CV of Kang Sungzong (姜成宗) NAME Kang Sungzong, Korea. [EMAIL] [WEBSITE] SPECIAL FIELD Behavioral and Degenerative Molecular Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology [...
朱剑虹 教授简介:1955 年11 月生,汉族,江苏南京人,中共党员。1982 年毕业于南通医学院,1986 年获硕士学位。1989 年获苏州大学医学院神经外科医学博士学位,1997 年获德国柏林洪堡大学细胞生物学博士学位。1991-1992 年在东京日本医科大学脑神经外科博士...
王 文:博士生导师, 现为中国科学院昆明动物所研究员,副所长,中德马普青年科学家进化基因组学小组组长。1989 年毕业于武汉大学生物系, 获学士学位。1992 年在已故动物遗传学家施立明院士指导下在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获得硕士学位。1995 年10 月-1996...
SAMUEL M. SCHACHER ACADEMIC TRAINING: 1971 B.S. in Applied Biology, Columbia University School of Engineering, New York, NY 1973 Physiology Course, Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole, MA 1974,1976 M.A., Ph.D. in Biology, Department...
Louis Tao Center for Bioinformatics School of Life Sciences Peking University Tel: (86) 10 6275 2438 Fax: (86) 10 6275 9001 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 3/01 - Pre...
RALPH J. GREENSPAN Education: B.A., Biology 1974 Brandeis University Ph.D., Biology 1979 Brandeis University Postdoctoral training 1979-1982 University of California , San Francisco ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS Dorothy and Lewis B. C...
DAVID FITZPATRICK, PH.D. Department of Neurobiology Duke University Medical Center Box 3209 Durham , NC 27710 Email: Website: Education 1974 B.S. cum Laude Biology, Pennsylvania State Un...
MUFENG LI Building 35, 3B 209 35 Convent Dr., Bethesda, MD 20892 Education/Training 07/2005-present Postdoctoral fellow Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke...
Name: Fu-De Huang Education: 1992, Bachelor degree in Medicine, Nanhua University ( China ). 1997, Master degree in Neurobiology, Shanghai Brain Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences ( China ). 1999, Master degree in Neurobiology...
CURRICULUM VITAE XIAO-HUI ZHANG CONTACT: Institute of Neuroscience , Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences, #234 SIBS Building 320 Yue-Yang Road , Shanghai 200031, China E-MAIL : ACADEMIC...
un Yang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Adjunct...
Qiu, Zi-Long 仇子龙 Ph.D. 仇子龙: 1994-1998年就读于上海...
Li, Cheng-Yu, Ph.D. Investigator 李澄宇博士,1995-1999年就...
俞立 俞立1972年生,2008年9月回国工作,任生物系教授。1994年获...
生物通 编者按:我国的院士评选是从1955年开始的,在正常情况...
颜宁 1977年11月生,1996年进入清华大学生物科学与技术系, 200...