. In: GABA in the Retina and Central Visual System. R.R. Mize, R. Marc, A.M. Sillito,
eds. Prog. in Brain Res., Elsevier/Amsterdam 90: 307-334, 1992.
Highstein, S.M., Carey, J., Baker, R. and Kitch, R. Anatomical organization of the brainstem
octavolateralis area of the oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau. J. Comp Neurol. 319: 1-18, 1992.
Pastor, A.M., De La Cruz, R.R. and Baker, R. Characterization and adaptive modifications of the
goldfish vestibulo-ocular reflex by sinusoidal and velocity step vestibular stimulation. J.
Neurophysiol. 68: 2003-2015, 1992.
Gilland, E. and Baker, R. Conservation of neuroepithelial and mesodermal segments in the
embryonic vertebrate head. Acta Anat. 148: 110-123, 1993.
Graf, W. and Baker, R. Postural control and compensatory eye movements in flatfish In: Advances in
Fish Biology, H.R. Singh and S. Z. Qasim, eds. Hindustan Publ. Corp. Delhi 1: 233-245, 1993.
Pastor, A.M., De La Cruz, R.R. and Baker, R. Eye position and velocity integrators reside in separate
brainstem nuclei in the goldfish hindbrain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 91: 807-811, 1994.
Bass, A.H., Marchaterre, M.A. and Baker, R. Transneuronal biocytin identifies a vocal-acoustic circuit
in a teleost fish. J. Neurosci. 14: 4025-4039, 1994.
Pastor, A.M., De La Cruz, R.R. and Baker, R. Cerebellar role in adaptation of the goldfish vestibuloocular
reflex. J. Neurophysiol. 72: 1383-1394, 1994.
Wahl, C.M., Noden, D.M. and Baker, R. Developmental relations between VIth nerve motor neurons
and their targets in the chick embryo. Dev. Dynamics 201: 191-202, 1994.
Schmidt, M., Lehnert, G., Baker, R. and Hoffmann, K. P. The dendritic morphology of projection
neurons in the cat pretectum. J. Comp. Neurol. 369: 520-532, 1995.
Mc Elligott, J.G., Weiser, M. and Baker, R. Influence of temperature on adaptation of the vestibuloocular
reflex in the goldfish. J. Neurophysiol. 74: 1463-1472, 1995.
Baker, R. and Gilland, E. The evolution of visual and vestibular hindbrain innovations responsible for
oculomotor function. In: Acquisition of Motor Behavior, eds. Bloedel, J., Ebner, T. and Wise, S.
MIT Press, Boston, 29-55, 1996.
Suwa, H., Gilland, E. H. and Baker, R. Segmental organization of vestibular and reticular projections
to spinal and oculomotor nuclei in the zebrafish and goldfish. Biol. Bull. 191: 257-259, 1996.
Bass, A. and Baker, R. Phenotypic specification of hindbrain rhombomeres and the origin of rhythmic
circuits in vertebrates. Brain Beh. and Evol. 50: 3-16, 1997.
Marsh, E. and Baker, R. Characterization of the normal and adapted visuooculomotor reflex in
goldfish. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 1099-1118, 1997.
Graf, W., Spencer, R.F., Baker, H. and Baker, R. Excitatory and inhibitory vestibular pathways to the
extraocular motor nuclei in goldfish. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 2765-2779, 1997
Pastor, A.M., De La Cruz, R.R. and Baker, R. Characterization of Purkinje cells in the goldfish
vestibulo-cerebellum during eye movement and adaptive modification of the vestibulo-ocular
reflex. In: The Cerebellum: From Structure to Control. De Zeeuw, C. I., Strata, P. and Voogd,
J., eds., Prog. in Brain Res., Elsevier, Amsterdam 114: 359-381, 1997.
Baker, R. From genes to behavior in the vestibular system. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 119: 263-
275, 1998.
Nguqen, L.T., Baker, R. and Spencer, R. Abducens internuclear and Ascending tract of Deiters Inputs
to medial rectus motoneurons in the cat oculomotor nucleus: Synaptic organization. J. Comp.
Neurol. 405: 141-159, 1999.
Suwa, H., Gilland, E. and Baker, R. Otolith ocular reflex function of the tangential nucleus in teleost
fish. Ann NY Acad Sci. 871: 1-14, 1999.
Gilland, E., Web, S. E., Carpels, E., Miller, A.L. and Baker, R. Imaging of multicellular large-scale
rhythmic calcium waves during zebrafish gastrulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96. 157-161,
Aksay, E., Baker, R., Seung, H. S. and Tank, D. W. Anatomy and discharge properties of pre-motor
neurons in the goldfish medulla that have eye position signals during fixations. J. Neurophysiol.
84: 1035-1049, 2000.
Aksay, E., Gamkrelidze, G., Seung, H. S., Baker, R. and Tank, D. W. In vivo intracellular recording of
persistent neural activity in a neural integrator. Nat. Neurosci. 4: 184-193, 2001.
Graf, W., Baker, H., Spencer, R. F. and Baker, R. The vestibuloocular reflex of the adult flatfish: III. A
species-specific reciprocal pattern of excitation and inhibition. J. Neurophysiol. 86: 1376-1388,
Rinkwitz, S., Bober, E. and Baker, R. Development of the Vertebrate Inner Ear. Ann NY Acad Sci.
942: 1-14, 2001.
Straka, H. Gilland, E. and Baker, R. Rhombomeric organization of vestibular pathways in larval frogs.
J. Comp. Neurol. 437: 42-55, 2001.
Straka, H., Baker, R. and Gilland, E. The frog as a unique vertebrate model for studying the
rhombomeric organization of functionally identified hindbrain neurons. Br. Res. Bull. 57: 301-
305, 2002.
Graf, W., Gilland, E., Knott, L., McFarlane, M. and Baker, R. Central pathways mediating oculomotor
reflexes in an elasmobranch, Scyliorhinus canicula. Bio. Bull., 203: 236-239, 2002.
Aksay, E., Baker, R., Seung, H. S. and Tank, D.W. Correlated discharge among cell pairs within the
oculomotor horizontal velocity-to-position integrator. J. Neurosci., 23(34): 10852–10858, 2003.
Aksay, E., Major, G., Goldman, M. S., Baker, R., Seung, H. S. and Tank, D. W. History dependence
of rate covariation between neurons during persistent activity in an oculomotor integrator.
Cerebral Cortex, 13: 1173–1184, 2003.
Gilland, E., Baker, R. and Denk, W. Long duration three-dimensional imaging of calcium waves in
zebrafish using multiphoton fluorescence microscopy. Bio. Bull., 205: 176–177, 2003.
Major, G., Baker, R. Aksay, E., Mensh, B., Seung, S. H. and Tank, D. W. Plasticity and tuning by
visual feedback of the stability of a neural integrator. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101: 7745–7750,
Major, G., Baker, R. Aksay, E., Seung, S. H. and Tank, D. W. Plasticity and tuning of the time course
of analog persistent firing in a neural integrator. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101: 7739–7744, 2004.
Hadrys, T., Prince, V., Hunter, M., Baker, R. and Rinkwitz, S. Comparative genomic analysis of
vertebrate Hox3 and Hox4 genes. J. Exp. Zoo. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 302B: 147-164, 2004.
Beck J. C., Gilland E., Tank D. W. and Baker R. Quantifying the ontogeny of optokinetic and
vestibuloocular behaviors in zebrafish, medaka, and goldfish. J. Neurophysiol. 92: 3546-3561,
Beck J. C., Gilland, E, Baker, R. and Tank, D. Instrumentation for measuring oculomotor performance
and plasticity in larval organisms. Methods in Cell Biology 76: 385-413, 2004.
Gilland, E. and Baker, R. Evolutionary patterns of cranial nerve efferent nuclei in vertebrates, Brain
Behav. Evol. 66: 234-254, 2005.
Straka, H., Baker, R. and Gilland, E., Preservation of segmental hindbrain organization in adult frogs,
J. Comp. Neurol., 494: 228-245, 2006.
Straka H, Beck JC, Pastor AM, and Baker, R. Morphology and physiology of the cerebellar
vestibulolateral lobe pathways linked to oculomotor function in the goldfish J. Neurophysiol.
96:(4) 1963-1980, 2006.
Hadrys T, Punnamoottil B., Pieper M., Kikuta H., Pezeron G., Becker T. S., Prince V., Baker R. and
Rinkwitz S. Conserved co-regulation and promoter sharing of hoxb3a and hoxb4a in zebrafish.
Dev. Biol. 297: 26-43, 2006.
Beck J. C., Rothnie P., Straka H, Wearne S. L. and Baker R. Precerebellar hindbrain neurons
encoding eye velocity during vestibular and optokinetic behavior in the goldfish. J.
Neurophysiol. 96:(3) 1370-1382, 2006.
Aksay, E, Olasagasti, I., Mensh, B. .D., Baker, R., Goldman, M. S. and Tank, D. W. Functional
dissection of circuitry in a neural integrator. Nat. Neurosci. 10: 494-504, 2007. (责任编辑:泉水)
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